Categories: L10n Reports Planet

L10n Report: August 2021 Edition

Please note some of the information provided in this report may be subject to change as we are sometimes sharing information about projects that are still in early stages and are not final yet. 


New localizers

Are you a locale leader and want us to include new members in our upcoming reports? Contact us!

New community/locales added

New content and projects

What’s new or coming up in Firefox desktop

In terms of new content, it’s been a pretty calm period for Firefox after the MR1 release, with less than 50 strings added over the last 6 weeks. We expect that to change in the coming weeks, starting with a few clean-ups that didn’t land in time for MR1, and brand new features.

These are the relevant deadlines for the next month:

  • Firefox 91 shipped last Tuesday (August 10), and we welcomed a new locale with it: Scots.
  • The deadline to localize Firefox 92 is August 29 (release will happen on September 7), while Firefox 93 just started its life cycle in Nightly.

A reminder that Firefox 91 is also the new ESR, and will be supported for about 1 year. We plan to update localizations for 91 ESR in a few weeks, to improve coverage and pick up some bug fixes.

What’s new or coming up in mobile

We have exciting news coming up on the mobile front. In case you haven’t heard yet, we just brought back Focus for iOS and Focus for Android to Pontoon for localization. We are eager to bring back these products to a global audience with updated translations!

Both Focus for Android and Focus for iOS should have all strings in by August 17th. L10n deadline for both localizing and testing your work is September 6th. One difference you will notice is that iOS strings will be trickling in regularly – vs what we usually do for Firefox for iOS where you get all strings in one bulk.

Concerning Firefox for Android and Firefox for iOS: both projects are going to start landing strings for the next release, which promises to be a very interesting one. More info to come soon, please stay tuned on Matrix and Discourse for this!

What’s new or coming up in web projects

A set of VPN pages were landed recently.  As the Mozilla VPN product expands to more markets, it would be great to get these pages localized. Do plan to take some time and work as a team to complete 4000+ words of new content. The pages contain some basic information on what distinguishes Mozilla’s VPN from others on the market. You will find it useful to spread the words and promote the product in your language.

There will be a couple of new projects on the horizon. Announcements will be made through  Discourse and Matrix.

Newly published localizer facing documentation


Want to showcase an event coming up that your community is participating in? Reach out to any l10n-driver and we’ll include that (see links to emails at the bottom of this report)


International Translation Day

Call for community translator or manager as a panelist to represent the Mozilla l10n community:

As part of Translation Day 2021, the WordPress Polyglots team is organizing a handful of global events (in English) from Sept. 17 – 30, 2021. The planning team is still deciding on the format and dates for these events, but they will be virtual/online and accessible to anyone who’s interested. One of the events the team is putting together is a panel discussion between contributors from multiple open source or community-led translation projects. If you or anyone in your community would be interested in talking about your experience as a community translator and how translations work in your community or project, you would be a great fit!

Check out what the organizer and the communities were able to accomplish last year and what they are planning for this year. The panel discussion would involve localization contributors like you from other open source communities, sharing their experiences on the tools, process and creative ways to collaborate during the pandemic. We hope some of you can take the opportunity to share and learn.

Even if you are not able to participate in the event, maybe you can organize a virtual meeting within the community, meet and greet and celebrate this special day together.

Friends of the Lion

  • Congratulations to Temitope Olajide from the Yoruba l10n community, for your excellent job completing the Terminology project! Image by Elio Qoshi

Know someone in your l10n community who’s been doing a great job and should appear here? Contact one of the l10n-drivers and we’ll make sure they get a shout-out (see list at the bottom)!

Useful Links

Questions? Want to get involved?

  • If you want to get involved, or have any question about l10n, reach out to:

Did you enjoy reading this report? Let us know how we can improve by reaching out to any one of the l10n-drivers listed above.

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