The first of the 2016 l10n hackathons took place in beautiful Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Our very generous hosts were our friends at ThoughtWorks. Take a look at the amazing view they have outside of their office!
Following the new collaborative planning model for the 2016 l10n hackathons, we began planning both the logistics and agenda at least one month in advance. And by “we,” I mean Axel Hecht and I (the l10n-drivers attending the hackathon) and the pt-BR l10n community leaders. We started in this small group to set the format for the hackathon, set a schedule with tasks and milestones to measure progress, and identified members of the l10n community to attend. Once the participants list was confirmed, we expanded the conversation about goals and agenda out from the smaller group to include everyone participating in the hackathon.
Together we all set the goals to be accomplished during the hackathon, as well as the itemized agenda, and placed them in this wiki page. By collaborating to set the goals and agenda we were able to have everyone who participated invested in the success of the hackathon. It was great to see everyone come together to organize a productive and fun hackathon!
Achievement unlocked
The main winner of this hackathon was localization quality. Between resolving bugs (from over 60 to 2 bugs in the pt-BR bugzilla queue), creating language resources like a pt-BR style guide and terminology list, and performing a thorough quality review of the pt-BR localization of Firefox for Android, everyone stepped away from the hackathon feeling like they’d successfully scaled the l10n equivalent of a mountain.
In addition to these accomplishments, we were all able to experiment with new quality assurance features in Transvision, such as the access key conflict view, provide training on how to perform translation quality reviews using the Multidimensional Quality Metric (MQM) standard error types, and update the pt-BR l10n community’s team wiki page to identify new members of the community and some new leadership roles.
Next time
The pt-BR l10n community is tasked with organizing the next l10n hackathon in 2017. There’s not yet a clear date or location set for the event, but it is still early. We (the l10n-drivers) look forward to being invited to participate.
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