Categories: L10n Reports Planet

L10n Report: September Edition

Please note some of the information provided in this report may be subject to change as we are sometimes sharing information about projects that are still in early stages and are not final yet.


New localizers

Are you a locale leader and want us to include new members in our upcoming reports? Contact us!

New community/locales added

In the past weeks we’ve added several languages to Pontoon, in particular from the Mozilla Nativo project:

  • Mixteco Yucuhiti (meh)
  • Mixtepec Mixtec (mix)
  • Quechua Chanka (quy)
  • Quichua (qvi)

We’ve also started localizing Firefox in Interlingua (ia), while Shuar (jiv) will be added soon for Firefox for Android.

New content and projects

What’s new or coming up in Firefox desktop

A few deadlines are approaching:

  • September 13 is the last day to make changes to Beta projects.
  • September 20 is merge day, and all strings move from Central to Beta. There are currently a few discussions about moving this date, but nothing has been decided yet. We’ll communicate through all channels if anything changes.

Photon in Nightly is almost ready for Firefox 57, only a few small changes need to land for the onboarding experience. Please make sure to test your localization on clean profiles, and ask your friend to test and report bugs like mistranslations, strings not displayed completely in the interface, etc.

What’s new or coming up in Test Pilot

Firefox Send holds the record for the highest number of localizations in the Test Pilot family (with SnoozeTabs), with 38 languages completely translated.

For those interested in more technical details, Pontoon is now committing localizations for the Test Pilot project in a l10n branch. This also means that the DEV server URL has changed. Note that the link is also available in the project resources in Pontoon.

What’s new or coming up in mobile

  • Have you noticed that Photon is slowly but surely arriving on Firefox for Android Nightly version? The app is getting a visual refresh and things are looking bright and shiny! There’s a new onboarding experience, icons are different, the awesome bar has never been this awesome, tabs have a new look… and the whole experience is much smoother already! Come check it out.
  • Zapoteco and Belarussian are going to make it to release with the upcoming Firefox Android 56 release.

What’s new or coming up in web projects

    • This past month, we continued the trend of creating new pages to replace the old ones, with new layout and color scheme.  We will have several new pages in the work in September.  Some are customized for certain markets and others will have two versions to test the markets.
    • Thanks to all the communities that have completed the new Firefox pages released for localization in late June. The pages will be moved to the new location at Firefox/… replacing the obsolete pages.
    • Germany is the focused market with a few more customized pages than other locales.
    • New pages are expected for mobile topic in September and in early October. Check web dashboard and email communications for pending projects.
  • Snippets: We will have a series snippets campaigns starting early September targeting users of many Mozilla products.
  • MOSS: the landing page is made available in Hindi in time for the partnership announcement on August 31 along with a press release.
  • Legal: Firefox Privacy Notice will be rewritten.  Once localization is complete in a few locales, we invite communities to review them.

What’s new or coming up in Foundation projects

  • Our call tool at is live! Many thanks to everyone who participated in the localization of this campaign, let’s call some MEPs!
  • The IoT survey has been published, and adding new languages plus snippets made a huge difference. You can learn more in the accomplishments section below.

What’s new or coming up in Pontoon

  • Check out the brand new Pontoon Tools Firefox extension, which you can install from AMO! It brings notifications from Pontoon directly to your Firefox, but that’s just the beginning. It also shows you your team’s statistics and allows you to search for strings straight from and SUMO. A huge shout out to its creator Michal Stanke, a long time Pontoon user and contributor!
  • We changed the review process by introducing the ability to reject suggestions instead of deleting them. Each suggestion can now be approved, unreviewed or rejected. This will finally make it easy to list all suggestions needing a review using the newly introduced Unreviewed Suggestions filter. To make the filter usable out of the box, all existing suggestions have been automatically rejected if an approved translation was available and approved after the suggestion has been submitted. The final step in making unreviewed suggestions truly discoverable is to show them in dashboards. Thanks to Adrian, who only joined Pontoon team in July and already managed to contribute this important patch!
  • Pontoon homepage will now redirect you to the team page you make most contributions to. You can also pick a different team page or the default Pontoon homepage in your user settings. Thanks to Jarosław for the patch!
  • Editable team info is here! If you have manager permission, you can now edit the content of the Info tab on your team page:

  • Most teams use this place to give some basic information to newcomers. Thanks to Axel, who started the effort of implementing this feature and Emin, who took over!
  • The notification popup (opened by clicking on the bell icon) is no longer limited to unread notifications. Now it displays the latest 7 notifications, which includes both – read and unread. If there are more than 7 unread notifications, all are displayed.
  • Sync with version control systems is now 10 times faster and uses 12 times less computing power. Average sync time dropped from around 20 minutes to less than 2.
  • For teams that localize all projects in Pontoon, we no longer pull Machinery suggestions from Transvision, because they are already included in Pontoon’s internal translation memory. This has positive impact on Machinery performance and the overall string navigation performance. Transvision is still enabled for the following locales: da, de, es-ES, it, ja, nl, pl.
  • Thanks to Michal Vašíček, Pontoon logo now looks much better on HiDPI displays.
  • Background issues have been fixed on in-context pages with a transparent background like the Thimble feature page.
  • What’s coming up next? We’re working on making searching and filtering of strings faster, which will also allow for loading, searching and filtering of strings across projects. We’re also improving the experience of localizing FTL files, adding support for using Microsoft Terminology during the translation process and adding API support.

Newly published localizer facing documentation

  • Community Marketing Kit: showcases ways to leverage existing marketing content, resort to approved graphic asset, and utilize social channels to market Mozilla products in your language.
  • AMO: details the product development cycle that impacts localization. AMO frontend will be revamped in Q4. The documentation will be updated accordingly.
  • Snippets: illustrates the process on how to create locale relevant snippet, or launch snippet in languages that is not on the default snippet locale list.
  • SUMO: covers the process to localize the product, which is different from localizing the articles.


  • Want to showcase an event coming up that your community is participating in? Reach out to any l10n-driver and we’ll include that (see links to emails at the bottom of this report)



We would like to share some good results

Responses by country (not locale), for the 32,000 responses to the privacy survey ran by the Advocacy team back in March, localized in French and German:

It was good, but now let’s compare that with the responses by country for our IoT survey How connected are you? that received over 190,000 responses! We can see that the survey performed better in France, Germany and Italy than in the US. Spanish is underrepresented because it’s spread across several countries, but we expect the participation to be similar. These major differences are explained by the fact that we added support for three more languages, and promoted it with snippets in Firefox. This will give us way more diverse results, so thanks for your hard work everyone! This also helped get new people subscribed to our newsletter, which is really important for our advocacy activities, to fuel a movement for a healthier Internet.
The survey results might also be reused by scientists and included in the next edition of the Internet Health Report How cool is that? Stay tuned for the results.


Friends of the Lion

Image by Elio Qoshi

  • Kabyle (kab) organized a Kab Mozilla Days on August, 18-19 in Algeria, discussing localization, Mozilla mission, open source and promotion of indigenous languages.
  • Triqui (trs) community has made significant progress post Asunción workshop, Triqui is now officially supported on Congratulations!!
  • Wolof (wo): Congrats to Ibra and Ibra (!) who have been keeping up with Firefox for Android work. They have now been added to multi-locale builds, which means they reach release at the same time as Firefox 57! Congrats guys!
  • Eduardo (eo): thanks for catching the mistake in a statement appeared on The paragraph has been since corrected, published and localized.
  • Manuel (azz) from Spain and Misael (trs) from Mexico met for the first time at the l10n workshop in Asunción, Paraguay. They bonded instantly! Misael will introduce his friends who are native speakers of Highland Puebla Nahuatl, the language Manuel is working on all by himself. He can’t wait to be connected with these professionals, to collaborate, and promote the language through Mozilla products.


Know someone in your l10n community who’s been doing a great job and should appear here? Contact on of the l10n-drivers and we’ll make sure they get a shout-out (see list at the bottom)!

Useful Links

Questions? Want to get involved?


Did you enjoy reading this report? Let us know how we can improve by reaching out to any one of the l10n-drivers listed above.


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