New localizers
- Ibrahim of Hausa (ha) drove the Common Voice web part to completion shortly after he joined the community.
- Crowdsource Kurdish, and Amed of Kurmanji Kurdish (kmr) teamed up to finish the Common Voice site localization.
- Saltykimchi of Malay (ms) joins us from the Common Voice community.
- Ibrahimi of Pashto (ps) completed the Common Voice site localization in a few days!
- Reem of Swahili (sw) has been laser focused on the Terminology project.
Are you a locale leader and want us to include new members in our upcoming reports? Contact us!
New community/locales added
New content and projects
What’s new or coming up in Firefox desktop
First of all, let’s all congratulate the Silesian (szl) team for making their way into the official builds of Firefox. After spending several months in Nightly, they’re now ready for general audience and will ride the trains to Beta and Release with Firefox 87.
Upcoming deadlines:
- Firefox 86 is currently in Beta and will be released on February 23. The deadline to update localizations is on February 14.
- Firefox 87 is in Nightly and will move to Beta on February 22.
This means that, as of February 23, we’ll be only two cycles away from the next big release of Firefox (89), which will include the UI redesign internally called Proton. Several strings have already been exposed for localization, and you can start testing them – always in a new profile! – by manually setting these preferences to true in about:config:
- browser.proton.appmenu.enabled
- browser.proton.enabled
- browser.proton.tabs.enabled
It’s a constant work in progress, so expect the UI to change frequently, as new elements are added every few days.
One important thing to note: English will change several elements of the UI from Title Case to Sentence case. These changes will not require locales to retranslate all the strings, but it also expects each locale to have clearly defined rules in their style guides about the correct capitalization to use for each part of the UI. If your locale is following the same capitalization rules as en-US, then you’ll need to manually change these strings to match the updated version.
We’ll have more detailed follow-ups in the coming week about Proton, highlighting the key areas to test. In the meantime, make sure that your style guides are in good shape, and get in touch if you don’t know how to work on them in GitHub.
What’s new or coming up in mobile
You may have noticed some changes to the Firefox for Android (“Fenix”) release schedule – that affects in turn our l10n schedule for the project.
In fact, Firefox for Android is now mirroring the Firefox Desktop schedule (as much as possible). While you will notice that the Pontoon l10n deadlines are not quite the same between Firefox Android and Firefox Desktop, their release cadence will be the same, and this will help streamline our main products.
Firefox for iOS remains unchanged for now – although the team is aiming to streamline the release process as well. However, this also depends on Apple, so this may take more time to implement.
Concerning the Proton redesign (see section above about Desktop), we still do not know to what extent it will affect mobile. Stay tuned!
What’s new or coming up in web projects
Firefox Accounts:
The payment settings feature is going to be updated later this month through a Beta release. It will be open for localization at a later date. Stay tuned!
Migration to Fluent format continues, and the webdev team aims at wrapping up migration by the end of February. Kindly remind all the communities to check the migrated files for warnings, fix them right away. Otherwise, the strings will appear in English in an activated page on production. Or the page may resort to English because it can’t meet the activation threshold of 80% completion. Please follow the priority of the pages and work through them one at a time.
Common Voice
The project will be moved to Mozilla Foundation later this year. More details will be shared as soon as they become available.
Fairly small release as the transition details are being finalized.
- Fixed bug where “Voices Online” wasn’t tracking activity anymore
- Redirected language request modal to Github issue template
- Updated average seconds based on corpus 6.1
- Increased leaderboards “load more” function from 5 additional records to 20
- Localization/sentence updates
What’s new or coming up in SuMo
Since the beginning of 2021, SUMO has been supporting Firefox 85. You can see the full list of articles that we added and updated for Firefox 85 in the SUMO Sprint wiki page here.
We also have good news from the Dutch team who’s been changing their team formation and finally managed to localize 100% support articles in SUMO. This is a huge milestone for the team, who has been a little bit behind in the past couple of years.
There are a lot more interesting changes coming up in our pipeline. Feel free to join SUMO Matrix room to discuss or just say hi.
Friends of the Lion

Image by Elio Qoshi
- The Friesian (fy-NL) community hit the national news with the Voice Challenge, thanks to Wim for leading the effort. It was a competition between Friesian and Dutch languages, a campaign to encourage more people to donate their voices through different platforms and capture the broadest demographics. The ultimate goal is to collect about 300 hours of Frisian text.
- Dutch team (nl) in SUMO, especially Tim Maks, Wim Benes, Onno Ekker, and Mark Heijl for completing 100% localization of the support articles in SUMO.
Know someone in your l10n community who’s been doing a great job and should appear here? Contact one of the l10n-drivers and we’ll make sure they get a shout-out (see list at the bottom)!
Useful Links
- #l10n-community channel on Matrix
- Dev.l10n mailing list and Dev.l10n.web mailing list – where project updates happen. If you are a localizer, then you should be following this
- Telegram (contact one of the l10n-drivers below so we will add you)
- L10n blog
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