Mozilla 2/StatusMeetings/2008-06-18
From MozillaWiki
- Video, roc/cdouble:
- Compositor, roc:
- Worker Threads, bent:
- Moving along well, was blocked by a few JSeng and XPConnect bugs but now all known problems resolved (thanks brendan, jst, jorendorff!).
- Arun and Sicking helping with API design discussion.
- Johnny recommended an arch change to avoid future XPConnect bugs that will take a day or so.
- JS Tracing, brendan:
- Acid3, dbaron:
- All the bugs that we need to fixed have been analyzed.
- There’s still a good bit of work to do on some of the bugs.
- A bunch at risk.
- SMIL @ risk, SVG fonts at risk.
- roc has patches for all the layout bugs.
- Protected/Low Rights Mode, mconnor/jim:
- SVG CSS, roc:
- CSS transforms – keith (dholbert’s intern): Started two days ago, so probably not much progress here. 🙂
- pixman/cairo perf, vlad: Out this week. Last status:
- we’ve got stuff coming from antoine/fred
- will turn on SSE opts
- will need ARM stuff
- offline, dcamp: Working with honzab implementing remaining features in the offline spec (versioned app caches, fallback uris)
1.9.1 Discussion
- mozilla-central status? How are things going? Bumps in the road? Easy? Complaints or suggestions?
- Need a guilty list. John O has a bug for this. (bug 419949)
- Need a query facility, like bonsai.
- Cycle times are seemingly slower on moz-central (about an hour slower). Need to look into this. John O to investigate.
- graph server changes:
- Major progress, wanted1.9.1+ bugs that are in trouble?
- Layout 1.9.1 Update:
- Content 1.9.1 Update:
- GFX 1.9.1
- Only one blocking1.9.1+ bug, but several wanted1.9.1+
- A worrying number of wanted1.9.1+ assigned to Joe Drew, but most of them are highly related
- Do we have an update on SVG fonts and/or bz’s work to make <img src=”foo.svg> possible?
- Two still assigned to nobody
- Vlad, Stuart off for another week and a half (roughly). JOEDREW! off next week and 1/2 of the week after.
- JS 1.9.1 Starting to land stuff that missed Fx3, mostly perf and conformance bugs. Strategy for performance improvements:
- gradual codegen evolution with the aim of less dispatch overhead, Acid 3 bug (dmandelin/shaver)
- JSObject ops makeover
- direct threaded interpreter loop on Windows
- SDK / compiler adjustments on Mac
- Profile guided input improvements
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