- Firefox 22 released!
- Next merge: 2013-08-05
Friends of the Mobile Team
Give a shoutout/thanks to people for helping fix and test bugs. Make sure friends also get awarded a badge.
- We made a cool new badge badge for friends of the mobile team!
Stand ups
Suggested format:
- What did you do last week?
- What are working on this week?
- Anything blocking you?
Please keep your update to under 2 minutes!
James W. (snorp)
- Bug 885623 – Canvas radial gradient tests too precise
- Bug 885632 – SkiaGL fails clip winding test
- Bug 887318 – SkiaGL fails to readback pixels on Adreno
- Last week
- bug 882120 – fixed robopan regression
- bug 883646 – split out “LayoutDevicePixel” from “CSSPixel”
- bug 885030 – some APZC/FrameMetrics cleanups
- interviews, reviews
- some work on bug 866265, APZC equation cleanup and testing
- Next week
- finish up bug 866265, which might require fixing some other bugs like 732971 and 860162
- Has joined the A-Team
- Will drop in here to give updates on Mobile Testing
Chris Lord (cwiiis)
- Now
- bug 886298 – Propagate new Pixel and Scale types into fixed-position layer code
- bug 803299 – 32-bit colour by default
- bug 817876 – Support multiple modal dialogs from the same origin in b2g browser
- Help with b2g browser platform bugs
- Help with nested AZPC work
- Dynamic toolbar for b2g (depends on AZPC work)
Chris Peterson
- TRIBE leadership program (Wednesday and Thursday)
- Incorporating nsm’s and rnewman’s review feedback for Push API bug 834033
- Fixes for OrderedBroadcast.jsm intents
Shane Tully
- Last week: bug 857730 – Implement contacts API
- Got unit tests running on Android
- Working on making unit tests pass
- Fix international phone number matching
- Rewrite update function
- Change sorting from being done in SQL to done in Java
- This week:
- Continuing to work on unit tests
- Add ability to save contact photo
- Blocking:
- Still waiting on review for patch about fixing bug with permissions doorhanger (bug 882495)
- bug 832960 – Android manifest files requried before contacts API can be used
- Past week
- Most time working on bug 864040 – Enter key isn’t displayed correctly with SwiftKey X
- Worked on bug 879568 – Make the ANR reporter use SysInfo
- More fact-finding patch for bug 837379 – java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid span offsets
- Fixed bug 887097 – Get rid of Gecko event sync time out
- Added native stack support to ANR dashboard
- Next
- Wrapping up bugs from above
- Look into some profiler work
- Continue with JimDB work for B2G
- Last week:
- bug 881153 Cannot share the front camera and back camera across different tabs at the same time on FxAndroid
- bug 877248 Preview Surface for Camera is visible in upper left corner
- Preffed on WebRTC
- Next week:
- bug 880437 java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.webrtc.videoengine.VideoCaptureAndroid.DeleteVideoCaptureAndroid(
- bug 887227 crash in webrtc::videocapturemodule::DeviceInfoAndroid::NumberOfDevices
- bug 874569 getUserMedia – Video playback orientation does not adapt to device orientation
Brian N
- Done
- Ouya AwesomeScreen bugs (bug 887051, bug 876765, bug 887069)
- Fixed and re-landed bug 849847 – Make about:home scrollable with the analog stick
- Next
- More Ouya
- bug 881091 – Article showing twice in reader mode
- bug 878156 – Fx keeps an article open if no other tabs are open
- BookmarksPage
- Most patches have landed
- Pending reviews on managing headers, scrolling
- bug 886504 – ClassNotFoundException in fig.
- bug 884566 – Don’t show bluetooth as default share activity.
- bug 880513 – Sides of awesomescreen suggestion prompt are blue.
- bug 886528 – Inflate custom menu popup only before showing.
- bug 887020 – Cleanup BrowserToolbar.
- Reviewing stuff
- Webrtc Landing – Follow up needs to be fixed bug 885783
- Working on Super toast API bug 880454 and bug 884075
- Webrtc stuff – hack week this week
- Permissions api stuff landed bug 860782
- Packaged + Privileged apps are working
- Working on a synthesized APK approach for apps
- bug 883259 – Update Application icon and in-content Firefox icons
In progress
- bug 734877 – Add support for ‘PageActions’ so add-ons can add indicators to the URLBar (Functional patch in)
- bug 856715 – Map L2/R2 to next/previous tab
- Last week
- bug 887244 – Style list view dividers in new about:home as per design
- bug 882716 – Implement “Last Tabs” page for new about:home
- bug 882715 – Implement history page in new about:home
- bug 884896 – Move all search-related classes to home package
- bug 884398 – BrowserSearch cleanups
- bug 862794 – Implement Visited page in about:home
- bug 881780 – Change BrowserSearch to inherit from HomeFragment
- Lots of patch reviews
- Good first bugs in Fig:
- Next week
- PTO on Thursday and Friday
- More about:home hacking
- Giving 2 talks at FISL:
- bug 879558 – entry point for about:healthreport
- bug 877725 – Provide user visible opt in UI for cell tower and wifi data collection and reporting
- bug 882191 – Android 2.2 opt builds take a second to load nested preference screen
- bug 886916 – Regression: Multiple-level settings screens do not handle “back” correctly – waiting for aurora/beta approval
- bug 872329 – Settings UI
- next:
- back to bug 870169 – ANRReporter
- bug 871866 – Developer options
- Done
- bug 885357 – Migrate “plugins.click_to_play” pref to “plugin.default.state” on upgrade
- bug 751205 – Refactor site identity popup and doorhanger popup to use common arrow panel container
- bug 884069 – Create a Java-only DoorHanger API that doesn’t depend on Gecko
- bug 860581 – Add support for Mixed Content Blocking
- In Progress
- bug 885962 – Polish mixed content blocking UI
- Next
- bug 872806 – Distribution support for add-ons
- Get back into new about:home work
Chris Kitching
- Done
Various setup tasks have eaten most of my first two days, alas…
- bug 885941 – Correct privacy policy links in Fennec
- In Progress
- bug 828254 – Provide ability to search for highlighted text.
- Next
- bug 886496 – When doing lazy tab restoration, set the <browser>s in question to display:none until restored
Scott (jwir3)
Last Week:
This Week:
- Get review and finish bug 878931 and bug 878928
- Finish and land bug 864595 : Assertion in caretPositionFromPoint
- Some column set stuff to finish
- bug 876161: Sometimes double-tapping a paragraph scrolls it out of view.
- bug 886921 Crash [@ org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoApp.getCellInfo()
- b2g browser planning
- HR stuff
- In SF this week for a WebRT meetup
- Getting more involved with PICL/Sync
- Spinning up Performance Review machinery
Ian Barlow
This week
- Firefox UX work week
- Q3 Planning
- About:home – UI Hackathon tentatively scheduled for week of July 22
- Lots of other little random stuff
- (B2G Browser planning)
- Meetup this week in SF
- Q2 Goals are completed
- Install packaged apps
- Install packaged privileged apps
- Moving forward with the Synthetic (wrapper) APK approach to create an awesome native app experience on Android
- Defining requirements for the wrapper APK
- Staring exploratory work to figure out what Android approaches we need to use to impl the requirements
- Lloyd Hilaiel is leading the PICL team.
- Cross-team work is beginning to form
- Android team will start owning the Android bits, Desktop Team will own the desktop bits
- Working with the PICL team to form a plan on how to drive the Sync solution to a shipping stage
Feature Focus
- Almost ready to commit to a release
- Reflow on zoom (double tap) by default
Firefox 23
- [ON TRACK] Firefox Health Report <== feature review July 8th
- [ON TRACK] Added locale: Turkish
- [ON TRACK] Added locale: Hungarian
- [ON TRACK] Awesomebar and Awesomescreen improvements
- [ON TRACK] Reader improvements <==initial changes, marketing push is for Fx24, tho
- [ON TRACK] L10N foundation improvements
- [ON TRACK] UI for changing search engine default in add-on manager
- [ON TRACK] RSS/Atom feed handling
- [ON TRACK] API: Payments <== not exposed to users
- [AT RISK] Dynamic URL bar <==almost on track, giving it a week on beta
Firefox 24
- [ON TRACK] Reader improvements
- [ON TRACK] NFC bump for tab sharing
- [ON TRACK] Gecko Webview phase 1
- [ON TRACK] Geolocation services inc opt-in menu item
- [ON TRACK] Packaged apps foundations, but not exposed until the WebApp Experience has landed
- [ON TRACK] API: Web Audio
- [ON TRACK] Quickshare
- [ON TRACK] Firefox Icon rebrand
- [ON TRACK] Change default search engine for zh-CN
- [AT RISK] Set Top Box optimization
- [AT RISK] Directional game console navigation
- [AT RISK] Dynamic Snippets
- [AT RISK] API: Push notifications (won’t be uplifted past beta?)
- [AT RISK] Add-on definition in distribution files
- [AT RISK] WebRTC platform support, preffed ON
- [ON TRACK] Added locales: en-GB, sv-SE and ca-ES
Firefox 25
- [ON TRACK] SkiaGL improvement
- [ON TRACK] Mixed content
- [PLANNED] API: Contacts
- [PLANNED] Privileged apps support <== need to give this until the end of the week
- [PLANNED] About:home redesign <== need to ID a merge date/tag bugs we want fixed on Fig as P1’s
- [PROPOSED] API: Web activities
- [PROPOSED] Settings UI clean-up including search provider management
Firefox 26
- [PROPOSED] Spatial Navigation (SNAV)
- [PROPOSED] API: Third-party Cloud storage
- [PROPOSED] API: Gamepad
- [PROPOSED] API: Bluetooth
Round Table
User Advocacy
User Sentiment Reports are live for Firefox 21! Reports for Desktop and Android here!
Tyler tried to gather enough data on google play for an x86 roundup, but failed. We will have to wait for more data as it comes in.
We are watching all feedback channels for Firefox 22 data, no trending topics so far. We will continue to read it through the week and will report as needed.
Tyler is on PTO all next week, please contact Roland for support needs, and Matt Grimes for User Advocacy needs.
- Reminder to tag approval on mozilla-beta for firefox-23 affected bugs
- WebRTC test-day went very well; number of bugs filed that need followups
- As mentioned earlier, awaiting lucasR to drop an APK from fig for QA to look over this week
- Wednesdays – 9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern, 16:30 UTC
- Dial-in: conference# 99998
- US/International: +1 650 903 0800 x92 Conf# 99998
- US toll free: +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99998
- Canada: +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 99998
- FR/Paris: +33 1 44 79 34 80, x92 Conf# 99998
- #mobile for backchannel
- Mobile Vidyo Room