Hot Bugs
(Important bugs for which we need to find owners or additional help. If known, please include suggested team or knowledge needed to advance the bug.)
- Orange Factor
- Many top oranges are currently unowned. Please respond if needinfo’ed on them.
- Stability
- Other
The Need To Know
(Release and system issues that may impact engineering this week.)
Notices/Schedule (lsblakk/sylvestre)
Next Merge: April 28, 2014 | Next Release: April 29, 2014 | ||
Trains | |||
Central: 31 | Aurora: 30 | Beta: 29 | Release: 28 |
?? bugs (?? bugs last week) | ?? bugs (?? bugs last week) |
Unresolved Aurora 30 Trackers (non-security, not tracked for Beta) | Unresolved Beta 29 Trackers (non-security) |
Build Changes (gps)
(Build changes of which engineers should be aware.)
RelEng (catlee)
(Repo, test, and other information for engineers from the release engineering team.)
Upcoming Outages/Upgrades
(System outages/upgrades and tree closures that impact engineering.)
There will be a tree closing window on April 5, 2014 of 3 hours, details in bug 985503. Expected start at 0700 PT (2014-04-05 14:00 UTC).
Team Stand-ups
(In <2 mins, what did your team accomplish last week, on what is your team working on this week, and on what, if anything, is your team blocked? No questions during the stand-ups. All questions should be asked during the roundtable.)
B2G Services (dougt)
- Experimental switch of Firefox Nightly to Mozilla’s Location Service in a few weeks.
DOM (jst/overholt)
We did a bunch of cool stuff this quarter, the notable things that we didn’t quite get done are:
- ICC *almost* enabled. Ran into an existing intermittent leak that got more frequent, i.e. we have a better chance of fixing it now!
- Window *almost* converted to WebIDL. We’ve seen this green on try, but ran into more stuff when merging etc. Really close, would’ve likely been done now if it wasn’t for some unplanned downtime in the team.
- <picture> element up n’ running, but not quite there yet.
Firefox Mobile (mfinkle/blassey)
- Landed in FxTeam bug 968308 – UI telemetry for home panels
- Nice bug fix for bug 976723 – Selection handle scrolls outside boundary of <input> on page scroll also landed in FXTeam, we’ll see how it looks to uplift
- WebApps experience for Android continues to improve with bug 933979 – Uninstalled webapps take up a lot of space
- There’s been a bit of gfx related activity for Fx30, landings:
- bug 988370 – Regression: position: fixed element corruption when panning and (uplift to Fx30) and bug 983208 – Regression: Panning and zooming yields flickering and or vanishing content
- GFX WIP: bug 988882 – Regression: fixed position header and site interaction broken on DuckDuckGo Goodies; content hidden behind the address-bar
- bug 989278 – Scrolled page in Readermode produces banner strip artifact
- bug 986991 – Text entry fields ‘refreshing’ in weird manner
Firefox OS Devices/Porting (ericchou)
<Read Only>
- Device porting (Gonk team)
- Bluetooth (members: Shawn Huang, Ben Tian, Jamin Liu, Jocelyn Liu)
- Media Playback (members: Bruce Sun, Blake Wu, Star Cheng)
- Fixed bugs and implemented features (PlatformDecoderModule and MediaCodec integration)
- Device Storage & Stability (members: Alan Huang, Alphan Chen)
- Worked on Feature Detection API and Device Storage API
Firefox OS Telephony/WIFI/NFC (kenhkchang)
<Read Only>
- bug 989595 – [Tarako]wifi stay searching after turn on/off wifi some times
- bug 984919 – [RIL][DSDS] New calls an inactive SIM when there is an active SIM should be rejected
- bug 889737 – [MMI] Unify both sendMMI() and dial() functions
- bug 983522 – Enable cell broadcast and broadcast SMS at the same time.
- bug 983315 – [Messages][DSDS] Provide a feedback while we’re switching the data APN to send a MMS
- bug 959434 – [B2G][NFC]Support secure element for NFC daemon.
- bug 978027 – [B2G] Need to implement API for getCdmaPrlVersion.
- bug 933588 – B2G NFC: Rewrite NFC Worker in C++.
- bug 989834 – It takes 10 seconds to unload wifi driver on Sora
- bug 980701 – [B2G][Gaia][System][Buri] The proximity sensor activates unnecessarily when not in a call causing glitchy behavior.
- bug 949675 – Support HTTP->Rtsp Channel redirects.
- bug 975778 – [B2G] [Emulator] Support CDMA_FLASH command for Cdma call waiting and 3way calling scenario.
- bug 984326 – [B2G] [RIL] [CDMA] call waiting isn’t working properly. The 2nd remote party cannot hear voice.
- bug 961921 – B2G RIL: [DSDS] Separate roaming preference for each client.
- bug 986365 – Crash in supplicant because of closing supplicant while waiting for event.
GFX (milan)
<Read Only>
- Graphics work week:
JS (naveed)
<Read Only>
- Very successful JavaScript and Low Level Tools Team work week last week in Toronto agenda and raw meetings notes
- Trip Report summarizing meetings and decisions in progress – will be published to dev-planning and JS team blog
- Generational GC landed! \o/ bug 619558
Layout (jet/dbaron)
<Read Only>
- Platform Layout Q2 goals now posted:
Media (mreavy)
<Read Only>
- Three landings expected this week:
- First part of MediaStream refactor (padenot)
- AEC in getUserMedia
- Update code to 3.50 (likely will temporarily break BSD ports, etc)
- Opus ARM assembler improvements should land
Performance (vladan)
Perf team Q2 goals:
Vladan on PTO April 2-18, Avi Halachmi (:avih) substituting
Asus Transfomer T100 laptop/tablet initiative:
- Focus on providing the best user experience (UX feel, features, performance) on lowest common denominator hardware
- Try to become the best browser on this specific hardware
- Firefox will be even better on higher spec stuff
- Our test machines should be different from our development machines (similar to Android development)
- Procure it as needed for your projects:
- Why this particular device:
- Popular: according to, it’s been one of top sellers in the “Laptop Computers” category for months
- Both tablet & laptop formats
- Cheap + low-end (Atom CPU, integrated graphics, SSD+HDD)
Profiler enhancements:
- bug 963158: Profiler shouldn’t sample sleeping threads multiple times
- bug 987297: Improve memory usage of profiler by packing ProfileEntry structs together better
- bug 962262: Use external structure padding to save ~30% of circular buffer space
- bug 986160: Create unit tests for the Gecko Profiler
- bug 967619: Talos Profiling has hit some snags, likely Talos profiling on Windows will not be initially supported
- bug 758697: Working on improving profiler support for B2G
Most common sources of main-thread I/O, according to Telemetry:
- bug 987735: {xre}\dictionaries
- bug 987715: {xre}\browser\searchplugins\* – filed
- bug 988294: {profile}\cookies.sqlite
- bug 987738: {profile}\cert_override.txt
- bug 987728: {profile}\localstore.rdf
- bug 987745: formhistory.sqlite
- bug 988304: {profile}\blocklist.xml
- bug 975996: permissions.sqlite
- bug 988301: Firefox Sync
- bug 988292: {profile}\addons.json
- Adblock Plus patterns.ini
Miscellaneous fixes:
- bug 987101: Switch the CrashMonitor to native for better performance
- bug 989326: Loader.jsm should neither flush nor perform main thread I/O
Seceng (mmc)
Mozilla::pkix is now ON by default (for firefox). This a signficant rewrite of or certificate verification library. Please report any compatibility, performance or security issues. To disable set security.use_mozillapkix_verification to false. (master bug for enabling in all products is
Quality Programs
(An opportunity to hear about status with the various quality programs that do not have a formal team structure.)
MemShrink (njn)
- Generational GC’s landing made very little difference to AWSY’s results.
- Andrew McCreight fixed some silliness in the representation of about:home’s Google icon, helping start-up.
OrangeFactor (ryanvm)
- Past week’s OrangeFactor: 8.86 (Previous Week: 8.63).
- mochitest-bc continues to timeout with high frequency.
- 37 intermittent failures fixed in the last week – List – Thanks!.
- Shout out to Ehsan who has been fixing some long-running oranges recently.
Stability (kairo/bsmedberg)
- Overall numbers look mostly good.
- There’s a number of beta regressions in 29, please help to fix those.
- A blog post is out now on efficiency of the Stability Program, including long-term crash graphs.
- We also have dynamic versions of the long-term graphs!
- GGC landed on trunk, please file bugs when you encounter crashes with it!
(Comments and questions that arise during the course of the meeting or otherwise do not have a section.)
<Read only beyond this point>
Friends of the Tree
There were great changes by volunteers in Core and Toolkit during the past week. Thanks to all of these contributors for their passion and hard work! Here are some highlights:
- Neil Rashbrook (NeilAway) made the encoding menu work for FTP directories (bug 948901).
- [first patch!] Pranav Kant (pranavk) exposed raw socket data for UDP messages (bug 952927).
- Alice0775 White fixed a scrolling issue with long menus (bug 859126).
- Brian Smith (bsmith) corrected some uninitialized PKIX arguments (bug 982778).
- [first patch!] Ben Hackett improved IonMonkey (bug 982778).
- Marco Castelluccio (marco) fixed up some OS.File users (bug 972927, bug 981085, bug 981563, bug 987101).
- Rik Cabanier corrected a drawImage problem (bug 987292).
- Dmitry Rojkov turned GestureEventListener into a state machine (bug 985541).
- Alex Henrie fixed a display issue with select menus in non-default states (bug 981849).
- Rick Eyre (reyre) lazified some of HTMLMediaElement (bug 987076).
- Fredrik Lanker (lanker) improved infinite duration recognition of MP3s (bug 989284).
- Abhishek Potnis (abhishekp) reduced some deprecated warnings (bug 986499).
- Ms2ger performed a variety of useful janitorial efforts (bug 973367, bug 973915, bug 973950, bug 976143, bug 981371, bug 984006, bug 986860).
- Sankha Narayan Gupta (sankha93) implemented Object.setPrototypeOf (bug 885788).
- Martin Stránský ported transparent widgets from gtk2 to gtk3 (bug 982640).
- [first patch!] Gorman Ho added a convenient node property cleanup helper (bug 983285).
- [first patch!] Nicolás Bordenabe added missing CSS properties to getCSSValuesForProperty (bug 973345).
- Masatoshi Kimura (emk) fixed a bunch of problems (bug 297395, bug 980134, bug 986347, bug 986811, bug 988122, bug 989557).
- Birunthan Mohanathas (poiru) performed some useful SpiderMonkey and content cleanups (bug 845478, bug 986076, bug 987320).
Mailing List Threads
(Threads that are likely to be of interest to engineering from various mailing lists.)
Good Reads
(Links to blog posts, books, videos, etc. that you think will be of interest to others.)
- Geoff Brown:
irc #planning Log From This Meeting
11:02 vladan: is Engineering meeting happening? 11:02 vladan: ^ cpeterson 11:02 cpeterson: vladan: delayed until 11:20 11:03 vladan: oh ok 11:03 vladan: cpeterson: thanks 11:03 KaiRo: bsmedberg: any audible from you for the platform meeting? 11:03 bsmedberg: no 11:03 KaiRo: thx 11:05 cviecco_adium: platform meeting is on? 11:05 KaiRo: cpeterson: I do have an audible for stability today 11:05 cpeterson: KaiRo: ok 11:05 KaiRo: cviecco_adium: cpeterson says delayed until 11:20 11:05 cviecco_adium: KaiRo. Thanks 11:10 Disconnected
Engineering Meeting Details
- Tuesday 2014-04-01 – 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time
- Dial-in: conference# 98411
- US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x92 Conf# 98411
- US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x92 Conf# 98411
- US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x92 Conf# 98411
- CA/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x92 Conf# 98411
- CA/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x92 Conf# 98411
- UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x92 Conf# 98411
- FR/Paris: +33 1 44 79 34 80, x92 Conf# 98411
- US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 369) Conf# 98411
- Engineering Vidyo Room / Air Mozilla / MTV Warp Core / TOR Finch / SFO Warfield / PDX Hair of the Dog
- join #planning for back channel