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Notices / Schedule
Firefox 3.0.15 / Firefox 3.5.4
- Code freeze: September 22 (end of day).
- Firefox 3.0.15: 14 open blockers
- Firefox 3.5.4: 28 open blockers
- Branches re-open for next releases in October
Firefox 3.6b1
- string freeze took place last night, now string frozen in common code and browser only
- next deadline is beta code freeze; need ETA from component leads and proposed date
- please mark any beta blocker bugs as P1 and blocking+
- blocking beta means that we need beta feedback before releasing with that change
Blocker Report
See more Firefox 3.6 related blocker queries, or learn about the new status and blocker flags
- Release Blockers (flag: blocking1.9.2 or blocking-firefox3.6)
- 149 OPEN (+46 w/w)
- 43 FIXED but not yet fixed on mozilla-1.9.2 (+23 w/w)
- 82 nominations (-92 w/w)
- Handy charts: Blocker snapshots, Blocker and Noms trends
- Approvals
- 56 requests (-41 w/w)
- 45 approved but not yet fixed on mozilla-1.9.2 (+32 w/w)
- Charts: Nominations snapshots
Browser / Front End
(Progress reports every weekend on Planet Firefox)
- see our active projects and get involved / propose others
- published initial draft roadmap for product deliverables through the end of 2010
- Namoroka/mozilla-1.9.2:
- Pieces of lightweight themes (personas) integration starting to land.
- Dao has a quick JS snippet for early adopters, until the UI support lands.
- Dave and Dan coordinating security review
- on-idle vaccuuming of the Places DB waiting on review
- Blair and Mossop have a plan for alerting users to out of date plugins
- Curtis blitzing on getting about:support in, to help users work with SUMO/Tech Support. bug 367596
- We are string frozen.
- Pieces of lightweight themes (personas) integration starting to land.
- for future/mozilla-central:
- horlander will be creating a round up of the discussion of the theme update ideas, and working on Mac/Linux sketches.
- Out of date flash warnings are live, seeing very high clickthrough rates on warning. (see bug 512483
GFX Update
- Decode-on-draw landed over the weekend, but we have modified it so it’s turned off because of perf regressions.
- Various other small regressions as well
- Search for bugs with [decodeondraw] in the whiteboard to follow the progress.
- WebGL update:
Layout Update
- Frame poisoning landed, bounced (zwol)
- One-line typo fixed, will attempt to re-land this afternoon
- Final CSS Transitions patch up for review (dbaron)
- Contributing reftests to W3C test suite (dbaron)
- nsStyleAnimation patches landed (bug 504652, shared animation code for SMIL & CSS transitions) (dbaron, dholbert)
- Final SMIL+CSS patch almost ready for review (dholbert)
- Patches up for review for HTMLMediaElement::mozLoadFrom (roc)
- Wrangling WOFF patch (jdaggett, jfkthame)
- Ogg indexing nearly ready for release (cpearce)
- Doubly-linked frame lists making great progress (bz, mats) [basically done in my tree, building on top of mats’ last-child work; uploading the patches as we speak –bz] bug 512336
Content Update
- Continued progress on XBL2
- peterv investigating JS timeout related slowness
- mrbkap continues to plug security holes in various wrapper corners
- bnewman starting to look at popup blocker issues (blocker bug, and then some)
- smaug starting to look at event handling for elecrolysis
- HTML5 parser update (hsivonen)
Platform-specific Support Update
- [jimm] Initial Win7 SDK build/test runs complete. (bug 505504) Working with build on getting upgrade scheduled.
Startup Performance
- Known tasks have been organized into a bug hierarchy
- Windowless plugins are a big schedule risk: karlt may not be able to start on them for another week or more. Are there other people who can help, especially with event forwarding?
- the JPW is going to be important for writing tests, since we don’t have an async script execution mechanism yet. mrbkap do you have an ETA on that?
- We’re going to try to get mobile stuff going without graphics, specifically the event-forwarding pieces, see bug 516727
Tree Management
- new Talos suite Dirty profile MAX landed last week
- Windows CE builds on Try server