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General Topics / Roundtable
(tips/tricks/FYI, productivity improvements, industry news)
- [MattN] mozscreenshots in automation
- Preferences and default Devtools are now also captured on Nightlies
- Project ideas and mentors wanted for Summer of Code 2016 & Outreachy
- MozReview can be pushed to with Git:
- Double-clicking on diffs to open comments in MozReview will be user-optional soon:
- rstrong on indefinite leave, ping bsmedberg if you need assistance
- Please consider taking some time this week to doublecheck non-fixed security bugs you have access to, whether they have owners, and are otherwise in a ‘good’ state.
- Q: is there a way to see how many security/restricted-access bugs there are in a component?
- If you are in the relevant security group for that component, you can bugzilla quicksearch for “group:security” combined with whatever other quicksearch terms for open/closed bugs, components, etc.
- I do not believe there is a way to determine this number if you are not in the relevant security group; if you think you should be in a particular group and aren’t, speak to your manager. If you are a volunteer and think you need access, I’m not sure what to do, but you could ping me (Gijs) and I’ll find out.
- It may or may not be useful to have counts per component more accessible than they currently are. I’m not the right person to talk to and/or make a decision regarding that, consider talking to Emma Humphries with ideas/thoughts about that.
Friends of the Firefox team
(Give a shoutout/thanks to people for helping fix and test bugs. Introductions)
- nhnt11 has returned for another internship
- Resolved bugs (excluding employees):
- More than one bug fixed:
- Edouard Oger [:eoger]
- Jeffrey Tran
- Tim Nguyen [:ntim]
Project Updates
- Very few M8’s remain. We have a short list of M9’s as well (M8 is “things we truly believed we needed to fix for 46”, and M9 is “things we discovered needed to be fixed from Telemetry / beta bug reports”)
- First Experiment has concluded (e10s enabled on beta for users with and without add-ons)
- Even with add-ons, the main process crashes less when e10s is enabled, which is good
- However, when you sum the number of parent + content process crashes, e10s seems less stable than non-e10s, even for users without add-ons
- has been filed to track stability bugs
- Got some janky add-ons data too:
- Second Experiment started on Friday
- This is going to blanket a good chunk of our beta population, and is going to be used to inform a go/no-go for e10s on for users without add-ons for Release 46.
- We’re also going to make sure our “switching” logic works to ensure that users that aren’t supposed to get e10s (have add-ons, a11y stuff), truly don’t get it.
- felipe has details
- e10s tests:
- still looking for owners for the long tail
- mochitest-chrome wasn’t running at all, a fair bit of work going on there
Go Faster
- The 1.2 release is in-progress
- Working through the release process with Release Management
- Working on improvements to malware download prevention and certificate override indication and removal
- Hijacking remediation: (bug 1203168) Implementing an interstitial prompt to show when searching with a default engine that is suspected of being there due to hijacking:
- Fixing bugs, with a focus on improving performance.
Quality of Experience
- Still focusing on onboarding work (metabug 1229599)
- Bookmark menu shows 5 most-recently added bookmarks (1219804)
- show bookmark panel when clicking star (1219794)
- fix Edge bookmarks / readline list import (1229076)
- fix stub installer pinning (1229626)
- when Firefox is your default, check on startup (1189038)
- Created a metabug (1244854) for broader / upcoming QX work
- Mike de Boer moving over from Hello to work on QX