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Notices / Schedule
Firefox 4.0
- FF4.0b7 will be released tomorrow (!!!)
- Please add the relnote keyword for any issues that you think should be in the relnotes
- FF4.0b8 will be fairly quickly after (~3 weeks? depends on blockers)
- Need drivers to triage / make sure b8 blockers are true blockers
- Have 87 blockers, that number needs to start coming down
Branch releases
- Firefox 3.6.13 and 3.5.16 have a schedule posted
- Code freeze is Thursday, November 18th
- Final release is Thursday, December 9th
Blocker Report
Firefox Development
(from our goals):
- [NEW] Finish Firefox 4
- [CARRY OVER] API-Complete Jetpack
- Joint with Jetpack team
- [NEW] Stand up basic Firefox with Electrolysis
- Joint with Platform
- UI may not be functional, should launch and open a web page.
Developer Tools
- [NEW] Finish Firefox 4 developer tools
- [NEW] Ensure that Firefox 4 ships with a compatible version of Firebug
- [NEW] Publish a roadmap for integrated developer tools in Firefox, including console, inspection, and js debugging
- [NEW] Develop long term plan for Skywriter maintenance/support
- Goals: Real list found here. Quick overview:
- [ON TRACK] Finish Firefox 4 blockers.
- [ON TRACK] Support Firefox Team to stand up a browser on Electrolysis.
- 4 beta 8 blockers, which we continue to work on, in addition to other blockers.
- Cairo update is getting close.
- 1 beta8 blocker, has reviewed patch.
- Blocker counts are rising while the tree has been closed for beta7 work.
Working on getting our b8 total down. May cut compartments work if possible.
- ES5 work
- wrapping up bug 577325, making our processing of function definitions conform to ES5+errata
- also still going on bug 514568 to give strict mode eval its own scope (such evals can’t mess with the binding set of the calling code)
Tree Management
- A few minor announcements about mobile infrastructure:
- 11 tegras arrived, imaged, powered, racked; debugging issues in staging.
- 54 n900s imaged. Enabled in try, email for failures coming shortly
- bug 559964: Schedule gcc 4.5 switchover
- Rest of backordered shelves have arrived at our Santa Clara data center. IT will be moving the rest of the test minis from Castro to Santa Clara this week (either piecemeal, or all at once during a downtime, TBD)
- Crashes
- Not enough data collected yet for B7 to comment on trends. Most top crashers have already been logged.
- 13 crashes nominated for 2.0
- 15 top crashers
- HTML5 test suite (dbaron)
- W3C is developing an HTML5 test suite
- If you’re working on features that are in W3C HTML5, you should aim to write tests that can be contributed to the test suite
- more details later, hopefully