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Meeting Details
- 1:00pm Pacific time (20:00 UTC until November 1, 2009)
- Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
- +1 650 903 0800 x92 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
- +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
- +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
- sip:weeklystatus@mozilla.com from generic SIP clients
- http://air.mozilla.com/ to watch and listen
- join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for backchannel
note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself
TIME CHANGE NOTICE: Daylight Saving Time (DST) began last Sunday in the United States. Meeting time until November 1, 2009 will be 20:00 UTC.
WeeklyUpdate Live: You can watch the weekly meetings live at Air Mozilla
Friends of the Tree
- Catherine Brady writes in with two nominations:
- “I’m nominating Alex Buchanan for building the awesome trademark infringement reporting tool. He worked hard and I think it looks great.”
- “Tomcat as a friend of the tree for his invaluable help in reviewing and analyzing the code on sites we’re investigating for potential infringement. His work has helped us to obtain successful results in several enforcement actions.”
- Carsten Book has several nominations:
- “Jane Finette for an stellar job in organizing Mozilla’s first appearance at the CeBIT!”
- “Kai Engert for helping us at the CeBIT booth Saturday and Sunday !!!”
- “Our Community, we got thousands of visitors from our community and great feedback and questions for all areas in Mozilla !”
Please send FotT nominations to asa@mozilla.org. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize those who go above and beyond, so please tell me when you see that happening. Thanks.
Development Updates
Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x
- Firefox 3.0.7
- Shipped last Wednesday
- Caused a few server issues (see IT’s update below)
- Firefox 3.0.8
- Code freeze is a week from tomorrow
- Aiming for mid-April release
- Thunderbird
- Beta this Wednesday
- Release in a week
Gecko 1.9.1
- Now cranking on Beta 4. Groups other than JS are fixing issues as they find them at this point. JS still has a decent size bug list of 42.
- Other areas are looking pretty good to wrap up blockers soon:
- 14 final blocker bugs left in content.
- 3 GFX final blockers.
- 6 Layout final blockers.
- 2 SVG final blockers.
- JS with 42 blockers.
- Triage needed. 47 noms are in the queue right now.
- For weekly engineering meeting notes and other info see the Platform page.
- 86 total 1.9.1 blockers (last week: 90).
Firefox 3.1
Firefox Front End Work
- 10 blockers left, only 1 of which is complicated
- Good progress on code sprints for items that could opportunistically be taken for Firefox 3.1, but will be taken on trunk.
- tagged and built early last week (one respin required)
- QA underway and on schedule
- on target for a release of this Thursday afternoon
Beta 4 Schedule
- proposed schedule (not final):
- string freeze: Thursday, March 19th at 11:59pm PDT
- code freeze: Monday, April 6th at noon PDT
- qa start: Tuesday, April 7th at 9am PDT
- release: Tuesday, April 14th, afternoon PDT
- will discuss this at tomorrow’s platform meeting and Wednesday’s delivery meeting before finalizing
- you may also comment on the newsgroup thread
- as has been announced on MDC DevNews we will be reversioning Shiretoko to Firefox 3.5
- first public release with this number will be Firefox 3.5 Beta 4
- project plan is available for comment, please use the newsgroup thread or find Sam (ss) on IRC
TB 3
- 3.0b3 and 3.0 planning continuing
- Lots of heads-down coding work
- Thunderbird traffic from mozilla.com has been redirected to mozillamessaging.com.
Beta 1 is still in testing, but we expect a release in the next day or two.
- Managed 3.0.7 release
- Had network capacity issues, brief summary
- Call out to mirrors – we need help!
- Moved mozilla.org behind Postini for spam filtering
Release Engineering
- major update discussions in dev.planning or here: [1] [2] [3] [4]
- fake major update coming to QA this week for FF3.0.7 -> FF3.1b3
- new parallel l10n repacks used in FF3.1b3.
- linux: reduced from ~1h15m -> 20mins
- mac: reduced from 1hr -> 20mins
- win32: reduced from ~6hrs -> 1hr
- big tip of the hat to Armen, Axel and Coop for this.
- more details soon.
- Rebranding from FF3.1->FF3.5 in next week/so.
- New Talos mac regression in Ts over weekend – see dev.tree-management for details.
- Mothballing dm-pageload01 – details in bug 433595
Test Execution
- Shipped Fx3.0.7 to the world on 3/4
- Testing Firefox 3.1 Beta 3, ETA ship thursday
- No active blockers atm. up-to-date results.
- Timr and Tomcat at CeBit last week, recruited around 10 volunteers to community QA
Test Development
- Mozmill 1.1 Released
- Continued JS Testing, some exploratory work on Narcissus
- Began the builds for Random Orange testing from changeset 356458e646d0 on MozillaCentral
- Tested Fennec Beta 1 candidates, continue to improve maemkit scripts
- ETA ship tomorrow
- Investigating bug 482091, crashing with flash installed
- Martijn attended MozCamp Utrecht
- Secunia 2008 Security Report – Addressing some misrepresentations in their report regarding relative numbers of security bugs in browsers.
- Ebay issue – We are away of an issue that is being currently exploited on Ebay and we are addressing it.
- Next Community Marketing call is this Wednesday, March 11th, at 10am PDT. Dial-in Info: +1.650.903.0800, followed by 92# and then 7391#. Or you can use our toll-free number: +1.800.707.2533, followed by 369# and then 7391#. For those that can’t make the call or want to participate online, join us in #marketing on irc.mozilla.org.
- Spread Firefox: New design to go live on March 18th.
- Labs announces 2009 Design Challenge: SxSW Edition
- Firefox 3.1 changes to 3.5 is covered in ComputerWorld
- Mozilla responds to Secunia security report
- Mitchell was on media tour in New York last week. Coverage is rolling in
- Paul Kim chats with Rolling Stone Mexico about open source and Mozilla
- Work on the Mozilla Creative Collective site is proceeding – Tara, Ryan and John are refining scope & details with Airbag. Should have wireframes soon.
- We need your input on the MCC logo. If you’re interested, leave a comment on intothefuzz.
- Confer 2009, Rajagiri College of Engineering & Mountain View, March 12, 2009: Chofmann is hosting a presentation on Air Mozilla at 5:30 p.m. PDT about Mozilla and open source.
- SxSW, March 13 – 17, 2009, Austin, Texas: Brendan Eich & Arun Rangnathan participating in browser panel again on March 16th, John Resig speaking on JS libraries on March 14th, David Baron on CSS3 panel on March 15th. Labs holding a get together on March 16th at 4:30 pm at the Moonshine Grill.
- NTEN Conference, April 26 – 28, 2009, San Francisco: They are looking for volunteers:
- Day of Service, Sunday, April 26th: Two opportunities:
- Strategy consults, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.: Organizations are looking for everything from technology help to marketing and fundraising tips. Sign ups here.
- Help install wireless networks at St. Anthony’s in SF’s Tenderloin district or on Treasure Island. Sign ups here.
- Day of Service, Sunday, April 26th: Two opportunities:
- A SUMO usability audit was recently done by neilio. Currently in the process of filing bugs for many of the suggested improvements, which will be part of the SUMO 1.1 milestone (see our roadmap).
- List of updates required for the 3.5 version number update
- No updates this week
- Documentation
- Firefox 3.1 references have (mostly, at least) been updated to 3.5 in the developer documentation.
- New article: Manipulating video using canvas, based on Paul’s awesome demo.
- Firefox 3.5 documentation touching-up is ongoing, but the docs are essentially complete.
- Testing and evaluation of Mindtouch Deki “Lyons” is ongoing; we hope to upgrade MDC to this new release of the wiki software in April.
- MDC skin tweaks are in progress to improve discoverability of certain features.
- Want more feedback on website compatibility page: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Evangelism/WebsiteCompatibilityInternational
- Personas 1.0b3 has been released with a variety of bug fixes. Get it from addons.mozilla.org and give us feedback in the discussion forum.
- Design Challenge: South-by-southwest edition will be on the topic of how to improve the File Upload interface in Firefox.
- Weave: Server is now at 2000-4000 active users and has effectively zero load, so we will be ramping up to five digits of users over the next week. We released Milestone 4 and will release Milestone 5 soon. If you want to help test you can request a Weave account here. If you have a Nokia N810, here is a tutorial on how to install Fennec and Weave.
- Ubiquity: we’re launching a project to figure out how to internationalize/localize the command-line interface. There is a lot of blog discussion (portugese japanese italian general) about this; there’s also a mailing list at ubiquity-i18n@googlegroups.com, and now a weekly internationalization phone meeting on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific time. We’d love your feedback, especially from localizers.
- We have a working prototype for the proposed design of the New Tab page that puts useful things into a newly opened tab, instead of a blank white area. We hope this can go into a future version of Firefox, so please try it out and give us feedback!
Developer Tools
- The biggest request involves the review queue and the time it takes to get out of the sandbox. (24 requests)
- There is a real need for better documentation (22 requests)
- Tutorials are scattered across the internet and are often out of date. (21 requests)
- The IDE’s/tools for writing and debugging extensions are lacking. (15 requests)
- A few developers really want some sort of marketplace for extensions (6 requests)
Next step: some form of roundtable to reach out to developers to go over these results and what we are doing to address some of the big requests
Compatibility Update
- 83.5% of add-ons compatible with 3.1
- Will kick off 3.5 project plan this week so we can be ready for the version change.
Just what’s in the wiki
- Fraud form released last week – read David’s post on this
- AMO 5.0.3 code freeze is today
- Socorro – work week this week, focusing on performance and architecture
- Austin, Lars, Les are here this week so say hi if you see them. 🙂
- Stas is blogging about “productizing” Fennec. More posts to come this week.
- Axel and Coop have teamed up to solve many build related issues for our localized versions of Firefox. Today, Coop is turning off bsmedberg’s machines. More explanation to follow…
- Continue to work on improving QA services provided to localizers
- Localizing Ubiquity. Mitcho is leading.
Foundation Updates
- Frank and Armen Zambrano of Seneca participated in the “Integrating FOSS into the Undergraduate Computing Curriculum” symposium; for more information see the reports from the symposium (including audio of the sessions, video interviews, blog posts, tweets, etc.).
- Mark presented a keynote talk on “the open web is your future” to 200 IT management students at Ryerson University’s Connect IT conference.
- Based on Kathleen Wilson’s recommendation, Frank approved the CA request from Hong Kong Post (bug 408949).
- Added Czech version of Manifesto
- Continued working on www.mozilla.org redesign — first round of concepts available for review this week on Thursday at the design lunch