- Who’s taking minutes? -> Ratty
- Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank:
- No Award
Action Items
(who needs to do what that hasn’t been recorded in a bug)
We should assign people to the open items.
- —
- has not been updated since November 2012, the last version listed is 2.14 (bug 956561); move blog to if possible Assigned: mcsmurf.
- —
Status of the SeaMonkey Buildbot Master and Tree
- New breakage: bug 977676 SeaMonkey’s puppet broken due to requirement of ffxbld ldap password.
- Python has been updated on all buildboxen!
- We are perma-orange on comm-central, comm-aurora and comm-beta due to problems with tests
- Windows en-US builds are being successfully compiled but tests are not working due to a dependency on python 2.7.3.
- bug 908090 ImportError: No module named json, on SeaMonkey Linux/Windows (all) test runs, due to (still) using Python 2.5. We do have python 2.7 installed but our build system is picking up python 2.5 instead.
- ewong’s patch is waiting for review. It was manually patched on the master; but, was reverted and the buildmaster was reconfigured and so the changes are gone. Need to have the patch pushed officially in order for this bug to be fixed.
- pymake is failing with “invalid syntax” again because of an outdated Python.
- Priority on fixing this and l10n repacks after 2.24 release.(No ETA yet)
- bug 943740 is tracking the progress (or lack of one) in building trunk and aurora on Linux & Mac from the downloading user’s POV. (Windows nightlies are still appearing on schedule — or were until a day or two ago.)
- No langpacks since 29th August on trunk. Needs investigating.
- Windows and Mac trunk langpacks directories have been removed on the FTP server, maybe for lack of recent XPIs (later than 2.20a1). Latest Linux langpacks are dated 29 August. Callek told Tonymec on IRC he has a hunch about why but more pressing things to do first.
- In Bug 902876 Comment 12 Mcsmurf is waiting for feedback from the build team on how to proceed.
- Buildmaster is up and running.
- Callek is hand-approving requests for CLOSED TREE landings at the moment.
- Due to the master having some mysql issues, Callek has put a halt on the mysql updates, which affects the tbpl. So nothing is showing in tbpl atm.
- comm-* will be building out of mozilla-* (bug 648979 etc.). Jcrammer has mostly completed the coding. Next step is consultation with mozilla-central build peers on landing the patches and also getting implicit permission to add several new top level directories to mozilla-central.
Release Train
- SeaMonkey 2.25 beta 2 is scheduled for March 4.
- [rsx11m] There are no 2.25b2 candidate builds up, though they seem to be tagged.
- IanN thinks we’ll be able to get about 3 betas in this cycle.
- Useful Firefox Release Schedule link: Releases Scheduling
Extensions and Plugins Compatibility Tracking
- See Basics page. Please only list current changes here.
- Addon Compatibility Listings
- Ratty filed bug 957149 to push an updated version of DOMi to to pick up the latest fixes. Depends on:
- bug 798174 (DOMi2.0.15) DOM Inspector 2.0.15.
- Mcsmurf asked crusell how he did the releases. IanN says he may take a look at doing this, time permitting.
- Our build team needs to automate DOMI branch selection rather than having to tweak the every 6 weeks. bug 763506
- Lightning and
- We should point out in release notes that users needs to install the Lightning beta versions for the SeaMonkey releases (as Lightning follows Thunderbird 17.0.x release schedule)
- Problem: Linking to will provide users with versions that do not put them on the addons beta update channel; also linking to a specific version would need updating with every release
- Linking to does not jump to the correct page position as loads the user comments for the addon after pageload. So it first moves to the correct position (page anchor) and after that it loads the user comments. Ratty has filed bug 979279 on this.
2.x (Last, Current, Next)
- [From a previous meeting:] There is a problem with the metrics server, so no current data is available
- See Basics page for the usual reminders.
open tracking (0)
tracking requests (0)
targeted (1)
fixed (9)
- Current breakages:
- —
- Mozilla-central bugs that affect us:
- Note: Please file bugs if you notice any landing on mozilla-central that might break us. Please don’t depend on Ratty noticing such landings.
- bug 805374 Remove Character Encoding menu entries that are not in the Encoding Standard. Tracked in:
- bug 943732 Port the new Character Encoding menu to SeaMonkey.
- Our front end Sync UI needs to be updated as the old backend is going away in Gecko/Firefox 31. See: New Firefox Sync has landed in Firefox Nightly.
- A lot of these bugs are due to mozilla-central switching from synchronous APIs to Asynchronous APIs.
- bug 831208 (asyncContentPrefsUse) Refactor asyncContentPrefs consumers to use the async API. Tracked in:
- bug 909093 Update SeaMonkey to use nsIContentPrefService2. Mcsmurf and Neil@parkway are currently working on this.
- bug 566746 (asyncFormHistory) Form history should use asynchronous storage API. Tracked in:
- bug 912031 Use Asynchronous FormHistory.jsm in place of nsIFormHistory2 in Suite.
- bug 769764 move proxy resolution to separate thread and remove sync api. Tracked in:
- MailNews bug 791645 Rewrite calls to synchronous nsIProtocolProxyService::DeprecatedBlockingResolve with Async code before DeprecatedBlockingResolve disappears as well.
- bug 793634 Force builds to be compatible with gtk 2.18/glib 2.22. Tracked in:
- bug 795354 Migrate SeaMonkey Linux builders to CentOS 6.
- bug 794772 Port |bug 713802 Build with GIO support (and drop GnomeVFS)|. This is dependent on bug 795354.
- bug 795144 default –disable-gnomeui icon theme support
- porting bug needed for the two changesets? Changes could be folded into bug 794772 above. *** IanN and Ewong are looking into this..
- bug 627699 Port GTK2 to GTK3. Tracked in:
- bug 882036 Port GTK2 to GTK3 – SeaMonkey Part.
- A Red Hat person seems to be working on the GTK3 integration.
- bug 846635 Use asynchronous getCharsetForURI in getShortcutOrURI. bug 834543 Add asynchronous version of setCharsetForURI and getCharsetForURI. Tracked in:
- bug 896947 Use asynchronous version of setCharsetForURI and getCharsetForURI in getShortcutOrURI and other places.
- bug 825588 Asynchronous JavaScript API for downloads and bug 851471 Decommission nsIDownloadManager. Tracked in:
- bug 888915 Move SeaMonkey to the new JavaScript API for downloads when nsIDownloadManager is decommissioned.
Bugs: Low Hanging Fruit
Not necessarily Good First Bugs but minor fixes that shouldn’t need advanced coding skills.
- bug 952143 Expose signon.autocompleteOverride in SeaMonkey preferences UI
- Should we migrate “wallet.crypto.autocompleteoverride” to “signon.autocompleteOverride”?
- bug 960566 Move inline scripts and styles into separate files for SeaMonkey privileged about: pages
- bug 973299 Port bug 969247 Remove or replace DOM_VK_ENTER and NS_VK_ENTER
- Port Firefox bug 726978 Remove useless NS_New(Native)LocalFile calls in nsBrowserApp.cpp
- bug 978463 [Findbar] Command-E should set Find term to selected text (Port bug 326743)
Needs investigation/QA wanted?
- bug 956822 Local file as mail start page doesn’t show up
- bug 973206 Unable to close a window by clicking on the red square at an item out of taskbar
- bug 975861 Restoring all tabs does not work
- bug 974702 After upgrade to 2.24, email freezes as soon as I type a letter or two into To:, may unfreeze in 30-60 secs.
Feature List, Planning
Bug statistics for the last two (full) weeks: 26 new, 14 fixed, 9 triaged.
- Low-Medium triaging effort.
Open reviews/flags:
26 review
6 super-review
2 ui-review
6 feedback
- See Feature List page for major wanted/needed features.
- New: We will need to update our Sync UI code due to the new Sync API. Also we need to check if we are allowed to create FX accounts from our UI Since the new Sync accounts are FX accounts.[IanN] I’m sure I saw a question about FX accounts and branding.
Roundtable – Personal Status Updates
Status Updates from developers – what are you working on, what’s the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).
- Fixed:
- Checkin-needed:(waiting for tree to be opened.)
- bug 665708 – Gopher links show “Launch Application” in SeaMonkey 2.1
- bug 904338 – Empty port line when create a Blogs & Newsfeeds account
- bug 957895 – Bug 633937 added unnecessary three strings to Remove them.
- bug 958128 – Jumplists stop updating when PC is idle
- Review:
- bug 840427 – Migrate SeaMonkey builders to using mock
- bug 853720 – After bug 827446, SeaMonkey doesn’t know mozcrash.
- bug 908090 – ImportError: No module named json, on SeaMonkey Linux/Windows (all) test runs, due to (still) using Python 2.5
- bug 922076 – Switch tests to using and manifests
- bug 934492 – Adjust the languages preference pane to take into account Bug 910192 which removes intl.charset.default and deduces the fallback from the locale
- bug 938673 – Add context menu to status bar padlock icon
- bug 949884 – disable pulseaudio in SeaMonkey
- bug 956007 – Remove front end for removed x-user-def font preferences
- bug 967492 – Remove “Personas” from Help (Update text)
- bug 970475 – Use unprefixed box-sizing internally
- Working On:
- bug 110904 – attach signature fails silently on bad paths
- bug 507676 – Port |Bug 435804 – Remaining rdf cleanup for FilterListDialog| to SeaMonkey
- bug 837649 – [Tracking Bug] Stop OSX 10.5 support for SeaMonkey project
- bug 837650 – Stop support for OSX 10.5 in suite/ tree
- bug 863747 – Add option to disable Location bar history
- bug 918474 – Default Search dropdown doesn’t get refreshed after adding new search engine
- bug 928632 – When the birth year is empty, SeaMonkey puts 1900 and in English language
- Some testing, reviewing and commenting.
- Fixed:
- Pending check in:
- Checked in pending review:
- Waiting for feedback/review:
- bug 837408 Add en-GB locale to gaia
- Fixing review comments before checkin:
- bug 757230 When using add button for permissions in Data Manager set a displayHost
- bug 798147 Switch to correct pref pane if pref window already open
- bug 778534 Use image instead of html:img in instant messaging
- Working on:
- bug 943335 [TB] Update icons used in searchplugins (Yahoo, eBay, Wikipedia, Amazon, Bing, Twitter)
- Various SM Council documents.
- bug 606683 Allow customization of toolbar in Composer and MailNews Composition
- bug 639690 [META] Re-arrange code between editor and editorOverlay
- bug 773979 [META] Switch to new drag and drop api in SeaMonkey
- bug 657234 Move pasteQuote and pasteNoFormatting into contentAreaContextOverlay
- File/Folder selection in windows.
- To Do:
- bug 639395 Get cmd_fontSize to reflect current state of selected content / content at caret.
- Prefs-in-a-tab.
- Create FAQ for Friends of the Fish Tank.
- Help get composer standalone builds working with –enable-tests.
- Worked on a few review requests
- Landed bug 937035 SeaMonkey/Thunderbird require at least GLIBCXX_3.4.9 although it should only require 3.4.8 as maximum (SeaMonkey does not run in ScientificLinux 5 as libstdc++ is too old) for the next SeaMonkey release on comm-beta
- Filed&fixed bug 977667 VolatileBufferFallback.cpp:16:10: error: ‘nullptr’ was not declared in this scope
- Filed&fixed bug 978030 Fix browser_pluginnotification.js test (use “anonid” to access plugin placeholder element, Port Bug 967694)
- Filed a bug regarding mochitest-browser-chrome not working for SeaMonkey (hack/workaround can be found in that bug) bug 978055 Evaluate if it’s possible to use different browser overlays for different applications when running mochitest-browser-chrome
Fixed on comm-central:
- bug 970121 URL bar isn’t decoded in some edge cases.
- bug 562845 Port bug 546013, and also port bug 922530 and the parts of bug 909264 that bug 970121 doesn’t already fix.
- bug 876548 Crash in nsMsgDBService::GetOpenDBs.
Fixed on comm-central and comm-aurora:
- bug 936785 LDAP address autocomplete does not work when writing new e-mail.
- bug 974258 History drop-down has incorrect width.
Fixed on comm-beta:
- bug 953295 Arrow keys don’t work in restore session page.
Fixed on mozilla-central:
- bug 956657 Share more charset menu code between the view source window and the browser.
Stalled due to broken test:
- bug 974824 Remove bogus sizetopopup attributes.
Waiting for reivew:
- bug 943732 Port the new Character Encoding menu to SeaMonkey.
- This patch has had to be revised twice because of intervening toolkit changes. The original version needs to land on beta/release.
- bug 977048 Close icon only works for click-to-play plugins.
- bug 975362 Support HTTP cache v2 API in the UI.
Still waiting for review:
- bug 948901 Character encoding menu doesn’t work correctly in the FTP directory view.
Need to address review comments:
- bug 909093 Update SeaMonkey to use nsIContentPrefService2.
Starting to catch up on reviews again.
Fixed since the last meeting:
- bug 963132 Implement add to searchbar.
- Part 1: Refactor the DOMLinkAdded event handler code in tabbrowser.
- Part 2 Implement add to searchbar (search-engine autodiscovery).
Working on:
- bug 797240 Update suite/common/app-license.html to reference MPL2 and fix inclusion into about:license
- bug 973346 Use plural form for blocked pop-up notifications (Port bug 853126)
- bug 973530 Add UI to access the remote debugger preferences.
- Waiting on dev-tools changes in bug 942756.
- Make nsMessengerWinIntegration.cpp support INCOMPLETE_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE (No bug number yet).
Stuck on:
- bug 920951 Update SeaMonkey Safebrowsing preferences to sync with Mozilla-Central.
Other stuff:
- Did some reviews.
- Bug triage and Bug discussions.
- Usual end user support and PR in newsgroups and Mozillazine.
Fixed on trunk:
- bug 947972 Add checkbox to toggle https: background color in Location Bar preference pane.
Still waiting for reviews:
- bug 958967 Change mixed content warning default from warn_viewing_mixed to warn_mixed_display_content and remove UI for old preference.
- bug 974258 History shown in Location Bar is no longer constrained by urlbar width when using the drop-down arrow. (fixed)
- bug 974566 SeaMonkey Shop website at reports SeaMonkey as obsolete browser . [1]
- Bug triage, testing, and commenting for SeaMonkey and MailNews Core.
- Keeping an eye on bug 968270 and bug 969358 affecting SM 2.25. (need to land on comm-beta)
- End-user information and discussion on MozillaZine.
- bug 975817 Profile manager: XML parsing error due to missing entities
- bug 970079 Native theming for MacOS X help buttons [Core]
Working on:
- bug 973644: Port bug 967970 Set NSDisablePersistence to prevent disk leaks
Any other business?
- Daylight Saving Time starts next weekend in the U.S. (already). We are keeping with 13:00 UTC for the March 18 meeting as Europe is still on “normal” time.
- [Ratty] KaiRo reminded us that we need to grow our contributor community. I’m not sure where we could discuss this. I have no idea on how to do this. Perhaps we can get some Engagement experts from Mozilla to give us some suggestions?
- [IanN] might have a chat with some people and see if they can point me in the right direction.
SeaMonkey Meeting Details
- Time: 4 March, 2014, 13:00 UTC
- (8am Eastern, 1pm UK, 2pm Central Europe, 9pm Hong Kong)
- Location: #seamonkey IRC channel
- Further Read: Basics