- Next merge: 2014-07-21
Topics for This Week
- Firefox Search
- See post on mobile-firefox-dev for latest implementation plan. Currently working on getting the foundation in place to land in m-c.
- Feature Videos
- Launching a bunch of short videos that show off Firefox for Android features.
- Basic UI Telemetry
- Finkle made a simple dashboard for some UI Telemetry
- Second screen developer event
Tuesday in the SF office at 6pm. I’ll drop more info in #mobile when I have it
Friends of the Mobile Team
Give a shoutout/thanks to people for helping fix and test bugs. Make sure friends also get awarded a badge. New contributors are highlighted in bold.
- vivek fixed bug 999211 – Implement cancel editing mode button test on tablet
- Shashank wrote a patch for bug 1024120 – Avoid allocating a new Rect on each touch event on the main layout
- ckitching is working to clean up our combined view logic, including migration code – bug 1024289, bug 947018
Stand ups
Suggested format:
- What did you do last week?
- What are working on this week?
- Anything blocking you?
Please keep your update to under 2 minutes!
James W. (snorp)
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Alan K. (ack)
- Last week
- Refactoring/rewriting cloudsync
- Finished with bookmarks except for livemarks and queries
- I’d like to land livemarks/queries as a follow-up patch
- This week
- Finish off cloudsync
- Tabs and follow-up for bookmarks
- Start on mesh networking project?
- Finish off cloudsync
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- 1011059 – crash in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid selection notification range: 0 to #, length: # at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoEditable.onSelectionChange(
- 1016923 – crash in JS_NewStringCopyZ(JSContext*, char const*)
- 1022769 – NativeJSObject does not root objects correctly
- 1023307 – Request for OS X 10.6 test machine for jchen
- 1023469 – Replace generic observer in browser.js when the observer is first used
Working on
- 1025953 – Add debug asserts in places where we shouldn’t malloc
- 1021774 – Add test for background hang monitor / thread hang stats
- 1023303 – Regression: Unable to delete first character in address-bar value that has been auto-completed
- 1023461 – Record chrome script file name in BHR
- 1026788 – Autocomplete issues with backspacing using ai.type keyboard
- Past
- bug 1015932 Create a way to share the OpenSLES engine between cubeb and WebRTC
- bug 1008706 PREF cookie keeps coming back even with network disabled and cookies disabled
- bug 1026538 Cookie Manager can’t delete cookies with appidĀ != 0
- bug 1024555 blocked gethash requests cause the browser to hang
- bug 1021419 make update and gethash urls for safebrowsing updates configurable per-table
- Future
- Finish OpenSLES sharing
- bug 1018928 Regression: Selecting “No video” option from the permission prompt still shows the content of the device camera.
- Android 2.3 tests failing
- bug 1027100 WebRTC LoadManager resolution reduction under load causing horizontal distortions
- bug 910893 Allow users to “try again” more than once on new error pages.
- Interesting
- bug 1022376 LoadManager assumes that when a thread exits the runnable, the thread exits (thread leak)
Randall Barker
- Last Week: Implemented standalone WebRTC player and simple desktop add-on that streams the camera to the player. Started cleaning up code to make rebase easier.
- This Week: Finish rebase. Update add-on to stream tab from fennec.
- Problems: Mystery crash in MacOS X standalone player. Need to understand why libmozalloc can not be statically linked. Only part of the player not being linked statically.
Eugen Sawin
Last week
- Gonzales SPDY proxy (
- Metrics support via StatsD
- Basic clustering support
- More work on async request handling (promise promise not fulfilled)
Next week
- Gonzales
- Landing stuff (async cache, metrics)
- Set up Graphite for metrics aggregation and visualization
- Extending metrics logging
Sylvain Cleymans
Last week:
- Testing in Gonzales (WIP)
- Bug 1022669 Display does not turn off while playing audio
Next week:
- Finish to integrate testing in Gonzales
Martin (mmcdonough)
- Same as last week, working on native codecs in Android.
- Submitted patch to allow enabling blank fragmented MP4 decoder in Android.
- Getting AAC decoding working.
- EDIT: bug 1025327 for patch above.
Brian Nicholson
- WIP hint/doorhanger bugs
- bug 1011712 – Reader mode contextual hint
- bug 1027139 – Fix ArrowPopup arrow positioning
- bug 1027135 – Fix PageActionLayout concurrency issues
- bug 1027137 – PageActionLayout cleanup
- bug 1024127 – Popup cleanup
- PTO from 6/26-7/3
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- bug 901803 – Integrate chromecast support into Firefox. Going through another (hopefully last) review.
- bug 974983 – Reorder Home panels in Settings via dragging. Talking to Chenxia about this a bit. Working on a prototype.
- bug 704229 – Refine touch video controls. Got some nice mockups from UX. Looking into implementation details.
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Last week
- bug 964861 – crash in java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.toolbar.ToolbarDisplayLayout.updateFromTab(
- bug 1025069 – Both Versions of SUMO (http & https – suggested) can be pinned
- (In progress) bug 1012462 – Support suggested sites in distribution files
- Initial conversations about tablet refresh
- Lots of reviews
Next week
- In SF next week to attend Google I/O
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- Landed “Remove Suggested Sites from Top Sites”
- Exploring more Contextual Hints architecture (Android layouts…! D:)
- More telemetry
- Next: first run, search?
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- Button toast follow-ups – bug 1019318, bug 1019735
- Allow users to remove dynamic panels from settings – bug 1023544
- Close all tabs *almost done* – bug 817716
- Recent tabs panel *almost done* – bug 1004850
- Search activity discussions
- Google I/O next week Wed/Thur
- PTO June 30-July 11
Continuing work on search activity.
- Re-working architecture from prototype.
- Architecture docs and diagrams
- Architecture meeting 11am Pacific Jun 19.
- Source code repo:
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- bug 918494 – Intermittent testLinkContextMenu | Checking if the link has been added as a bookmark – The link has been bookmarked
- bug 1002303 – Provide a description on private tabs page if there are no private tabs
- bug 1007442 – Tune visual for not-signed-in remote tabs tray
- bug 1025938 – crash in java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.tabspanel.RemoteTabsVerificationPanel.onFinishInflate(
- bug 998000 – Create BrowserApp.cancelEditingMode for consistency with BrowserApp.enter/commitEditingMode
- [meta] bug 979921 – Android 2.3 test failures
- bug 948591 – Intermittent testClearPrivateData | Exception caught – junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Text string: ‘^Settings$’ is not found!
- bug 979600 – Android 2.3 testSessionOOMRestore | Page title is correct – got page3, expected page4
- bug 979552 – Frequent Android 2.3 testAddSearchEngine, testBookmarkFolders, testImportFromAndroid, testSettingsMenuItems, testTitleBar | Automation Error: Missing end of test marker (process crashed?)
- Too busy with other things:
- Herding bug 941155 (fix talos on mobile to have pageloader tests working in regular mode and nochrome mode) along
- bug 939350 – Create Python linter wrapper
- bug 983437 – Delay FHR pruning until the screen is off
- bug 989441 – Centralized documentation for writing tests
- bug 1021751 – Homepage contextual hint
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Digging out from under the pile. Focused on reviews and distrodistros.
- All the reviews: desktop updater hotfix, custom Sync accounts, db optimization stuff, misc.
- Shaving all the yaks: fixing Robocop and GeckoProfile bugs to try to land bug 1016611 prior to distrodistros.
- A pile of minor fixes and uplifts.
- Phone screens.
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- About to land custom Sync server support
- Remote Tabs in a panel work started
- Investigated building Fennec in Android Studio/IntelliJ — it doesn’t look very positive, ‘cuz Android Studio appears to not support multiple resource folders.
- More Remote Tabs
- Legacy Sync migration
- bug 1014712 – use msapplication-TileImage and msapplication-TileColor to create home page tiles, waiting for discussion/debate to come to conclusion
- bug 995407 – backed out shipping wifi and cell tower tracking to release and beta, we’re not ready
- bug 1006186 – Casting apps should be able to specify supported types themselves, review to finkle
Ian Barlow
- Running some user studies about Android launcher apps and lock screens
- Detailing out Search UX
Anthony Lam
- Contextual hints bugs!
- bug 1021751 – Homepage contextual hint
- bug 1011712 – Reader mode contextual hint
- bug 1014293 – Contextually display hint about private browsing
- Search for Android spec work
- Little bit of tablet design work
- Toolbar refinements with Lucas
- Glyph work
- Research
- Launcher apps
- First run user experience
- Contextual hints
- Interviews
Yuan Wang
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- Interview Mobile candidates
- Synced up tablet work with Lucas and Anthony
- Getting feedback on the onboarding strategy draft. More to share on next Tuesday planning mtg.
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- Started work on some checklists for security stuff. There’s a start on a Fennec list here. I’d love your feedback.
<Read Only> because Myk attending Apps Day
- bug 960584 needs UX feedback; current plan is to display “downloading download that’ll p0wn your phone”
- decided against uplifting bug 1019054 to Aurora, despite the value, because it’s large and enhancement-y; complain in bug if you disagree!
- platform regression bug bug 1022607 approved for uplift to Aurora
- folks blogged (Firefox OS Apps run on Android, Testing Your Native Android App) and got press-ed (Engadget, ZDNet, Cnet, *et al.)
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- Robocop giving you problems? See bug 1026830
- QA Release Test-Plans
- Crash data for 30 release is in line with 29 (1.2 crash / 100 ADI)
- Crash data for 31 beta is much higher than 30 beta (3.4 vs 1.7)
- Quite a bit of this is bug 827264
- bug 1027155
- Stumbler integration into Fennec: stumbler service is now just *.java files (and a
- Added some automated testing (stumbler had none), revealed we are collecting up to 10x the data we need
- This week, fix ^^^^, look at upload scheduling, continue integration, add more tests
- Or, dougt may be pulling me off to do B2G geolocation bugs (again).
Feature Focus
Firefox 31 (Beta) – Release: Jul 22, 2014
- [ON TRACK] Ability to re-order existing panels in about:home, not via drag and drop (see My List: Manage current lists in settings), bug 959917
- [ON TRACK] Firefox Hub v2 (currently planned feature complete), Epic/Meta bug 1014030
- [ON TRACK] Quickshare Contexts, Epic/Meta bug 1014035
- [ON TRACK] Quickshare: Settable default service for quickshare buttons, Epic/Meta bug 1014037
- [ON TRACK] Quickshare: Collect aggregate usage data, Epic/Meta bug 1014038
- [ON TRACK] UX Telemetry, Epic/Meta bug 1014044
- [ON TRACK] Added locale(s): Hindi(hi), Gujarati (gu), Bengali (bn), Punjabi (pn), Maithili (mai), Marathi (mr), Malayalam (ml), Assamese (as), Oriya (or), Tamil (ta), Telugu (te), Kannada (kn)
- [ON TRACK] EOL official Android 2.2 Support bug 1017242
Firefox 32 (Aurora) – Release: Sep 2, 2014
Updates to ‘Proposed’ items??
- [PROPOSED] Videocasting (Roku), Epic/Meta bug 921924
- [PROPOSED] Firefox Hub v3 (bugfixes & polish + more add-ons), Epic/Meta bug 1014032
- [PROPOSED] Suggested sites v1, Epic/Meta bug 988366 Note – Linked wiki page doesn’t exist. Is there another?
- [PROPOSED] Contextual tips for users
- [ON TRACK] UI lang switching
- [PROPOSED] Synced tabs page as entry point into Firefox Accounts & Sync (bug 958889)
- [PROPOSED] API: Push notifications
- [PROPOSED] Add a Clear History control to the history panel bug 998009
- [ON TRACK] Android Gamepad backend bug 852935
- [ON TRACK] Support weighed snippets bug 1002567
Firefox 33 (Nightly) – Release: Oct 14, 2014
Looking for input on plans here….adds, removes, confirmations?
- [PROPOSED] Form auto-fill improvements
- [PROPOSED] Tab mirroring (Roku)
- [PROPOSED] Firefox Hub: Add new My Panel from Promotional Banner
- [PROPOSED] Search activity v1
- [PROPOSED] API: Push notifications
- [PROPOSED] Create “Add-ons” page in settings
- [PROPOSED] Preferred web content language
- [PROPOSED] OEM distro service
- [PROPOSED] Create a “Want to make me your default browser?” prompt for users somewhere
- [PROPOSED] Suggested sites v2
- [PROPOSED] Reorder Home Panels in Settings Via Drag and Drop
- [PROPOSED] First-run tips
- [PROPOSED] Gestures
- Wednesdays – 9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern, 16:30 UTC
- Dial-in: conference# 99998
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- #mobile for backchannel
- Mobile Vidyo Room