All-hands Status Meeting Agenda
Items in this section will be shared during the live all-hand status meeting.
Friends of Mozilla
- Thanks to Martin and Gion-Andri for helping out at a community event in Zurich.
- Thanks to Richard Milewski for launching Air Mozilla access on the Roku platform so people can watch Mozilla events on their home TV screens. (And for open sourcing your bowties to the Mozilla community!)
Upcoming Events
Monday, 17 November
- (kinda late) Firefox 10th Anniversary Party in Zurich, Switzerland. We’ll have cake too!
- ApacheCon Europe Nov 17th-21st 2014 in Budapest, Hungary
- Attending Mozillian Jason Weathersby
- ApacheCon brings together the open source community to learn about and collaborate on the technologies and projects driving the future of open source, big data and cloud computing.
- MEF Global Forum Conference Nov 17th-19th in San Francisco, CA
- Speaker Rick Fant
- MEF Global Forum is a must-attend international gathering for senior executives who are looking to grow their mobile business and meet potential partners from around the globe. The two-day program also features the Meffy’s, an Awards Gala Dinner, and various networking activities which offers an exciting new perspective and deal-making platform for mobile success.
Tuesday, 18 November
- MozillaWiki community call: 8:30 AM PST, 16:30 UTC, all are welcome.
- Learning Resource Directory community call: 13:00 PST (21:00 UTC) via Vidyo (details).
- Join the Matchstick development team to discuss the concept of the first Firefox OS powered HDMI dongle for TVs, being released in February 2015. Developers will get to see media-casting demonstrations, try out some basic apps, and discuss potential content and gaming opportunities on TVs through paired interactions with Firefox browsers and Firefox OS phones. Event is hosted at San Francisco common area at 4:30 PM. Live stream and archive will be on Air Mozilla: or on Mozilla’s Roku channel:
Wednesday, 19 November
- Homebrew Website Club Meetup
- Chicago and San Francisco (@MozSF 1st floor)!
- 17:30-18:30 Writing Hour
- 18:30-19:30 IndieWeb meetup & hack night
Be independent with your web browser and your web site.
Create or update your personal site — wherever you host it, shared, VPS, or at home; static, dynamic, WordPress, or other software.
Join a gathering of people with like-minded interests. Bring your friends that want to start a personal web site.
Any questions? See the wiki page for details or join IRC:
- Please submit contribution opportunities to
- JSCONF Asia and CSS CONF Asia Nov 19th-21st 2014 in Singapore
- Mozillian Arky attending
- CSSConf is an event that wants to bring designers in touch with web implementation and front-end devs closer to the design thinking. It’s a one-track 1day international conference and part of the CSSConf world-wide events series. JSConf is for web developers of all flavors, to educate, inspire and entertain about the technologies and methodologies that make for a greater web experience
Thursday, 20 November
- Learning Resource Directory community call: 17:00 PST (Friday, 2:00 UTC) via Vidyo (details).
Friday, 21 November
- NetHui South 2014 Nov 21st-22nd 2014 in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Mozillian Blair McBride attending/speaking
- NetHui South 2014 is a 2 day event that serves as a platform to bring together those involved with or interested in Internet issues from all round New Zealand, with a focus on Canterbury and the South Island
- CODAME ART & TECH Virtual Reality Event Nov 21st 2014 in SF, Mozilla Commons Area
- Mozillian Josh Carpenter speaking
- Join hackers and artists at Mozilla San Francisco, as CODAME presents an evening of virtual reality experimentation and education. Be inspired, meet other VR pioneers and see how easy it is to start building your own VR worlds on the open web
- Codemotion Madrid Nov 21st-22nd 2014. Madrid, Spain.
- Mozilla Hispano will be there with a Booth and 2 talks related to Firefox OS.
- One of the biggest techie events in Spain, with more than 2.000 attendees. More info on the website.
Saturday, 22 November
- Adacamp Bangalore 22nd and 23rd November 2014. Bangalore, India.
- AdaCamp is a conference dedicated to increasing women’s participation in open technology and culture: open source software, Wikipedia and other wiki-related projects.
Project Status Updates (voice updates)
Speaker Location: Johnath (Toronto), then Chris More (Mountain View)
- FF10 Update
- FF34 schedule
- Firefox Growth Team Update (load slides)
Firefox for Android
Speaker Location: Finkle (remote)
- New tablet UI is enabled by default on Nightly
Firefox OS
Speaker Location: SF (Jaime Chen)
- In The News:
- Africacom, the major mobile technology event for Africa was last week. Rick Fant was highlighted as a speaker at the event.
- Following up on news of FirefoxOS’s entry into African markets, a lot of press coverage, including coming out from the conference:
- Quote: “Alcatel is also a partner for Mozilla’s Firefox OS, with the web giant set to bring the platform to Africa and South Africa. When can we expect Firefox phones from Alcatel then? “We are looking at bringing Firefox devices to South Africa in 2015,” Wittman said, with the first devices launching in Q1 2015. The company has four Firefox OS devices in total, but the first wave will see two phones launched in SA, in the form of the Fire C and Fire E. Wittman said the Fire C will have a “sub-R1000” price tag and the Fire E will have a “sub-R2000” price-point.”
- 2.2 Release Update:
- Dev Start : 2014-11-24 (Gecko 37 will be on m-c and gaia master)
- Feature Landing Readiness: 2015-02-09
- Feature Landing : 2015/02/23 (Gecko 38, base for FxOS 2.2 will be on mozilla-aurora and gaia v2.2 branch created)
- Feature Complete : 2015-04-06 (Gecko 38 moves to mozilla-beta and mozilla-b2g38_v2_2 is created)
- Helpful Wiki’s :
- Detailed Sprint Schedule :
- Will be updated for next week’s meeting: 2.2 Product Roadmap:
- Helpful Wiki’s :
Web Compat
Speaker Location: vidyo (miketaylr)
- Recent mobile compatibility progress including Tier 1 fixes for, hotmail, for B2G users (and lots more). \o/
- Shipped simplified page. Look for incremental improvements over the coming weeks.
- Major a11y improvements for close to merging, big thanks to @andrewmcgivery for the patches.
- Contrast improvements also deployed thanks to @calexity and @magsout.
- WebCompat Summit preliminary agenda now available for the cool interested kids.
Presenter | Title | Topic | Location | Share? | Media | More Details |
Who Are You? | What Do You Do? | What are you going to talk about? | Where are you presenting from? (Moz Space, your house, space) | Will you be sharing your screen? (yes/no, other info) | Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen | Link to where audience can find out more information |
Armen Zambrano | Automation and Tools Engineer | A-team’s mission | Toronto | Please show–2/live Live slides | Live slides | dev.platform survey A-team mission |
Christie Koehler | Community Building | Building a Learning Resource Directory (LRD) | Portland | No | N/A | blog post with more details, Learning Resources |
Do you have a question about a Mozilla Project or initiative? Let us know by Friday- we’ll do our best to get you an answer.
Please note that we may not always be able to get to every item on this list, but we will try!
Who are you? | Area of question | Question |
What’s your name? What do you work on? | Is your question about policy, a product, a Foundation initiative, etc. | What would you like to know? |
Let’s say hello to some new Mozillians! If you are not able to join the meeting live, you can add a link to a short video introducing yourself.
Introducing New Volunteers
New Volunteer(s) | Introduced by | Speaker location | New Volunteer location | Will be working on |
Who is the new volunteer(s)? | Who will be introducing that person? | Where is the introducer? | Where is the new person based? | What will the new person be doing? |
Introducing New Hires
New Hire | Introduced by | Speaker location | New Hire location | Will be working on |
Aaron Meihm | Joe Stevensen | Mountain View | Remote; Canada | OpSec |
Lynda Acojido | Anika Briner | Mountain View | Mountain View | People |
Notes and non-voice status updates that aren’t part of the live meeting go here.
Status Updates By Team (*non-voice* updates)
Two Device launches Last Week – We’ve now added Russia (Megafon) and Philippines (Cherry Mobile) to the list of countries where FxOS devices are available. Go Team! (See ).
Content Services
- Content Services General
- About to post our work week schedule and welcome all to attend
- Tiles
- Technical posts coming to Advancing Content
- Post Tiles announcement, we’re monitoring the state of the debate online and will follow up with more communications in the coming weeks
- Thunderbird is preparing for our 10th year anniversary on Dec 7, with a total budget of $200.
- Thunderbird, as the dominant open-source desktop messaging client, has been approached by Fastmail to implement their JMAP protocol for messaging (a JSON-based replacement for IMAP and ActiveSync), which also has preliminary support from Google and Apple.
- FOSDEM 2015. January 31st to February 2nd. Bruselles, Belgium.
- Gently reminder: Deadline to submit your proposals: December 1st.
- We will announce the accepted talks on December 15th.
- More info on Discourse topic (how to submit the talk, suggested topics, etc).
- Feel free to reach franc at mozilla dot com for any inquiry.
- Dial-in: conference# 8600
- US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 369) Conf# 8600
- US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x92 Conf# 8600
- US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x92 Conf# 8600
- US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x92 Conf# 8600
- CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x92 Conf# 8600
- CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x92 Conf# 8600
- UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x92 Conf# 8600
- FR/Paris: +33 1 44 79 34 80, x92 Conf# 8600