Thunderbird meeting notes 2014-11-18
Previous meetings:
(partial list)
Action items from last meetings
- wsmwk: Get the Thunderbird 38 bugzilla flag created
- not heard from standard8
Critical Issues
- Several critical bugs keeping us from moving from 24 to 31. Please leave these here until they’re confirmed fixed.
- Frequent POP3 crasher bug 902158 On current aurora and beta?
- we won’t have data/insight till next week, assuming the relevant builds are built. crash-stats for nightly builds is not useful – direct user testing of the fixed build is required
- Self-signed certs are having difficulty bug 1036338 SOLVED! REOPENED according to the bug?
- Auto-complete bugs?bug 1045753 waiting for esr approval bug 1043310 Waiting for review, still
- Auto-complete improvements (bug 970456, bug 1091675, bug 118624) – some of those could go into esr31
- bug 1045958TB 31 jp does not display folder pane with OS X
- Frequent POP3 crasher bug 902158 On current aurora and beta?
Why are we throttled? Because 1) waiting for TB 31.3, and 2) still hoping for bug 1045958 3) need auto-complete bug approved. Dec 1/2 is now release date.
- TB34.0b1 just released
- TB31.3.0 moved to ~ Dec 1 (but builds are done ~ a week before)
- 10th anniversary of Thunderbird 1.0 – what should we do? See your email. Also ref:
- make a special Start Page
- special graphic?
- text?
- localizations
- other ideas (see your email)
- make a special Start Page
Round Table
- got Penelope (pre-OSE eudora) removed from AMO
- shepherding [1] bug 1045958]]TB 31 jp does not display folder pane with OS X
- secured potential release drivers
- “Get Involved” is broken for Thunderbird. TB isn’t offered at, and it’s unclear who in Thunderbird gets notified. In contact with
Larissa Shapiro
- Looking into eliminating the comm-central build system bug 1099430
- Trying to see if I can get some whines set up to listen for potential TB compat changes (e.g., checking the addon-compat keyword)
- We have telemetry on Nightly for the first time since TB 28!
- Irving is working through reviews of bug 998191 \o/
- Google Talk does not work on comm-central due to disabling of RC4 SSL ciphers, see bug 1092701
- Some of the security guys have contacted Googlers, apparently an internal ticket was opened with the XMPP team
- Filed a bug (with a patch) to have firefoxtree work with comm-central, this will automatically add a tag (called “comm”) to the tip of comm-central bug 1100692 and is useful if you’re playing with bookmarks instead of mq
- Still haven’t fully been able to get Additional Chat Protocols to compile…(Windows still failing)
- WebRTC work is waiting for reviews from Florian
- lots of reviews, queue almost empty, yay!
- finally landed bug 970456
- bug 1074125 fixed, plan to handle some of the m-c encoding removals next
- bug 1074793 fixed, for tb we need to set a pref for it to take affect (bug 1095893 awaiting review)
- revived effort on 4GB+ folders together with rkent
- first step landed! bug 813459
- next steps bug 789679, bug 793865
- landed a rewrite of the attachment reminder engine: bug 938829 (NOT for ESR). Please mark regressions against that bug. First one is bug 1099866.
Support team
- [roland] working on Thunderbird profile article because a new volunteer contributor from the SUMO buddy program rewrote it! will review changes!
Action Items
- wsmwk: Thunderbird start page for anniversary, with localizations
- wsmwk: Get Involved, get the “Thunderbird path” operating