Schedule & Progress onUpcoming Releases (Liz/Sylvestre/Lawrence/Ritu)
- 40.0b5 release was dropped
- The build was not available in time for QE to sign-off
- 40.0b6 desktop and mobile released yesterday (7/21/15)
- Next up: 40.0b7 gtb Thursday 7/23/2015
Firefox Desktop & Platform (Javaun/Chad/Martin)
Current Releases
42 Campaign work (TP)
Desktop Control Center and TP work is on track. We are highly aware of string freeze deadline and have imposed early deadlines for creative and legal reviews so that we can hit our 8/10 uplift. There are some known unknowns. Doing are best to make L10N’s life easier.
We will put win64 builds out on /all. We don’t have sandboxing until 41, nor some other added UX features. We won’t promote heavily until we have those safety/user features in there, since these are better for a broader audience.
Planning Meeting Details
- Wednesdays – 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
- Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
- Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
- #planning for backchannel
- (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)
Video/Teleconference Details – NEW
- 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
- 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
- Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
- Vidyo Guest URL
- AirMozilla: for broadcast and saved recordings