Video/Teleconference Details
- 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
- 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
- Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
- Vidyo Guest URL
- AirMozilla: for broadcast and saved recordings
Firefox Desktop & Platform (Javaun/Chad/Martin)
Current Releases
- 41.0.1 is live
Beta (42)
- 42.0b4 is live and 42.0b5 go-to-build is tomorrow
Aurora (43)
- Lots of uplifts this week for Hello “visual refresh”, please report bugs if you use Hello!
Firefox Mobile (Mark/Brad/Jenn)
Firefox for Android
Feedback Summary (Rob/Tyler/Matt)
No updates
Planning Meeting Details
- Wednesdays – 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
- #planning for backchannel