Thunderbird notes 2015-11-17. NOON PT (Pacific). For meeting time, previous notes and call-in details see
- jorgk, Pegasus, ba, wsmwk, mkmelin,MakeMyDay, rkent
(to be covered in sections below)
- version 45
- governance, futures
- builds
Action items from last meetings
- Thunderbird Council reorganization: we’ll discuss this in the Council directly and do some reorganization. This is not a forever governance plan, but we need to be practical given the many demands of the moment.
Current status / Announcements
- Etherpads have moved: see list of etherpad names at and
- for version 38 ESR issues
- Tree status issues:
- Need to release 38.4 and 43.0b1
- Please help green up the tree – including not only c-c but also esr38, beta, and aurora
- We must be aggressive so checkins when patches become available. Thoughts: if you file a bug, please consider fixing it, or pass it off to someone rather than rely on “the fates”. If it breaks build or tests, please make severity=blocker
- Please help green up the tree – including not only c-c but also esr38, beta, and aurora
- Thunderbird 45: string freeze per schedule, interface freeze later (that’s me demanding a concession like last year).
Critical Issues
Leave critical bugs here until confirmed fixed. If confirmed, then remove.
- tracking-tb38 flags
- approved(+)+unfixed in ESR:
- nominated(?):
- tracking-tb45 flags: unfixed ?/+ –
- 38.3.1 bug 1211160 calendar is a workaround for 38.3.0 — Thunderbird Version 38.3 Buttons not working menu items // bug 1211291 – Folders are visible, but messages are not. (?related to bug 1211358 lightning chrome.manifest not updated in 38.3.0 ?)
- nightly (3 bugs blocking builds, all are assigned) – bug 1195442 – Mac builds broken ~1 month on nightly
- rkent is working on it – bug 1183490 – (dataloss) New emails do not adhere to sort by order received
- Plan is to understand issues in converting completely to nextKey = ++lastKey for non-IMAP, then plan how much to implement for 38.3.0 A simple fix of the dataloss is probable. I have a try patch that does the nextKey = ++lastKey that works, now I need to think about patch for 38 (bug 1202105 needs to go to trunk and 38)
- update 2015-10-20, patches have been posted but waiting for reviews for 2 weeks (aceman will look at those)
- update 2015-11-17, review done 11-14, need to update and land.
important (but not top critical)
- status TBD – bug 1182629 – update to 38.1.0 from 38.0.1 re-enables disabled Lightning
- status TBD – bug 1176399 – Multiple master password when GMail OAuth2 is enabled
- status TBD – bug 1176748 – fix main thread proxies to the migration code (jorgk and m_kato have done such fixes in the past)
- filelink, proxy,
- topcrash bug 1149287 is ** 31% of our crashes** – see below
- Past
- 38.0.1 nominally shipped 2015-06-12, 38.1.0 shipped 2015-07-10, 31.8.0 shipped 2015-07-17, 40.0beta shipped 2015-07-27 (skipping 39.0b), 38.2.0 shipped 2015-08-14, 41.0b1 2015-09-08 build2 (missed ~2015-08-10)
- 41.0b2 (with uplifts for 38.3.0)
- 38.3.0 ~2015-09-25 (throttled on 2015-10-06)
- 42.0b2 2015-10-13 (42.0b1 abandoned)
- Upcoming
- 42.0b3? ~2015-09-23 not happening
- 38.4.0 ~2015-11-05 Still in progress
- 43.0b1 not yet started
- STRING FREEZE for version 45 in <4 weeks
Past releases:
- – bug 1182264, – bug 1194997
- 4.0.3, (no changes compared to
Upcoming releases:
- 4.0.4 – bug 1215969
Round Table
Jorg K
- bug 1174452 – M-C editor problem, copy/paste – “white-space: pre;” – patch preposed in bug 1214377 ; landed and sadly got reopened, awaiting review again.
- bug 586587 – M-C drag and drop onto editor window – awaiting review.
- bug 769604 – C-C font size toolbar button and change increase/decrease size function – awaiting review.
- bug 1219928 – M-C spell checker problem – awaiting review.
- Started looking as CJK problems in flowed plaintext messages: bug 26734, bug 653342.
- Got hit by bug 1224840 – Assertion failure: IsOuterWindow(), fixed one occurrence.
- Thunderbird’s future plans
- Pending letter from Mitchell on Thunderbird and MoCo
- Big issues for Thunderbird future: 1) cost of transition 2) sources of income
- 1) Volker Birk & another senior architect will work with you to estimate the cost of transition in man days and $ as they have lots of experince in setting up and migrating complex systems.
- 2) We have been talking to DigitalCourage about setting up a donation based system and we as the p≡p Foundation will fund Thunderbird until the donation levels are sufficient for a sustained future.
- Even bigger issues for the future: articulating a vision, collecting partners: p≡p, Postbox, Chinese fork, Gaia email, TDF/Collabora, MoFo, ???
- We see these points as elements that need to be worked out in the six months’ period that we have agreed with MoFo. As for collecting partners, we consider this as an outcome of the Business Strategy that will be defined in the next 6 months. We, the p≡p Foundation will start discussions with TDF. In my opinion, ‘Collecting Partners’could require quite large time committment and it should hence be very well planned.
- Status of MoFo-Thunderbird and Thunderbird-p≡p discussions
- p≡p Foundation is waiting for MoFo to come back with final comments. In the meantime, I’ll be wait for Kent’s input to align
- My concern for developing capacity of Thunderbird to be self-managed and focused.
- Planning a Europe meetup in January, focused on a business plan for January – June 2016
- We are happy to set it up here in Europe.
Question Time
- new account provisioner: Are there currently any providers other than Gandi? Would it be worth trying to find some more?
- We need a plan for the build system fairly urgently, given the apparent “no” to the c-c/m-c merge
Help Wanted
- Support lead
- Revise lightning articles on SUMO: – to query articles that needs change:
- Accessibility lead
- persons comfortable (not necessarily technical experts) with Core type issues. Example graphics to guide bug 1195947 Thunderbird hardware acceleration (HWA) issues to be resolved