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Friends of the Tree
Development Updates
( Projects | Status | Goals | People )
- next milestone: Firefox 3.6 Beta 1
- Cleared nomination backlog, 31 front end blockers remain.
- Some of the notable work this week includes:
- now string-frozen
- progress on getting Personas integrated into 3.6
- pushing to get the long-requested about:support troubleshooting page done, to make SUMO’s life better. bug 367596
Team News
- we hit most of our Q3 goals
- now starting process of setting Q4 goals
- Making progress on Flash crashes re: Facebook and other sites. If anyone is experiencing lots of crash in Flash, on Facebook, we could use help debugging. See this bug for more info.
- We’re still at 119 blockers for 1.9.2. Javascript triage happened last week, raising the numbers a bit. Today and tomorrow, we’ll go over the lists again and make sure, again, the blockers are really blockers. JS bugs have all been prioritized as well with owners.
- Blockers:
- P1: 25
- P2: 64
- P3: 4
- Other: 29
- Team blocker numbers:
- Layout: 31
- Content: 20
- GFX: 10
- JS: 34
(Will updated these with links shortly).
Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Firefox 3.5.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x
- 3.0b4 is expected to ship tomorrow (Tuesday, September 22).
- 3.0RC1 work is underway; help very much appreciated:
- run a nightly build and provide feedback/filing bugs (please nominate as blocking-thunderbird? if appropriate)
- write a patch for a blocker bug
- Feedback from SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 2, released roughly a week ago, is good so far
- Some people are quite excited that Lightning calendar can be installed now
- Freeze for 2.0 probably on Oct 6, release later that month
Last Week
- The Amsterdam Reboot
- Now serving addons.mozilla.org!
- Now serving developer.mozilla.org!
- Dropped avg. page load times on AMO by 2 sec.
- Turned up 4Gbps connection to Layer42, sending production traffic
- Moved www.mozilla.com to EdgeCast CDN
This Week
Release Engineering
- New set of mobile devices ready to go into production soon
- Hoping to land some of the changes to how unittests are running this week [1]
- We’re talking about Q4 goals, if you have anything you want, let us know!
Test Execution
- QA is now present on irc.freenode.net, channel #mozilla-quality
- Latest % of feature testing completion in the Firefox 3.6 Testplan
- Mozmill litmus automation progress: 54 BFT fixed, 16 BFT tests remaining (Q3)
Web Dev Testing
- Testing AMO 5.1 is in progress
- Verified changes for phase 3 of Mozilla Service Week.
- Testing of Student signature contest is in progress.
- Testing of SUMO 1.4 is in progress.
Metrics, Accessibility, Localization, Community
- Community
- Community helped with flash crash issue: We sent out calls for help via QMO (1, 2), irc, and Facebook. Several people responded!
- Held a Test Day last Friday on New features for 3.6
- Next Open Source meet-up in Munich on Friday, September 25. Tell your German Friends!
- Next Mountain View Community Meet-up is on Wednesday, Sept, 23. Topic is Feature Exploration/Live Testing.
- We are presenting at the EU MozCamp in Prague on Saturday and Sunday, October 3-4. Members of the QA team will be talking about testing projects and how to get involved.
- Detected that users on Ubuntu with an official release/nightly build from Mozilla are not able to send Crash reports due to use of a non-default installed libcurl library bug 517493
- Accessibility: One of the major screen reader venders, Freedom Scientific, released a public Beta for JAWS 11 recently. Last week was spent testing this public beta.
- Metrics: New Project Metrics dashboard is available along with pages for AMO 5.1 and SUMO 1.4
Test Development
- Have the first pass of the automatic crash reproduction system working – pulling URLs from a database, spinning builds, running tests, pushing results back into the database
- First set of NPAPI stream tests landed, Plugin scripting tests are next
- Working through the issues with Python CE and identifying what is blocking bringing up Talos on Python CE.
- Beginning work on Q4 goals, more information soon.
- More details here
No updates
- Mozilla support for WebGL in The Register
- Flash upgrade results features in GHacks, Download Squad, Geek.com, InternetNews, SC Magazine and ComputerWorld, InformationWeek, Heise
- Mozilla cleared of U.S export rules feature in Internet News and on the front page of Slashdot
- ComputerWorld covers Firefox sprint updates
- Mark Surman talks open video
- Moz Service Week kicks off in Tree Hugger, Wed User and Tech Republic
Mozilla Service Week
- Last call for service
- Here’s how you can help!
- Report your volunteer hours & share your stories
- Volunteer:
- Choose from a list of over 3,500 service opportunities on our partner sites Idealist.org & betterplace.org. Our partner OneWebDay also has a variety of service events taking place on and around Sept. 22nd.
- Host a web help desk
- Check out what Abhinav Kishore organized I love his web form!
- Host a social media seminar
- Conduct an Internet Health Check
- Report your volunteer hours & share your stories
- Celebrate OneWebDay, Sept. 22, 2009
- Take a pic of one of the I <3 the Web posters and share it
- Change your twitter or Facebook pic to an I <3 Web icon
- Join us in SF tomorrow night:
- 6:30 p.m.
- 21st Amendment
- Raffle & free drinks
- Join us in SF tomorrow night:
- Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre en Chile October 7 – 9, 2009, Santiago, Chile – Sponsoring event and bringing together the Mozilla Hispanic Community. + 2 day MozCamp Prior. Invitations have been sent out and we will have around 40 people attending including 6 MoCo representatives.
- WordCamp Philippines September 19, 2009 in Makati City, Philippines – Waiting to hear back from Gen/Seth on their update.
- Philippine Blog Awards October 9, 2009 in Luzon, Philippines – We are sponsoring this event. Our mission is to help build up the Philippine community and build the Tagalog locale.
- 10,000,000 clicks to flash update page at adobe.com (the number currently stands at close to 12M)
- Firefox Uninstall Survey
- When we re-launched earlier this year, one key aspect we didn’t promote much is the new reporting interface (it’s public)
- You may recall that when we quizzed you about the #1 reason, the answer was a tie between “crashes” and “just temporary” (this was back in June). Now looking at the data trended over time, “crashes” has since shown a significant increase. We’ll likely blog with some insights.
(blizzard traveling for work; arun to give update)
- Held a “Summit” of developers to get feedback on Firefox’s future directions. Attended by recognized developers, including folks from Facebook, Apple (mobileMe), Google, Yahoo, Ruby devs, etc.
- MDC had to be restored from a backup after a database corruption problem late yesterday. Any edits made between 7 AM Sunday morning and around 8 PM or so were lost.
- Snowl 0.3 released; more info in the blog post
- Design Lunch this week is on about:weave redesign and the currently running Weave Design Challenge.
- The video from last week’s Design Lunch, about the redesign of the Download Manager and notifications for Firefox 4. (The video seems to be weirdly sped up, which makes some of the speech hard to follow. I’m going to look into whether it’s fixable.)
Developer Tools
- Ben and Joe were at The Ajax Experience
- Firefox Platform summit was on Friday
- Bespin 0.4.4 “Bubba Ho-Tep” was released (bugfixes)
This week:
- Live file history – initial release of this feature planned for this week.
- Bespin “Reboot” planning (next week, we’re on site to work through a structural overhaul of Bespin’s code)
- Plugin loading/infrastructure for Bespin Reboot
- Set up new Bespin hg repositories that will be a home for the Reboot code. Will also be breaking the server and client into separate repos.
- AMO 5.1 launches next week, check out our work in progress at [2]
- New Developer Portal
- Tutorials, guides, forums, and more!
- Chicago Meetup on Sept 29 at Threadless HQ!
- Welcome Jorge Villalobos, Add-ons Developer Relations Lead
- Work continues on PFS2 demo. Our hope is to take the success of the Flash experiment and broaden it to all plugins.
- AMO 5.1 in code freeze
- Socorro materialized views push was successful last Thursday. MTBF, URL and Top Crasher backend was refactored and improved. Reporter changes to follow.
- Met with Metrics team to discuss needs for crash analysis and statistics.
- Localizers are in the middle of Firefox 3.6 string freeze
- Finishing up the often-changing content of Mozilla Service Week — thanks for hanging in there, localizers!
- Pascal working with Fennec web team to finalize content
- Stas examined all the Get Personas code base and gave detailed feedback to web dev on steps to make it fully localizable
- Gandalf is working on wrapping up quarterly goals like a new release of Silme and working on further data integration into the l10n dash board
- L10n track is finalized and posted for the Prague MozEU camp
Foundation Updates
- Tomorrow is One Web Day. Our main push is a I <3 the web poster campaign campaign, as well as fundraising for OneWebDay.
- Please participate by posting a photo of yourself on Flickr or using this poster for your twitter icon. Use the #owdposter tag.
- Also, updated the Internet Health Check campaign, asking people to search out and upgrade computers with IE6. This is another thing you can do for One Web Day.
- Frank posted a proposed framework for strategic grantmaking