Thunderbird notes 2016-03-08. NOON PT (Pacific). For meeting time, previous notes and call-in details see
marcoagpinto, rkent, Paenglab, ba, Jorg K, aceman, mkmelin, wsmwk,MakeMyDay, Fallen
Action items from last meetings
- we should really clean up the module owners and peers at and Candidates for removal: Bienvenu, standard8, sid0, JosiahOne.
- jcranmer??
Current status / Announcements
- update your info at
Current Release Critical Issues
Leave critical bugs here until confirmed fixed. If confirmed, then remove.
- tracking-tb38 flags: approved(+)+unfixed in ESR: nominated(?):
- tracking matrix:
- Tree issues:
- Please help green up the tree – including not only c-c but also esr38, beta, and aurora
- bug 1224846 (esr45) – TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/components/osfile/tests/xpcshell/test_read_write.js
- Fallen?
- bug 1250723 (esr45) – startup CRASH: C-C TB ASSERTION: can’t be your own parent aka morkTable::AddRow (v45 topcrash)
- rkent is taking this, reproducible result of exceeding limit of key size
- bug 1251120 (esr45)- crash in nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode (v45 topcrash)
- We really need a reproducible case, individual messages don’t do the trick. (wsmwk reproduces 100%)
- bug 1211291 (esr38, unknown in esr45) – Folders are visible, but messages are not. (?related to bug 1211358 lightning chrome.manifest not updated in 38.3.0 ?)
- nobody has a clue about what to do with this, leaning toward shipping 38.7.0 with not fix. (wsmwk) agree, ship without fixing it
- Bug 1162148 – Warning: Identity file /builds/.ssh/{ffxbld_rsa,tbirdbld_dsa} not accessible: No such file or directory (won’t be needed after esr38, fixed in 42) – status?
- Problems updating to 38.6 to do with Lightning bug 1249894 and its five duplicates. Two users attached their extensions folder.
- Isn’t this the same as the one above, bug 1211291?
important (but not top critical)
- status TBD – bug 1182629 – update to 38.1.0 from 38.0.1 re-enables disabled Lightning
- status TBD – bug 1176399 – Multiple master password when GMail OAuth2 is enabled
- status TBD – bug 1176748 – fix main thread proxies to the migration code (jorgk and m_kato helped in past)
- proxy (eg causing foxyproxy problems)
- topcrash bug 1149287 is ** 31% of our crashes** – see below
Version 45
- tracking-tb45 flags: unfixed ?/+ –
- Items that may need to be checked and tested: gtk3, windows 10
- Past
- 44.0b1 2016-01-18
- 45.0b1 2016-02-04 with GTK3 built but updates not enabled
- 45.0b2 with GTK2 2016-02-19
- 38.6.0 2016-02-12
- Upcoming –
- 45.0b3
- 38.7.0
Past releases:
- (bundled)
- (AMO)
Upcoming releases:
- 4.0.6 (bundled) (TB 38.6)
- 4.7.0 – bug 1225778 (TB 45 tracking)
Round Table
- filed new crashes
- bug 1253855 – crash in nsContentIterator::NextNode (v45 potential topcrash)
- bug 1251120 – crash in nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode (v45 topcrash)
- sorting related support issues:
- bug 1246269 – Old Thunderbird versions are not updating.
- bug 1249216 – SUMO landing page for “Help” could be for better
- bug 1239386 – Thunderbird start page is outdated
Jorg K
- Landed:
- bug 1233935 – Bustage fix (nsAutoPtr – take 2)
- bug 1250010 – M-C: Type-in style not applied to empty paragraphs
- bug 1251408 – External images not displayed in reply/forward
- bug 1251783 – Forwarding multipart message with bad structure doesn’t detect charset
- bug 1254596 – Reply with selection doesn’t work any more (regression from the DOM windows stuff)
- Awaiting review:
- bug 1243498 – Kill Eudora import
- bug 321355 – Edit as new on draft, taken over from Hiro.
clokep [not in meeting]
- Did merges on Monday:
- c-c is now 48, c-a 47, c-b 46, c-r 45
- c-esr45 was created and c-r was merged into it (after c-b was merged into c-r, thus c-esr45 has tb 45 code in it)
- Lots of GSoC stuff going on — Mozilla has been accepted, it’s not too late to provide more projects!
- and
- Thanks to all who have put up projects 🙂
- Making our case to Mozilla
- Leadership
Help Wanted
- Accessibility lead
- Person comfortable (not necessarily technical experts) with Core type issues. Example, graphics to guide bug 1195947 Thunderbird hardware acceleration (HWA) issues to be resolved