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Friends of the Tree
Daniel Einspanjer <deinspanjer@mozilla.com> wrote in “Cheng really hit a home run with the “answer a SUMO forum question” project. I believe that he deserves a FotT for that work.”
Anthony Hughes <anthony.s.hughes@gmail.com> wrote in “I’d like to nominate Tony Mechelynck and Milos as Friends of the Tree for being Top Testers in QAs Seamonkey test day last week.”
Development Updates
( Projects | Status | Goals | People )
Firefox Future
Team News
- KILLER GOOD NEWS: Out of Process Plugins has landed on Mozilla Central. However, there are two things broken: TP4 Hang and x86-64 is red. The tree will probably need to stay closed until we get it sorted out. Stay tuned, because, this is exciting stuff!
- In today’s CrashKill meeting, we’ll be taking a look at the crash numbers to see where we stand. It takes several days for numbers to become somewhat stable after a beta release. Join us for the results.
- And, of course, we’re wrapping up the blockers below.
- Blockers:
- Team blocker numbers:
Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Firefox 3.5.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x
- Firefox 3.0.16 / Firefox 3.5.6
- on track for release tomorrow
- Firefox 3.0.17 / Firefox 3.5.7
- schedule is live
- might move dates out by 1-2 days
- please work on your blockers
Thunderbird 3.0 has shipped!
Thanks to everyone who was part of making it happen!
3.0.1, 3.1, and longer-term planning work is underway…
- Preparing SeaMonkey 2.0.1 in sync with Firefox 3.5.6 tomorrow
- Tested that in last Fireday’s test day, went very well, thanks to ashughes and aakash for having this event!
Last Week
- (Finally) Mastered KVM, spun up QA VMs
- Valgrind
- Windows Purify
- (Finally) Got through the bulk of user-facing RHEL kernel upgrades
This Week
- Rolling out geo-ip aware bouncer/
– bug 459919
Release Engineering
- 3.0.16 and 3.5.6 set to release tomorrow, 3.6b5 later this week
Test Execution
- Testing of Fx3.6b5 this week
- Shipped Fx3.5.6 to beta, and plans for production this week
- Signed off on personas 1.5 extension and 3.6 compatibility
- Currently working on designing a “Report Broken Website” extension for Mobile Firefox. Current mock-up ideas can be found here
- Crashkill QA Testing progress is very active! In particular, these bugs had a lot of traction last week:
- bug 530989 – regression ranged narrowed, fix in place
- bug 501429 – rstrong has enough data to work on a fix
- bug 525277 – week of onsite reproductions, have located the cause
- Special thanks to marcia for filing and reproducing over a dozen crasher bugs during one busy workweek!
Web Dev Testing
- Tested and shipped AMO 5.4
- GetPersonas.com 2.0 – Almost done with bug fix verifications
Accessibility, Localization, Community
- Community
- Held the Seamonkey 2.0 Testday last Friday.
- New blog post about the German Open-Source Meetups.
- Localization: Completed testing of 16 key locales for Firefox 3.6
Test Development
- No updates.
- Pickup of Asa’s blog post on Google v Bing privacy
- French military contributes to Thunderbird
- Some media coverage coming out of Add-on Con
- Mozilla for N900 coverage
Five Years of Firefox
The Five Years of Firefox Creative Collective Design Challenge has closed its call for submissions. Now its time for you to vote! Make sure to cast your vote by December 16th! Check out John’s blog post or Sarah’s for some recommendations of our favorites!
- Community marketing call this Wednesday, December 16th at 10 a.m. PDT/18:00 UTC
- Dial-in Info: +1.650.903.0800, followed by 92# and then 7391#
- Or you can use our toll-free number: +1.800.707.2533, followed by 369# and then 7391#. If you’re outside the US, use Skype to call in with our toll-free number.
- You can also watch the meeting live in Open Video at air mozilla
- For those that can’t make the call or want to participate online, join us in #marketing on IRC (irc.mozilla.org).
- Agenda:
- Please send Mary (mary at mozilla dot com) any other items.
- Add-on-Con December 11, 2009, Mountain View, CA. We sponsored this event and had a number of sessions: Taking Flights with JetPack (Aza), Mobile Firefox Add-on Development (Mark Finkle), Future of Add-on Ecosystem (Justin, Aza, Chris Finke), Opening Keynote: Do Add-ons Need a Marketing Place (Justin Scott) and participation in closing keynote – the Future of the Web Browser (Mike Shaver). A special thanks to Mark Finkle, Justin Scott, Aza Raskin, Chris Finke and Mike Shaver for speaking at add-on-con. Also the night prior we had an add-ons workshop on Thursday night 12/10 where we will work on 3.6 compatibility and porting extensions to mobile.
- Foundations of Open Media Software January 13 – 15, 2010; Wellington, New Zealand. Perfect venue to promote open video. We are currently sponsoring this – Matthew Gregan, Chris Double and Chris Pearce will be attending and representing Mozilla.
- Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) 2010 January 20-22, 2010; Madrid Spain. We are sponsoring this event.
- Techkriti, GNUnify, Quark – February 2010; India. Looking into participation and sponsorship at these events in India.
- SXSW Interactive 2010 March 12-16, 2010; Austin, Texas. Working on sponsorship opportunities and Firefox party. Please continue to check our wiki page for information.
- Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS 2010) June 10, 2010; Toronto, Canada. We are sponsoring this event.
- SUMO 2010 roadmap (draft)
- Feedback very welcome!
- Thanks to everyone who helped users in the forum last week!
- 53 people helped 230 users.
- This is not the end — you can keep helping out on the support forums.
- User Outreach
- Published final analysis in a three part series – “Let’s Help Beginner Users of Firefox”. We looked at the expectations of users when clicking “Getting Started” from the Firefox toolbar and how we can improve that moment of engagement.
- This is going to be File API week! Got two exciting demos for 3.6.
- Test Pilot 0.4 released, which adds recurring studies and built-in surveys and other features needed to support future experiments.
- We released the our second Test Pilot study, A Week in the Life of a Browser, which is now starting to return data on bookmarks, downloads, extensions, browser session length, crashes, and active/idle time.
- Personas 1.5 this week!
Developer Tools
- No updates this week
- Add-on-Con & meetup were great.
- AMO 5.4 released: beta channels, GetSatisfaction, localized browse
- Firefox 3.6 compatibility up to 70%
- getpersonas.com 2.0 to be released Tuesday
- No major updates
Foundation Updates
- This week we’re launching a campaign to raise money to support Namoroka Park. Take a look at our plans and please help us get the word out.
- The Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge is now underway, with over 25 projects and over 60 participants. For more information see Philipp Schmidt’s blog post.