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Thunderbird Meeting Details :
- Tuesday, December 15th, 17:30 UTC (9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern)
- How to dial-in
- Who’s taking minutes? –> davida
- Minute taking Schedule. Talk to davida for schedule changes/additions.
Action Items
- Planning for a dry-run security firedrill build
Friends of the Tree
Thunderbird 3.0
Some random download stats from the download.m.o counter (only a part of the downloads, not sure how representative):
- Thunderbird-3.0 — 1,156,131
- Thunderbird-3.0-Complete — 912,214
- Thunderbird — 5,194,344
Thunderbird 3.1 Developer Update
- Post 3.0 Roadmap
- Post 3.1 Roadmap
- Tb 3.1 cycle specifics
- Codename: Lanakai
- More branches and work on branches
- Feedback on schedule for is wanted.
- Blockers
- Proposed Blocking
- Fixed Alpha 1
Thunderbird 3.0.x Developer Update
- No concrete plan for 3.0.1 as of yet
- Tinderbox has links to:
- Blocking Nominations: 16
- Blockers (needed): 1
- Blocking 3.0.1: 12
- Of which:
- waiting branch patch (or approval flag setting): 11
- Fixed 3.0.1: 22
- Of which need verification: 22
QA Updates
- TB 3.0 released
- Top reported issues :
- Duplicate folder after migrations from 2.x bug 505465
- Issue with the way we do auth for some SMTP confs, also after migration from 2.x
- Can’t open text files bug 533462
- Bug filled are going up a bit.
- we are going back to our regular Thursday scheduled activities new users are welcome and can easily join. Thunderbird:Upcoming QA Testday
status | bug | summary | # of crash |
Unassigned [tb30xwants] | bug 519962 | _purecall | nsPrefBranch::freeObserverList() | nsPrefBranch::Observe(nsISupports*, char const*, unsigned short const*) | 1445 |
Assigned Patch in review | bug 505717 | EscapeFromSpaceLine(nsIOutputStream*, char*, char const*) | 1204 |
No signature bug | 1100 | ||
Assigned patch pending review | bug 513543 | MimeInlineTextHTML_parse_eof | 853 |
Unassigned | bug 505016 | _purecall | nsXPCWrappedJS::QueryInterface(nsID const&, void**) | 773 |
concerned by some sqlite related crashers.
Marketing Updates
- PR update – many articles, mostly positive pick up
- 68 original articles from Dec 8 – 10. 193 total US articles, 135 original since November.
- 32 original articles in Germany for Thunderbird 3 release
- 13 original in the UK
- 20 original in Japan
- over 30 in France
Next up
- Evaluating press articles.
- Party planning – 3rd/4th week of January for release party.
IT update
- Post Thunderbird 3.0 fixes and metrics
- Calendar 1.0b1
- TB 3.0 AUS pings yesterday: > 162k
- SuMoMo trunk has all wanted features working
- set up build environment
- edit and link up gloda docs; clean up crufty old stuff
- fix for Get Thunderbird version how-to
- fix for Compose New Message how-to
- (ongoing) Mission control / autoconfig (also new issue with documenting prefs)
TODO / In Progress
- Doc day on Thursday – announce and set up
- finalize / blog Content Tab docs
- support doc locations (521665)
- All Hands
- Met everybody in SUMO and AMO and others I wanted to meet except PascalC
- Enabled me to draw up 2010 Support Goals which I will make public later this week
- Top 5 GS Thunderbird 2 Support Topics (code in progress: )
- not collected focused on Thunderbird 3.0
- Thunderbird 3.0 Top Support Issues
- Kaspersky DLL and KPT issue causes blank windows after upgrade from TB 2 to 3 – email to Carsten and Mark and Sam sent, not sure who is in charge of Kaspersky, is it Jonathan? awaiting reply to email
- Add-Ons: Where is Lightning?
- Compact Header
- Untick use name and password
- 4GB Gmail issue – Bienvenu working on fix for Thunderbird 3.1
- opening IMAP text attachments is broken
- SUMO for MoMo
- theming really done this week now that all functionality is working
- still need people to write kb articles – sign up to write a SuMoMo article today 🙂
- TB 3.0 Lessons learned for 3.1 Support
- Have a support Day 1 or 2 business days after release
- Test (and notify vendors) all popular anti-virus upgrade scenarios from last major release to new release including Kaspersky
- Have KB articles ready for all new features and GS topics that point to KB articles – start writing KB articles at Beta 1
- Explain how community support works. 1 or 2 brief videos will make it much clearer I think
- Explain how add-ons work and how crucial it is to wait for your add-ons to be ported before upgrading
- Get Satisfaction
- Met with GS team in San Francisco last week and shared our ideas for GS improvements, most critical is split/close, will post wiki page with followup
- GS branding will be done this week, thanks to Gozer for code inspecting
- GS Workflow aka How to do support – draft in progress
- Key Support stats from the following graphic:
- approximately 105/ day (734/7 new topics 3.6x higher than week of Dec 1, # of visitors 15X higher: 30000 compared to 2000)
- total new topics:734 total replies: 372 (Ruby Code)
- date:20091208 #new support topics:54 resolved:15
- date:20091209 #new support topics:189 resolved:13
- date:20091210 #new support topics:165 resolved:16
- date:20091211 #new support topics:126 resolved:23
- date:20091212 #new support topics:103 resolved:9
- date:20091213 #new support topics:88 resolved:13
- date:20091214 #new support topics:92 resolved:18
- #replies from non MoMo folks: replies from MoMo folks: not available since JSON GS Replies API is down, email sent to GS folks thanks to Bienvenu, davida, dmosee and new folks for helping
- happiness metric: API doesn’t have happiness emotitags, code in progress:, JSON replies API is down so no update, Hendrix down to 10 since link replaced with GS link
- bsmedberg’s weekly update webapp
- update from the all-hands?
- need volunteer for checkin-needed
Status Updates
- Reviews
- Thunderbird 3 follow-up and bug triage.
- 3.0.x driving
- 1.9.2 branch set up work.
- Reviews and Driving
- MoCo All hands
- 3.1 planning
- Spent time with Get Satisfaction to get an idea of the issues we need to fix for 3.01 and 3.1.
- Added check for null url in NotifySearchHit, potential fix for topcrash bug 533249
- Attempted to fix dock count issues on mac, bug 516477
- fix ref counting issue editing drafts, bug 532693
- Cleaned up some dump statements in unit tests to dump exception caught, not some undefined variable.
- 2 new people with bug privileges
- reviewing dataloss bugs: done/started (27), lots more to do(108)
- triage incoming 3.x bugs via whine reports focusing on major, critical, crash
- Gloda integration in to Search Messages window not going well, and is backed out for next beta
- Eudora 8.0b8/Penelope 0.5a5 builds made and being tested, with hopes of release later this week
- Upgraded SeaMonkey build machines to current buildbot and buildbotcustom
- Patched one issue with general comm-* builds in new buildbotcustom, should go in this week, things should be usable for Thunderbird as well, then.
- Releasing SeaMonkey 2.0.1 today, in sync with Firefox 3.5.6
- Thunderbird 3 release
- All Hands
- Add-on Conference
This Week
- A few more locales for Thunderbird 3
- PR evaluation.
- More lightning icons bug 494598
- Thunderbird 3.0.1 bugs fixes bug 526193, bug 516586, bug 531140
- Fighting hardware issues
- Fighting bugs
- Additional lightning polish
- Start adding stuff to netbook meta bug bug 533875
- Look into bug 533342 and bug 534267
Last week:
- Review bug 518315, bug 530721, bug 521173, bug 522251, bug 534741, and bug 530047.
- Work on bug 525070, and post the code to the extension.
- Post a patch for bug 533360.
- Talk about netbooks.
- Suggest marks for the students working on ISDPB.
Next week:
- More ISPDB driving.
- Start an extension for some of the netbook changes.
- Continue my ReplyMode extension.
- Say hello to next term’s students, and help them get started.
- Fixed MailNews Core bugs:
- bug 520899 Switch application/x-javascript to application/javascript, MailNews Core part
- Lightning 1.0b1rc1 is ready, will be released asap.
- Sunbird repacks fail on all platforms, gozer will take a look
- Looking for more channels to make the beta rc1 public
- Next up: check in and have patches reviewed to fix burning on trunk
- Exams in about a month
Working on bug 525238 and automated tests. Implemented AUTH PLAIN and AUTH CRAM-MD5 (for real) in the fake server.