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Thunderbird Meeting Details :
- Tuesday, December 22nd, 17:30 UTC (9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern)
- How to dial-in
- Who’s taking minutes? –> dmose
- Minute taking Schedule. Talk to davida for schedule changes/additions.
Action Items
- Planning for a dry-run security firedrill build
- Standard8 to set up checklists, with luck will be able to drive this early Jan.
Friends of the Tree
Thunderbird 3.1 (Lanikai)
- The schedule is still in a bit of flux, but mostly right. Feedback requested.
- Blockers
- Proposed Blocking
- blocking-thunderbird3.1?: 58 (+10)
- Fixed Alpha 1
- TB 3.1a1 blocking: 4 (+3)
Thunderbird 3.1a1
- comm-1.9.2 branch cut: ???
- String/code freeze date: 2010-01-12 (Tuesday)
- l10n-mozilla-1.9.2 freeze date: 2010-01-18 (Monday)
- Build/relbranch date: 2010-01-19 (Tuesday)
- Ship date: 2010-01-26 (Tuesday)
Thunderbird 3.0.x Developer Update
- 3.0.1
- Aiming to base off of Gecko
- Schedule Highlights:
- Code Freeze: January 8, 2010, 11:59pm
- Beta Period: January 13
- Estimated Release Date: January 20
- Blocking Nominations: 15 (-1)
- Blockers (needed): 9 (+8)
- Blocking 3.0.1: 22 (+10)
- Of which:
- waiting branch patch (or approval flag setting): 17 (+6)
- Fixed 3.0.1: 31 (+9)
- Of which need verification: 31 (+9)
QA Updates
- Had a good bugday in terms of closing bugs.
- Over the last week 50% of the bugs resolved where duplicates
- 260 new bugs, most are 3.0 related.
- Having a bugday this week
status | bug | summary | # of crash |
Checked in | bug 505717 | EscapeFromSpaceLine(nsIOutputStream*, char*, char const*) | 1139 |
Unassigned [tb30xwants] | bug 519962 | _purecall | nsPrefBranch::freeObserverList() | nsPrefBranch::Observe(nsISupports*, char const*, unsigned short const*) | 985 |
Unassigned | bug 505016 | _purecall | nsXPCWrappedJS::QueryInterface(nsID const&, void**) | 675 |
Funambol contacted. | fnblComponent.dll@0xdb22 | 666 | |
Unassigned | bug 536308 | arena_dalloc_small | arena_dalloc | free | sqlite3_free | pcache1TruncateUnsafe | 582 |
Notes: 1) 7 days of crashes 2) Top 5 comprise only 19% of all crashes, Top 10 is 29%
Marketing Updates
- Press Watch: Continued Thunderbird 3 mentions How to set up a new computer, Thunderbird 3.1 mentions happening
- Working on PR and GS contracts
- Targeting Tb3 Release Party for All Hands.
- Distributed parties targetted for late January or after. Folks interested in throwing their own should contact
IT update
- comm-1.9.2 unittest and bloat builders are up
- 5 more Win2k3 build machines in staging
- Lightning 1.0b1rc1
- Lots of buildbot cleanup and loving
- MacOSX 10.5 comm-central nightly builds are back
- Standard8 mentioned bloat builders are crashing; if anyone’s interested in working on the problem, please have a look and/or contact Standard8
- Doc day: no contributors 🙁
- new SUMOMO articles / sumomo posting problems
- Get Satisfaction: sort out account, review questions to determine article topics
TODO / In Progress
- Mission control / autoconfig (also new issue with documenting prefs)
- finalize / blog Content Tab docs
- support doc locations (521665)
Abbreviated report since I am sick, full report on December 29, 2009
- Thunderbird 3.0 Top Support Issues
- Kaspersky DLL and KPT issue causes blank windows after upgrade from TB 2 to 3 – still awaiting exact Kaspersky executable version and exact Kaspersky DB version in order to notify users on GS
- Add-Ons: Where is Lightning? – beta is out, congrats to Lightning team
- Compact Header
- Untick use name and password
- 4GB Gmail issue – Bienvenu working on fix for Thunderbird 3.1
- duplicate folders after TB2 to TB3 upgrade
- opening IMAP text attachments is broken
- sometimes have to delete SMTP password after upgrading from TB 2.0 to 3.0 in order to send email
- Smart Folders UI is not intuitive
- SUMO for MoMo aka SuMoMo
- theming almost done, last 10%, in this case the SUMO search, is the hardest, pushing for before Christmas
- since SuMoMo uses SSL, waiting for GS to give us GS widget code that works with SSL, expecting a fix before Christmas (not rocket science since since all the GS widgets except the Satisfaction Search widget that we are using allow SSL)
- JenZed is going to help with SuMoMo content, thanks Jen!
- Key Support stats from the following graphic:
- asked SUMO folks for help
- as well blog post asking for help
- approximately 100/ day (707/7 new topics still 3.5x higher than week of Dec 1, # of visitors 15X higher than Dec 1: 29000 compared to 2000, down from 35000 last week)
- total new topics:707 total replies from employees and contributors: 297 up from 126 last week, thanks everybody! (Ruby Code)
- date:20091215 #new support topics:119 resolved 21
- date:20091216 #new support topics:117 resolved 18
- date:20091217 #new support topics:107 resolved 23
- date:20091218 #new support topics:83 resolved 28
- date:20091219 #new support topics:57 resolved 10
- date:20091220 #new support topics:66 resolved 17
- date:20091221 #new support topics:75 resolved 29
Status Updates
Last week
- draft / announce 3.1 plans
- propose testing policy change
- code-review & driving work
- thunderbird support work
This week
- On vacation starting 12/23/2009, returning 1/4/2010
- triage incoming 3.x bugs via whine reports focusing on major, critical, crash
- cleanup autocomplete bugs, “resurrecting” regression bug 497722 Compose Address auto-complete … not ordering based on frequency
crit bugs filed:
- bug 535028 [@ szone_free | free | ConvertUsingEncoderAndDecoder(char const*, int, nsIUnicodeEncoder*, nsIUnicodeDecoder*, char**, int*)]
- bug 535029 startup [@ nsPrefBranch::freeObserverList() | nsPrefBranch::Observe(nsISupports*, char const*, unsigned short const*)]
- bug 535056 [@ mozHunspell::SetDictionary(unsigned short const*)]
- bug 535061 crash [@ Hunspell::spell(char const*, int*, char**)]
- bug 535070 hang sending large attachment
- bug 536312 startup [@ fts3GetVarint]
- bug 536310 closing thunderbird [@ arena_dalloc_small | arena_dalloc | free | sqlite3_free | sqlite3VdbeDelete]
- bug 536308 [@ arena_dalloc_small | arena_dalloc | free | sqlite3_free | pcache1TruncateUnsafe] and [@ pcache1TruncateUnsafe ]
- Buildbot: patches could land, so SeaMonkey can run vanilla buildbotcustom now
- Switched comm-1.9.1 to pull chatzilla from hg and use “frozen” extensions from named COMM_1_9_1_BRANCHes
- Q1 Plan and proposal w/ PR agency completed.
- Web site updates for Tb3 typos/errors and Lightning.
- Support issues through GS and email.
- Wrapped up final invoices for various pr/design/web site vendors.
- GS contract extension.
- Snippet localization.
- Tb3.0.1/3.1 web site requirements.
- Vacation through January 3rd.
- Tried to normailzed smtp issue for 3.0.1
- Organizing and participating to the weekly event
- On vacation next week.
Last week:
- Check in bug 526650, bug 533361, bug 530972, and bug 518315.
- Review bug 522250, bug 505465, and bug 530721.
- Work on bug 525070 and bug 525070.
- Comment on bug 534604.
- Create bug 534994.
- Give Kohei access to my instance of ISPDB for sanity checking.
- Edit some docs on DevMo.
- Answer some questions on GetSat.
Next week:
- Bug people for reviews.
- Review my patches so I don’t look like a hypocrite.
- Work on bug 525070, bug 533680, and the netbook extensions.
- Book tickets for the All-Hands.
- Fixed MailNews Core bugs:
- bug 484799 make {package,installer} should rebase on windows