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Firefox 3.1 Meeting Details
- Tuesdays – Firefox 3 – 11:00am Pacific, 2:00pm Eastern, 18:00 UTC
- Mozilla Building S
- 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x91 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
- 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
- #shiretoko for backchannel
(See Platform#Meeting_Notes for Gecko 1.9.1 progress)
Firefox / 3.0.2
- simultaneous release
- code freeze is tonight (Tuesday, August 26th) at 11:59pm PDT
- more information on releases tracking page
- triage queries on Firefox 3.0 tinderbox and Mozilla 1.8 tinderbox
- builds will start on Wednesday
- go to beta in latter half of next week
- release in mid-September
Firefox 3.1
- New on the trunk this week:
- tracemonkey (needs to be enabled)
- need people to try it out
- content jit is a little unstable
- if you crash, and can identify the script, please file a bug (Core::JS) with prefix of [TM] and a testcase
- first focus is on bug reports
- some bugs are being resolved first on the tracemonkey branch then pushed to mozilla-central, soon it will all be mozilla-central
- tracemonkey (needs to be enabled)
- please update feature list
- make sure you have a security review scheduled
- Alpha 2 Schedule
- code freeze was August 19th
- builds have not yet started
- will start on Friday or monday
- Beta 1 Schedule
- code freeze Sept 9th
- please nominate for blockers, will start doing query based reports next week
- temporary build bots getting set up
- localizers able to check in and test work starting later this week
- next priority is / 3.0.2
- not going to get to alpha 2 until later this week – still worth it?
- bug 448616 – no symbols for 3.1 builds; seems to be a XCode problem, being worked – getting critical
- bug 433710 – graph server doesn’t show memleaks; patch awaiting review done, now waiting on graph server update
- if you need icons produced please tell faaborg
- these meetings
- cross-functional vs. detailed development line items
- should we flip wed/tue meeting times?