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Video for today’s meeting
<video controls=”controls”><source src=”http://videos.mozilla.org/serv/air_mozilla/monday_meetings/status-2010-11-15.ogg” type=”video/ogg; codecs=”theora, vorbis””/></video>
Friends of the Tree
Upcoming Events
This Week
Monday, 15 November
Tuesday, 16 November
Wednesday, 17 November
Thursday, 18 November
- Websites Task Force meeting at 10 AM pacific (meeting details in link)
Friday, 19 November
Saturday, 20 November
Next Week
Product Status Updates
Firefox 4
We Shipped Beta 7
- … and it’s awesome!
- Next up: Beta 8!
- Schedule will be quicker for these ones, they aren’t landmark releases the way beta 7 was, they are incremental progressions as we clamp down blockers
- If you can’t come up with a good reason why a bug should go into beta 8 instead of beta 9 → not a beta 8 blocker
- Beta 8 schedule will be discussed in tomorrow’s development call and wednesday’s product call, each at 11am PST.
- Schedule will be quicker for these ones, they aren’t landmark releases the way beta 7 was, they are incremental progressions as we clamp down blockers
A quick list of Firefox 4 triage queries is available:
- Beta 8: 66 blockers
- Beta: 471 blockers
- Final: 339 blockers
- TOTAL: 812 blockers
- nominations: 211 nominations
- ready to land: 11 blockers ready
Firefox 3.6 & 3.5
- Code freeze for 3.6.13 and 3.5.16 is this Thursday, 2010-11-18 @ 11:59 PST
- Nag emails and blocker reports will be sent out today
- Plan to final ship on Thursday, December 9th
Mobile Firefox
- Beta 3 code freeze is still next Tuesday, November 23
- Firefox Home 1.0.4 is now in the app store
- Mac 32 & 64 bit builds expected today and tomorrow
- We are preparing a 3.3a1 release and are looking for some help on the testing side
- Alpha builds start this week
- Universal Subtitles: 2,856 videos subtitled. Need help to reach their 10,000 videos by Jan 1 target.
- Drumbeat Festival follow-up: early work started on 4 new Festival projects.
- Lightning talk on Festival coming next week.
The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It’s like a lightning talk, but don’t feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.
Title | Presenter | Topic | Media | More Details |
Your Title Here | Your Name Here | What are you going to talk about? | Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen | Link to where audience can find out more information |
Tracking Polish Bugs in Firefox 4 | Alex Faaborg | Now that all of the major features have landed for Firefox 4, we are shifting our focus towards small polish bugs. We want Firefox 4 to looks and feel like a finely crafted product. | Main Window | Learn more about Atul’s buzilla.js which was used to provide the live data in these mockups. Also thanks go to Gerv for building the API we’re accessing! |
Status Updates By Team
- Launched F1, an experimental service & Firefox add-on designed to help users easily share links while avoiding the “NASCAR problem.”
Release Engineering
Automation & Tools
- Mozilla releases new Firefox 4 beta, link-sharing extension
- Firefox 4 regains speed mojo
- Firefox 4 gets much, much faster
- New Beta Release Gives Firefox a Shot of Jäger
- Firefox Launches F1 Social Add-On
- Firefox F1 Fights Back Against RockMelt
- Mozilla launches F1, a new way to share links
Creative Team
Community Marketing
Developer Tools
Introducing New Hires
- William Reynolds – User Engagement
- Cameron McCormack – Web standards, platform work of some variety
- Kevin Fox – Principal UX Designer, Labs
- Ian Bicking (not really a new hire!) – moves from WebDev to Labs
- Thomas Arend – Mobile PM