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Thunderbird 3.3 Alpha 2 | Thunderbird 3.1.7 & 3.0.11 |
Thunderbird Meeting Details :
- Tuesday, December 14, 2010 17:30 UTC (9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern)
- How to dial-in
Remember to press *1 to unmute yourself before talking!
Feel free to ask questions in the meeting either by speaking up or by asking them in #maildev on IRC.
- Who’s taking minutes? –> gozer
- Minute taking Schedule. Talk to davida or dmose for schedule changes/additions.
- Note: this meeting is for interactive discussion. Feel free to ask questions!
Action Items
Friends of the Tree
Conversion Funnel (Priority 0 side project)
Thunderbird Development
Feature Work
Pluggable Mail Stores (bug 402392):
Thunderbird Conversations
- Thunderbird Conversations released. Thanks to everyone for relaying the news. This has been on Lifehacker, Reddit, GHacks, and various other websites. Lots of retweets.
- A few comments on Twitter and the blog post. Went from 92 downloads/day to 1500. Statistics were initially pretty good, except there hasn’t been a significant increase in the number of users as I expected. Low retention rate, I suspect people are afraid of Trunk.
- Lots of bugs reported. Still a lot of open bugs. Managed to kill a few, the fixes are in the nightly versions.
- Next: Andy and Bryan have some work to do and a few things to help me on, I think we can aim for a new release maybe before Christmas with mostly bugfixes in, or maybe next year.
Trunk (Miramar) Development
- Active branches.
- Next Alpha: Early January.
- Help on fixing blockers would be very useful and appreciated, see this list of higher priority bugs.
- blocking criteria :
- Alpha 1 -> Serious usability issues.
- After -> not real criteria, regression/usability issues as usual.
- Decision on if/when we’ll do 3.2 on hold until we progress account provisioning further.
Thunderbird Stability & Security Releases
- 3.0.11 and 3.1.7 released.
- Planning to shut down 3.0.x nightly builds after Wednesday 15th, now that 3.0.x is end-of-life.
- The wiki page on the process for landing security patches has now been made generic so that it applies to all security and stability branches.
- Bug Lists: 3.1
Major updates to 3.1
- -> 3.1.7 Major Update refresh this week.
QA Updates
Marketing Updates
Infrastructure Update
Build / Release Update
Web Update
Lightning Updates
Status Updates
See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.