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Thunderbird Meeting Details
- Tuesday, Sept 23, 16:30 UTC (9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern)
- How to dial-in
- Who’s taking minutes? Gozer is
- Updates to the minutes should be complete by [2008-09-24 03:00:00 UTC]
Action Items
- davida: reschedule meeting, to Wednesdays? – calendar folk will be on future status calls
- davida is waiting until after 3.0b1 and calendar 0.9 to sort this out.
Thunderbird:Thunderbird 3.0b1
- Code freeze TODAY
- Thunderbird L10N builds seem to be ok, need to set Freeze date (dashboard)
- 3.0b1 Tracking Document
- Standard8 is the release driver
- wsmwk is the QA lead of Beta 1
Blockers / Wanted Bugs
- Blockers/Wanted:
- TB 3.0b1 – blocking: 15 (2 post freeze)
- Not tracked in lists (core):
bug 454004 Ctrl+Home / Ctrl+End don’t work in Mail Compose window - bug 314160 Typing focus lost when using any Midas buttons/selects except text color/hightlight color
- Mac only, no fix in sight.
bug 455217 Selection colors for plain text files is wrong (white background, blue text instead of blue background, white text)
- TB 3.0b1 – wanted: 11
- Proposed Blockers (b1): 4
- Fixed:
Thunderbird 3
3.0b1 targeted Main Bugs Progress
- Account Configuration bug 422814 (beta2, davida)
- Backend changes have been checked in
- Password Manager bug 239131 (beta2, standard8)
- LDAP patch waiting review (completes ldap changes) and update
- Starting to look at rest of changes, i.e. smtp
- Inline card dialog bug 450724 (beta1, standard8)
- davida updating the patch.
- Improved Message Reader View bug 449691 (beta1, dmose/davida)
- Complete for beta 1?
- Toolkit autocomplete migration bug 360648 (beta2, standard8)
- Fighting LDAP code to do the right thing.
Pushed to beta 2
- gloda-in-core bug 450494 has been pushed to beta 2, but we will be releasing a new extension with expmess/exptoolbar functionality soon. (part of the reason for the push).
More 3.0 high-level work next week
- drivers meeting moved to 9:00 AM Pacific this week; dmose to send out email
QA Updates
- crash stats is totally on the ropes.
- The OSX/Intel problems can most likely worked around for the RC, by simply running dump_symbols repeatedly until it runs once without failing.
- status of bugday 09-25 uncertain – have coverage only for session #3
- modest amount of feedback in bugs to beta 1’s new features during beta 1 testday
Status Updates
- GloDa review
- various other misc reviews
- IMAP debugging
- nsIAbCollection bug 450917
- Cleaning up nsIMsgIncomingServer bug 435775
- Doing some kill-rdf testing
- Reviews & Driving
- Autocomplete
- Reworked fix for bug 325842 due to unit test failures.
- Trying to sort out remaining LDAP issues.
- Inline Message Reader View
- Did reviews and helped with qute theme tidy up (bug 455801
- bug 450724 Inline edit card dialog
- Fixed some problems with standalone message window
- Fixed some issues relating to the show only display name preference.
- Patch up for Stars, davida improving on it.
- Address Book
- bug 455610 – Correct birthday field translation in OS X Address Book interface
- bug 455240 – Address book card preview pane doesn’t update for card changes via external interfaces and some internal updates.
- Misc
- bug 456415 Setting up a vcard for an account doesn’t work
- bug 450038 – Landed patch for point help to
- bug 451238 and bug 430762 – Start pages now hosted on
- bug 358716 – Upgraded LDAP c-sdk to latest version (6.0.6)
- gloda review tracking now on User:Andrew_Sutherland/MailNews/GlobalDatabase/Review to augment the bug. (moved existing actionable bug comments to the wiki page.)
- gloda progress
- implemented revised indexing logic.
- now uses bounded event-driven indexing with fall-back to sweep when too many events happen, or just in cases where we don’t need timely updates.
- indexing now more ‘incremental’ in that we can tell from a header (thanks to a property we set) whether the message has been gloda indexed, and whether it needs to be re-indexed (dirty). this allows sweeps to be practical/efficient.
- only indexes things that are offline for IMAP
- indexing is suspended if you ‘go offline’ as a proxy for assuming you are on battery, lacking an indicator for that.
- indexing is throttled if you are active versus idle. the numbers may need tweaking.
- changes for review
- got jsdoc-toolkit based documentation going here. Required/uses some changes I made, available in hg.
- implemented revised indexing logic.
- Reviews and driving
- Turned off js in mail for b1 bug 453943
- Found fix for bug 456326 “some other operation in process” assertion
- Found fix for one case of bug 455964 imap parser assertion
- Found fix for flag state messed up assertion
- Landed fix for bug 262319 new messages arriving in threaded view causes affected threads to get resorted
- Worked with auto sync patch, and fixed static build issue.
- Worked on kill-rdf repository with jminta – folders no longer getting created through rdf.
- Worked on threadview repository, starting to thread messages in cross-folder saved searches.
- bug 436615: Imap Auto-Sync – landed
- bug 440794: Async send operation – ready for the first cut
- Post Auto-Sync regression bugs that I’ve worked on
- bug 455963 flagState messed up
- bug 455964 parser assertions since autosync turnon
- bug 456326 some other operation is in progress
- bug 455966 threadsafety assertions post-autosync landings
- Auto-Sync improvement bugs that I’ve worked on
- bug 456291 usage of mail.check_new_mail
- bug 455812 XPCOM interface to allow monitor background download operations – patch is ready for review
- dealt with colo meltdown all day, will fill this up later
- In Toronto last week for DeveloperDays/TorontoSept2008
- joined
- reviewed
- bug 450724 — New/Edit Card inline features for message header display
- bug 455801 — Polish changes to message reader for b1
- commented on / followed
- bug 455681 — need to manage server space after creating a new POP3 account
- bug 454829 — thread summary page on collapsed threads
- bug 452440 — Message Pane should never be blank
- bug 456168 — Headers take up too much space in new arrangement
- bug 312431 — Remind user POP3 accounts default to download-and-delete
- bug 112356 — No option to leave email messages on server when creating new account
- bug 451995 — implement archive method for auto-saving mail
- updated
- bug 452711 — use firefox default font chooser for display
- collaborated with gerv to improve Hendrix: updated text to inform web form submitor and newsgroup readers “this is not a support forum” bug 453613, captcha added to help prevent spam bug 453652
- ran testday for new features of beta 1
- continue to follow up on patch love bugs
- palmsync component has new default QA palmsync@mail.bugs and updated assignee=nobody
- awaiting thunderbird-testers mailing list bug 456450
- Landed calendar on comm-central
- Worked on porting mozilla-central build system changes to comm-central and clean up comm-central build system code
- Working on update. In the information architecture stage, starting design process next week. Here is map info.
- Thanks to gozer and jb for setting up Plugging away on getting up and running in the next few weeks.
- Continuing work on promotional/marketing giveaways.
- Reviewed messaging/pr plan with Mozilla PR and marketing team.
gozer, davida, dmose, standard8, rebron, clarkbw, emre, bienvenu, nth10sd