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Video for today’s meeting
<video controls=”controls”><source src=”http://videos.mozilla.org/serv/air_mozilla/monday_meetings/status-2011-07-18.ogg” type=”video/ogg; codecs=”theora, vorbis””/></video>
Friends of the Tree
Cameron McCormack for finding a simple way of drastically reducing the time required to run our debug tests. 479352
Upcoming Events
This Week
Monday, 18 July
Tuesday, 19 July
Diary Studies from a Google Researcher, Andrea Knight
- 10Forward – noon
- Diary studies can be a great technique if you’re trying to understand a user’s behavior over the course of a week or two, but can’t observe them the whole time. Learn how to make sure your diary study is successful and helps you answer your hypothesis.
Wednesday, 20 July
Community Marketing Call:
- 10 a.m. PDT/17:00 UTC/19:00 CET.
- In-progress agenda and dial-in info here.
Mobile Ethnography study examples from AnswerLabs
- 2CYA-Noon
- A SF-based user research agency which worked with us before, AnswerLab, recently presented a case study of a mobile ethnography they conducted with Wells Fargo at the UPA Conference. They will share the presentation with us again with more details on Wednesday.
- It would be a good way to spend you lunch time if you are interested to know more about early-stage user research, or just to hang out for mobile related user findings.
Thursday, 21 July
Bitcoin: A Technical Introduction
Brownbag, Thursday, 21 July, 12:00 noon, 10-Forward (also on Air Mozilla)
Brian Warner will explain the cryptographic protocols, economicincentives, and proof-of-work system in Bitcoin, a new decentralized digital currency that’s been in the news recently. Slides are available at <a href=”http://people.mozilla.com/~bwarner/bitcoin/“>[n]</a> .
<p>Friday, 22 July
Next Week
Product Status Updates
Firefox Future (6, 7, 8)
- Updates live again on all trains after the most recent migration
- Seeing double digit aurora channel growth again
- (And, anecdotally, lots of love for the memory improvements there)
- Blog post coming on release timing in rapid release, since there’s still a lot of uncertainty
- It’ll be on the channels blog, stay tuned!
Firefox Current (3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0)
- The <a href=”https://wiki.mozilla.org/Releases/Firefox_3.6.20“>Firefox 3.6.20</a> (used to be called 3.6.19, which was then used by the 10.7 out-of-band release) schedule is now posted
- Shipping at the same time as Firefox 6 (August 16)
- Code freeze for non-blockers: 2011-07-25
- Code freeze for blockers: 2011-08-01
Mobile Firefox
Thunderbird 6 is going to Beta this week.
- Knight-Mozilla Learning Lab: awesome lecture & slides from Chris Heillman this morning.
- (Archived video version coming soon)
- Popcorn.js: stick around for Lightning Talk from Brett Gaylor on their new release!
The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It’s like a lightning talk, but don’t feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.
Title | Presenter | Topic | Media | More Details |
New uses of popcorn.js | Brett Gaylor | Popcorn.js – the butt kicking HTML5 media framework | http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7968133/popcornmonday.pdf
<a href=”http://www.popcornjs.org“>www.popcornjs.org</a> | http://www.popcornjs.org |
Mozilla’s Local Communities | David Boswell | New pages that highlight Mozilla’s local communities around the world |
<a href=”http://www.mozilla.org/contribute/local/africamideast.html“>Africa and the Middle East</a> <a href=”http://www.mozilla.org/contribute/local/asia.html“>Asia and the South Pacific</a> <a href=”http://www.mozilla.org/contribute/local/europe.html“>Europe</a> <a href=”http://www.mozilla.org/contribute/local/latinamerica.html“>Latin America</a> |
Status Updates By Team
Release Engineering
- Test Execution
- Shipped Firefox 6 beta 2 for Mobile to Android Market
- working through a qa sync and load environment within the team
- Mobile QA and Services QA workweek this week (offsite on 7/19)
- WebQA
- AMO <a href=”https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?list_id=806865&resolution=FIXED&classification=Server%20Software&query_format=advanced&target_milestone=6.1.5&product=addons.mozilla.org“>6.1.5</a>
- SUMO http://moxie.jamessocol.com/bugstats/sumo/2011-07-12
- MDN https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671560 7/14
- Personas https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671552 7/14
- QA Community
- Automation Services
- Upcoming QA Automation Services work week in Cambridge, on July 25th – 29th
Automation & Tools
- <a href=”http://arstechnica.com/web/news/2011/07/mozillas-browserid-aims-to-simplify-authentication-on-the-web.ars“>Mozilla’s BrowserID aims to simplify authentication on the Web</a>
- <a href=”http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2011/07/15/a-new-technology-to-battle-website-password-fatigue/?mod=google_news_blog“>A New Technology to Battle Website Password Fatigue</a>
- <a href=”http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20079827-264/redesign-set-to-make-firefox-more-responsive/“>Redesign set to make Firefox more responsive</a>
- <a href=”http://www.conceivablytech.com/8388/products/next-up-for-firefox-instant-sync“>Next Up For Firefox: Instant Sync</a>
- <a href=”http://thenextweb.com/insider/2011/07/15/today-is-mozillas-8th-anniversary/“>Today is Mozilla’s 8th Anniversary</a>
Creative Team
Community Marketing
- BrowserID is launched! Follow identity.mozilla.com for updates, come talk to us if you have ideas!
Developer Tools
People Team
Introducing New Hires
- Carmen Collins is joining the User Engagement team as ‘Content Editor’ [Jane Finette]
- Aakash Desai has officially joined the Contributor Engagement team as a product manager for the Mozillians platform. [Mary Colvig]
- Irving Reid has joined the Thunderbird Team. [Blake Winton]
- Allison Naaktgeboren: Joining the Services team, managed by Mike Connor, located in Mtn. View Office.
- Randell Jesup: Joining the Layout team, managed by Rob O’Callahan, located in Pennsylvania.
- Brad Fuellenbach: converting from seasonal employee to full-time on the Recruiting team, managed by Bret Reckard, located in Mtn. View Office.
- Gregory Szorc: Joining the Services team, managed by Mike Connor, located in Mtn. View Office.
- Erica Muxlow has joined Infra Ops as the ‘Infrastructure Project Manager’ [mrz]
- Chenxia Liu: Joining the Services team, managed by Mike Connor, located in Massachusetts.
- James Murdock: Joining the Legal team, managed by Harvey Anderson, located in Mtn. View Office.
- Fabien Cazenave has joined as a contractor working on the editor component in Gecko. [ehsan]