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Planning Meeting Details
- Wednesdays – 11:00am PDT, 18:00 UTC
- Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
- Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
- #planning for backchannel
- (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)
Video/Teleconference Details – NEW
- 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 95312 (US/INTL)
- 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 95312 (US)
- Vidyo Room: Warp Core
- Vidyo Guest URL
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Actions from Last Week
- Brad to come back about master password blog post
Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases
Firefox Desktop
Release (3.6, 6)
- We shipped 6, and got ourselves a cake!
- Discussions are underway about schedule for 3.6.21.
- Ideal is to release it in parallel with FF7, but that is running up against some scheduling complexity with work weeks and such
Beta (7)
Aurora (8)
Nightly (9)
Two nice regression fixes:
- Firefox 4 regressed for a number of multi-monitor situations causing users to lose their Firefox windows. Fixed with
- Firefox recently regressed (about 3 weeks ago) some highly visible UI alignment things in Preferences and the Find bar. Fixed with
Firefox Mobile
Release 6
Increase in installs, active users, and rating – see details below.
Beta 7
Aurora 8
Nightly 9
Firefox Sync
Nothing new to report this week.
- Beta (7) – Instant Sync
- Firefox 9+:
- Improving Sync Set Up – In progress.
- Push to Device – In development.
Add-on Builder
Add-on SDK
Release (1.0)
- 1.0 is not fully compatible with Firefox 7, so we will be repacking 1.0-based addons with 1.1
- mossop to discuss repack planning with fligtar tomorrow
Stabilization (1.1)
- fourth test build, 1.1b2, spun and distributed yesterday, Tuesday, August 23 (release announcement)
- first release candidate, 1.1rc1, on schedule for next Tuesday, August 30
- final release remains on schedule for Tuesday, September 13 (draft of release notes)
Development (1.2)
- development continues apace
Input 4.3
- ElasticSearch enabled by the end of September
- Grouperfish stood up and integrated with Input by the end of September; To do list and documentation can be found on their Read the Docs home
- Followed up with interested parties on Tell Us More triage; take-aways are that this will be a welcome addition to Input and we’ll need to have a team to do daily triage (resourcing is being worked on between Fx Proj Mgmt and QA)
Feedback Summary
Firefox 6
Overview: It definitely felt smoother (especially extensions-wise) than Firefox 5. We anticipated almost everything and most extensions seemed to be up to date within 3-5 days.
(Well defined problems)
- Java Console not compatible (1200+ on SUMO, 250 on input)
- Are we sure we didn’t break some Java sites? Lots of complaints about games/work apps.
- Extension compatibility (definitely better after three days compared to Fx5)
- Selenium
- Some comments (still) about AVG – their website has a version that works supposedly
- Reload Every
- Firefox not starting (probably the malware crash?) — Sending out emails
- TypeError: Components.classes[cid] is undefined (may be one particular extension — maybe mcafee — or lots. ~50 on input, 300 on SUMO)
- Chat Vibes toolbar — looks like malware-ish. People can’t get rid of it.
- Lots of ideas around tab groups.
- Lost bookmarks/passwords. (~30) Happens with every release, probably profile switching but we should get a handle on this.
(Less well defined)
- Sync Tab disappearing because of an extension.
Firefox 7
- Complaints about http missing (make it a pref?)
- Can’t attach files in mobile me email
- Extensions, extensions, extensions.™
Android market FF6 comments (200); English-only:
Dissatisfiers FF6; 1 star ratings (44), week of August 16-22:
- slow and unstable=13
- no flash=12
- freezes phone=2
Android market FF7 comments (200); English-only:
Dissatisfiers FF7; 1 star ratings (48), week of August 16-22:
- slow=20
- freezes phone=5
- no flash=5
- hogs resources=4
SUMO (42 new threads)
Major theme is confusion about & requests for device support
Regular requests:
- Flash Player (118 votes)
- Firefox for Nokia (105 votes)
- Firefox for iPad (40 votes)
- Firefox for HP Touchpad (new-37 votes)
Mobile SUMO article page views are back up to FF4 release level (11557). themes:
- Facebook text entry, buttons, errors issues (3)
- Android market continually downloading (2)
- Android market shows Firefox, but isn’t compatible (3)
Firefox 6 Mobile: 173 issues
- no flash=26
- slow= 24
- UI=15
- zoom=8
Firefox 7 Mobile: 82 issues
- no flash=12
- slow=12
- UI=5
- text input=4
- zoom=5
Forces HTC sense reload (2)
Double backspace (2)
UX & User Research
- look at what’s coming soon to nightlies for tablet devices:
Mary T completed a heuristic evaluation on FireFox 5 on phone.
Ping her for results or visit:
New preview version of Mobile Test Pilot! (1.3pre3)
Download from
Please help test.
Market Insights
No update for desktop today, but we’ll catch up next week.
Summary below, full update here and in your inbox.
- Dolphin announced 9 million downloads and a partnership with Softbank, a Japanese carrier, in launching a 3D phone featuring the Dolphin HD browser
- Opera launched a co-branded version of the Opera Mini browser with Vodafone Essar, India’s 3rd carrier by number of subscribers
- The Android team announced that it will bring closer its development of the Android browser and Chrome by making available a slightly modified, open source Android browser port in Webkit.
- Google has released a preview version of a Google TV plug-in for the Android SDK, after buying Motorola Mobility, an important player in the TV set-top box business
- Microsoft filed a patent lawsuit against Motorola, which can act as a test for the protection that Motorola’s patents can provide to Android handset makers, which was the main reason declared for Google’s acquisition last week
- HP announced that it will discontinue efforts for the hardware of its Web OS devices and focus on the platform development, which it hopes to license to other hardware makers
- Frequent mobile Internet users are happier with their mobile operator, as consumers perceive that the quality of their experience on the device is linked to the quality of service provided by their mobile operator, a survey by On Device Research from April reports.
Marketing, Press & Public Reaction
- Firefox 7 reaches beta, promises faster browsing
- Major performance changes mark Firefox 7 beta
- First Firefox 7 Beta Promises Dramatically Lower Memory Use