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SeaMonkey Meeting Details
- Time: 15 November, 2011, 13:00 UTC
- Location: #seamonkey IRC channel
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- Who’s taking minutes? -> ewong
- Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank?
- No one this time.
- Please note A person or entity can’t be nominated twice in a row.
Action Items
(who needs to do what that hasn’t been recorded in a bug) We should assign people to the open items.
- IanN to write the “Friends of the Fish Tank” F.A.Q.
Status of the SeaMonkey Buildbot Master and Tree
(see 2011-11-01 status meeting notes for details)
- “What Happened?”
- One XServe that hosts “Parallels” in Mozilla died, taking down with it all the data it housed. (There were two problems to appear here)
- “What does this mean for our Release”
- We missed one planned beta because of this and only released beta 4 when FF/TB 8 were released. Current plans are to get 2.5 final out the door together with FF 8.0.1.
- “Where do we stand with the machine(s) right now?”
- bug 702490 will give SeaMonkey a 1U mac mini chassis(4 Mini’s) in SCL2 for SeaMonkey.
- bug 701887 (Send seamonkey minis to SCL2 and get them racked there). The minis are on Matt’s desk at the moment. The DL120G7’s are in SCL2, but not racked.
- bug 673972 (iX hardware repairs) All machines have been given to iX for repair. See bug for details.
- “What about the current tree status? When will METERED change to OPEN?”
- METERED means approval required and try to not get too many pushes in short order.
- Callek, update?
Release Train
- Callek is working on getting comm-aurora and comm-beta on MXR (bug 653424).
- Patch updated. Awaiting review. Although it looks like Corey has taken over the bug from Callek.
- 2.5b4 shipped 9th November.
- 2.5 final now depends on FF 8.0.1 (ETA TBD).
- Due to a FF chemspill, 2.5 final is on schedule.
Extensions Compatibility Tracking
- Addon Compatibility Listings created and maintained by InvisibleSmiley, with help from some community members like DERoss.
- InvisibleSmiley has filed bug 702586 for the ACR update.
- Recent changes can be found here.
- [InvisibleSmiley:] The External Sources part is still TODO, help appreciated.
- Enigmail provides versions for release (AMO) and all branches (Enigmail nightly page)
- Lightning currently provides versions for the current stable release (AMO), Aurora and trunk (both FTP) and Beta (Calendar Versions page).
- The latest Firebug is now fully compatible but still not flagged as such on AMO (which seems to depend on automatic tests being set up and run on the Firebug side, see Issue 4430)
- [InvisibleSmiley] Use Firebug 1.9 pre-releases for 2.4 and later (maybe even earlier SM versions; haven’t checked)
- Besides the above, we should also take a look at other add-ons that are important for our users when they switch to 2.x.
- InvisibleSmiley still needs help updating and maintaining the FAQ Wiki page. Everybody please help update it, so it stays current. mcsmurf says he’ll help.
- KaiRo created a SeaMonkey Features page and sub-pages for all those that are in development.
- We need to get the Addon Compatibility page finished and better communicate how to keep Lightning and Enigmail updated since unfortunately the only versions provided on AMO are for the current stable release. People keep coming back reporting that e.g. Lightning stopped working on trunk, Aurora or Beta. But since it contains binary components, Lightning easily breaks if you don’t retrieve the matching install file yourself.
- [InvisibleSmiley] Lightning 1.0 is compatible with SM 2.5.
We should also add some information on this to the release notes of future betas.
2.x (Last, Current, Next)
- Figure out what is preventing people from moving from 2.0.x to the latest versions. (volunteers?)
- maybe putting resource into getting certain extensions working with SM2.4 and above
2.x Follow-ups and Issues
Moved to a separate page.
open tracking (2)
tracking requests (1)
targeted (0)
fixed (30)
- The New 2.5 Features page has a comprehensive list of features.
- 2.4.x had ~85,493 ADU by last Thursday and 2.4.1 has had ~303,000 downloads so far.
- Of the released versions, as of last Thursday, we have 22.6% on 2.0, 1.2% on 2.1, 3.7% on 2.2, 4.9% on 2.3 and 67.7% on 2.4. So, in the last two weeks, ~3k (an additional 2.6% of ADU) have migrated to 2.4.
- Please make sure that anything that landed on comm-beta (for TB) or mozilla-beta (for FF) which affected non-shared code and which fixed regressions will be fixed on our side, too. Please mark bugs we feel *need* to land on a particular train tracking+ or tracking? so that when we to do a release we can be sure that we don’t miss anything.
- Priority should be given to fixing regressions ASAP. Also keep an eye on and prioritize bugs to be ported from FF/TB that land on branches (Aurora, Beta). We need to keep an eye especially on Session Restore, Sync, Tabbrowser and Address Book.
- Be careful not to break code shared with Thunderbird, otherwise patches might have to be backed out of string frozen repositories.
- Remember to help update the New Features pages as we go along.
Feature List, Planning
Bug statistics for last two (full) weeks: 39 new, 31 fixed, 14 triaged.
- Good further triage targets could come out of looking at the component bug counts, pick yours!
Open reviews/flags:
34 review
14 super-review
0 ui-review
9 feedback
Major wanted/needed features:
- bug 606683 Allow customization of toolbar in Composer and MailNews Composition [IanN].
- Progressing slowly, still waiting on reviews from TB side. Full customization has to go to (currently 2.6 but could be pushed back further) as it needs work on TB too which is taking a while to get reviews on, plus feedback from kaze.
- IanN will need to poke some people about reviews not happening quickly enough.
- IanN is still wading through the unpicking of Composer/Mail Compose code in the dependent bugs. After that he will be reworking his customising patches.
- de-RDF bug 654864 has been finished and landed on all development branches, including 2.3. Still to do:
- Neil wanted to follow up on some listener issues. This is being addressed in bug 669203.
- for the selection issue, see what the TB guys come up with in bug 669203. There is still a patch that needs checking in but both the patches there are for SM (even though it is a TB bug :P).
- bug 477845 Build a standalone (Comm-central) Composer. [kaze]
- kaze has done a bit of work in this bug recently. Building on Windows works. Now supports debug builds on Linux if tests are disabled (–disable-tests). Still a lot to do.
- IanN was supposed to help get builds working with --enable-tests.
- Will look into this once he gets his customization patches reworked.
- Real full-screen (bug 610509) and DOM full-screen (bug 701714)
- patches provided by Mnyromyr and InvisibleSmiley
- Port HTML5 “context menu” feature (contextmenu attribute) UI (bug 702019)
- patch provided by InvisibleSmiley.
Needing help, Unowned, Stalled
- Kill-RDF:
- bug 657607 Port jminta’s kill-rdf to SeaMonkey where applicable Part 2 [meta].
- bug 657604 Remove the RDF global object. [serge]
- bug 436794 Enable Mac OS X system address book per default and add UI.
- SM UI needed, unowned, helpwanted.
- bug 449728 Drag tabs between windows.
- bug 477840 Backport KompoZer to Composer (Depends on bug 477845).
- kaze has done a ton of work there. We still need to work out some organizational issues. At the moment there is no active interest from MoMo for bringing standalone composer into comm-central. That’s something we (KaiRo and kaze) will have to negotiate with the Thunderbird team (Standard8).
- bug 507841 Port Bug 422814 – Make account configuration quick, easy, and more secure (autoconfig, Quick Account Setup).
- bug 533908 SeaMonkey Mail: tabs not restored [misak].
- bug 523274 Complete new default theme icon set.
- A list of TODO icons is up in the bug.
- bug 526210 Update the icon set for the SeaMonkey Modern Theme.
- bug 548778 New communicator icons (based on Strata theme) for SeaMonkey. Some proposed icons got posted, we should take a look how to get that contribution into the product.
- The rest is unowned so far.
- bug 87098 [SeaMonkey] Delete key should delete location bar history list entry.
- Note: Our location bar history doesn’t and can’t use autocomplete at all.
- bug 677484 Individual SeaMonkey components are not properly handled by the Windows 7 taskbar.
- bug 654009 Reply to list: automatically determine From: address
- Note: The actual task here is to port bug 45715 “Reply to List” [button/(context) menu item]
- bug 664309 Make the built-in ChatZilla display a cZ icon in SeaMonkey (now helpwanted)
Roundtable – Personal Status Updates
Status Updates from developers – what are you working on, what’s the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).
- Fixed:
- bug 608103 – Message Display panel clipped on Windows 7
- bug 678979 – Remove README.txt from release packages
- Checkin-needed:
- Needs Review:
- bug 78357 – Account wizard doesn’t have place to enter port info
- bug 102275 – Number untitled pages. (sr)
- bug 670561 – show profile path in profile manager.
- bug 682537 – Don’t remove jemalloc lib when building with MOZ_MEMORY
- bug 701683 – Port |bug #698248 – Remove FORCE_USE_PIC| to SeaMonkey
- Working On:
- bug 675589 – Group all session restore menu items together.
- To Do:
- bug 633937 – Port bug 562048 to suite.
- BackBurner:
- bug 649952 – Port |Bug 609824 – Re-add Bloglines to the feed reader options| to SeaMonkey
- Usual testing, reviewing and commenting.
- Attended MozCamp Berlin.
- Fixed:
- bug 698876 Port |bug 692616 – large images not be scaled down to windows size| to SeaMonkey
- bug 694027 Move Editor toolbar buttons from editorOverlay to editingOverlay
- bug 701679 Port |bug 311007 – Add aFlags arg to onLocationChange(…), to distinguish between same-document and different-document| to comm-central (missing change)
- Waiting for review on:
- bug 638643 Remove obsolete EditorToggleParagraphMarks from editor.js
- bug 702013 Update en-GB for Firefox 9.0/Thunderbird 9.0/SeaMonkey 2.6
- bug 702098 Update en-GB for Firefox 10.0/Thunderbird 10.0/SeaMonkey 2.7
- Waiting for additional review on:
- Reviewed and waiting for feedback from mobile peer:
- bug 689253 Update en-GB for Mobile 10.0 (comm-aurora)
- Working on:
- bug 695842 Move Editor startup/shutdown functions to editingOverlay
- bug 606683 Allow customization of toolbar in Composer and MailNews Composition
- bug 639690 [META] Re-arrange code between editor and editorOverlay
- bug 657234 Move pasteQuote and pasteNoFormatting into contentAreaContextOverlay
- File/Folder selection in windows.
- To Do:
- bug 639395 Get cmd_fontSize to reflect current state of selected content / content at caret.
- Prefs-in-a-tab.
- Fixed:
- bug 701540 stop testmultiselect.xul hanging on Windows
- bug 700045 Update splitter state instead of deck for BM Properties context menu option
- bug 699965 Update SeaMonkey website for 2.5 Beta 4 release
- bug 698524 test_startup.js xpcshell test fails for SeaMonkey due to Modern theme default add-on not being excluded
- bug 696731 Properties context menu option in Bookmarks Manager does nothing when the embedded properties pane is already open
- bug 696598 Add default value for extensions.autoDisableScopes
- bug 695523 Port |bug 564560 – Sync dialogs should persist position|
- bug 693210 Add support for some keys to Advanced Search
- Working On:
- bug 700899 Port |bug 193281 – Ability to import/save e-mail messages from .eml text files to folders (Message|Copy)|
- bug 701714 Add support for DOM full-screen
- enable View Source for .eml files and port bug 550478 Attached .eml – Other Actions –> View Source – only shows body
- look into bug 698038 Update Preferences help for the new section to control crash report submission.
- bug 688953 Create/Update 2.5 Release Notes
- track bug 687316 (Remaining) Sync changes to port to Suite
- bug 698274 bug 665260 [Store start time in sessionstore data]
- bug 698267 Port bug 694378 [session restore fails when selectedWindow > number of windows]
- bug 698557 Port bug 665702 [expose session information in getBrowserState]
- bug 699164 Port bug 687710 [Restoring session causes hang from nsSHEntry parent loop].
Working on:
- bug 698276 Port bug 686065 [Don’t clear nsSessionStartup::sessionType after the session startup phase finished].
- bug 700144 Port bug 640136 [onchange & input events are not fired for all form elements on restore]
Working on bug 610509 Make fullscreen mode really fullscreen.
- bug 631983 [tabmail] “Error: this.mCurrentBrowser is null” [tabbrowser.xml docShell property].
- bug 684805 Port bug 648045 Mark the active tab in minimized windows as inactive.
- bug 695801 Insert Character dialog doesn’t switch to other editor window .
- bug 696788 Build using jemalloc and SDK compiler crashes shortly after startup.
- bug 698011 You can only “Don’t Save” a message once.
- bug 698286 Bookmark Manager and sidebar completely empty.
- bug 700308 SeaMonkey doesn’t start (stops during startup). No Breakpad dialog.
Working on:
- bug 667962 jemalloc in 2010 doesn’t work on gmake.
- bug 669026 Scrolling with arrow keys is broken if any element on the page has contenteditable=true.
- bug 669203 directoryTreeView shouldn’t alter selection when an address book is added/removed from places other than the address book.
- bug 692731 Fork nsISidebar.
- bug 698217 Simplify new static Preference methods.
- bug 693261 registerContentHandler() fails in SeaMonkey’s WebContentConverter.js.
- bug 698187 Sync pluginCrashedUI with changes from Firefox (bug 665196 and bug 688083).
- bug 699452 Remove dead code from msgPrintEngine.xul.
- bug 700604 Sync Feed Preview with Firefox as at 2011/11.
Working on:
- bug 701051 Reduce CPU load in the Download Manager UI during downloads (Port bug 397424).
- bug 701428 Include hyphenation dictionaries in omnijar – remove old files from builds on update.
- bug 701432 Add support for fave icons on jump list uri entries.
- bug 694786 Remove hard coded dependency on xpinstallItemGeneric.png from notification.xml
- Remove modern dependency on winstripe images, copy them into the comm-central tree instead.
- Bug triage and Bug discussions.
- End user support and PR in newsgroups and Mozillazine.
- Attended EU MozCamp 2011 in Berlin.
- Nothing to declare.
Any other business?
- Need to review project areas
- IanN has put out a final draft of the project areas list, and will then confirm that anyone who is not in the loop already has been consulted.
- Extended Support Releases (ESR)
- At the moment looks like that will be based off either Gecko 8 or 9 so potentially that will be either 2.5 or 2.6 for us. Assuming we have the machines, we will also have an ESR which might help move some of those still on 2.0 up to 2.5/2.6.
- Our ESR should use the same branch as Firefox ESR so any Security and Stability “extended” fixes for Gecko will be picked up by the SeaMonkey ESR.
- A ESR (Extended Security Release) may not be a given for us out of the gate. Callek thinks we should revisit that, separately, once it is clearer both what Gecko it will be based on, and what MoCo’s general plans for their marketing/target/ support-levels etc are.
- Geolocation.
- Geolocation now works out of the box. MoCo turned it on by default for all applications that build off mozilla-central.
- For comm-beta all we need to do is (bug 494421) to add pref("geo.wifi.uri", ""); to browser-prefs.js. However we’re not even sure we are legally allowed to ship with the URL in, we might need to actually put in a pref to disable that in newer builds.
- Who went to MozCamp Europe 2011? (sgautherie, KaiRo, mcsmurf, Mnyromyr and stefanh)
- Who is going to MozCamp Asia 2011? (Ratty).
- Nothing planned w.r.t. SeaMonkey, but Ratty might give a lightning talk.