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Video for today’s meeting
<video controls=”controls”><source src=”http://videos.mozilla.org/serv/air_mozilla/monday_meetings/status-2011-11-21.ogg” type=”video/ogg; codecs=”theora, vorbis””/></video>
Friends of the Tree
Speaker Location: Mountain View
Mihai nominates Sonny Piers a new contributor to devtools for doing much needed code cleanup of the Web Console.
Jono nominates Blair McBride for his work to make addons default to “compatible” — http://theunfocused.net/2011/11/19/solving-firefoxs-add-on-compatibility-problem/
Jeff Walden nominates RyanVM for triaging a bunch of old, mostly ancient-history JS bug reports last week. Good stuff!
Upcoming Events
Speaker Location: Mountain View
This Week
Monday, 21 November
Amit Swab Drive noon-2pm PT – 3rd fl, MV
Tuesday, 22 November
Early Stage Apps Research Presentation – 11-noon PT 10Forward
Wednesday, 23 November
Thursday, 24 November
US Thanksgiving
Friday, 25 November
Next Week
Product Status Updates
Firefox Future (9, 10, 11)
Speaker Location: Toronto (johnath)
- Getting closer to add-ons being compatible by default, check out Blair’s blog post
- Taras, Dietrich & co are running weekly Project Snappy meetings to tackle responsiveness issues
- The style editor developer tool just landed on nightly. bug 583041
Firefox Current (3.5, 3.6, 4.0 – 8.0)
Speaker Location: MV
Mobile Firefox
Speaker Location: Toronto (johnath)
- Moving Nightly users over the native UI later this week (thread on dev.planning)
- Finkle blogged about add-ons in a Native UI world
Speaker Location: (no voice update)
- There were a couple of great talks about Thunderbird at MozCamp Asia.
- Videos to come later, hopefully.
- For now, here’s the wiki page for one of them.
- Other than that, it’s been a quiet week.
Older Branch Work
Speaker Location:
Speaker Location: No voice update this week
Great recent press on two of our projects:
- Mozilla Open Badges in the New York Times
- Mozilla Popcorn on the BBC
The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It’s like a lightning talk, but don’t feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.
Presenter | Topic | Media | More Details | Location |
Your Name Here | What are you going to talk about? | Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen | Link to where audience can find out more information | What location will you be transmitting from? |
Brandon Sterne | Security is Part of Our Mission | http://people.mozilla.org/~bsterne/dzslides/20111121.html | security@mozilla.org | Mountain View |
Tristan Nitot | Operations in Europe | Nothing | http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.governance/browse_thread/thread/aa73ae69237f4fc8# | Tristan’s place in Paris |
Harvey | Stop SOPA | Nothing |
Status Updates By Team
Release Engineering
- Test Execution
- 8.0.1 Chemspill testing gallore, all weekend/week last week, shipping today.
- Firefox 9.0b2 released last week.
- Firefox 9.0b3 due out this week; needs a lot of attention on bug fix verifications.
- Add-ons Manager Testday last week: https://quality.mozilla.org/2011/11/results-of-add-on-manager-testday/
- DevTools Testday this week: https://quality.mozilla.org/2011/11/devtools-aurora-testday-nov-25th/
- WebQA
- AMO 6.2.7: http://cl.ly/0i0I3d121f0o293k2p0t
- SUMO http://moxie.jamessocol.com/bugstats/sumo/2011-11-15
- QA Community
- Automation Services
Automation & Tools
- Landed talos code for responsiveness testing on mac and windows, should be enabled today on mozilla-central by a buildbot reconfigure
- Still tracking down a linux crash when we enable responsiveness there.
- Cross browser mobile startup automation is reporting numbers from a few different phones.
- B2G battery API test using Marionette and QEMU emulators is running, automating this week.
- Eideticker project has made great progress
- The native implementation of the Bugzilla REST API (implementing as part of Bugzilla itself) is almost ready for beta.
- More updates here
- no reviews scheduled this week
Creative Team
Community Marketing
- Working towards launch of app documentation on MDN
- Go to market plan being finalized
- More soon next week.
Developer Tools
Introducing New Hires
New Hire | Introduced by | Speaker location | Will be working on |
New person’s name here | Who will be introducing that person? | From which office will that introduction be transmitted? | What will the new person be working on? |
Josh Carpenter | Madhava Enros | Toronto | UX on Pancake! |
Samuel Foster | Stuart Parmenter | UK | Pancake! |
Edwin Flores (Intern) | Robert O’Callahan | New Zealand | Software Engineer |
Lazar Sumar (Intern) | Robert O’Callahan | New Zealand | Software Engineer |