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SeaMonkey Meeting Details
- Time: October 21, 2008, 12:00 UTC
- Location: #seamonkey IRC channel
- Who’s taking minutes? –> stefanh
Action Items
- any?
SeaMonkey 2 Alpha 2
Bug Queries
open blockers
all blockers
blocker requests
- Freeze target is 18th November 2008.
Longer-Term SeaMonkey 2 Planning
Major wanted/needed features:
- bug 381157 Download manager
- Updated patch[es] on Bug to Hg repository.
- Have some local changes to account for architectural changes.
- Examining both xpfe/ and toolkit/ based code for other locations that may need fixing to ease final review.
- No progress dialogs yet, nor xpfe-like Download Manager window.
- bug 390025 Kill-wallet (password manager)
- Standard8 has started on some test cases for existing code (to provide reassurance that we end up migrating properly).
- bug 382187 Places history
- small pieces of local improvements on KaiRo’s machine, but waiting for review comments before doing more work.
- bug 36810 Session restore
- waiting for review, patch for turning to error page also ready (bug 413385). Needs help with css/ui for error page patch.
- bug 394288 / bug 413385 Toolbar customization
- The toolbarbutton size/mode sub-bug has a few more nits to address.
- No progress at the moment. I’ll resume working on this at the end of October. Ratty.
- Toolkit bug 407725 is still waiting for reviews from gavin.
- bug 456757 Modern theme update
- No progress reports available.
- bug 460699 Make the default theme look better on mac
- Nothing started yet, but stefanh will look at it.
- bug 453797 (Port bug 392303 (Simplify installer changes) to SeaMonkey installer)
- mcsmurf is making progress, patch almost ready for review. The patch is quite big, though – need to check what is the best way to get this reviewed. Will try to split the patch for easier review.
- bug 433254 Implement Mac shell service for SeaMonkey
- There’s a WIP patch in the bug, no further progress expected for a couple of months. However, since we have a structure now (windows shellservice), work shouldn’t be too difficult.
- Need to handle bug 420506 (Thuderbird rdf-kill)
- Two bugs filed to ensure it’s on the tracking-list:
- bug 460952 Ensure Thunderbird kill-rdf doesn’t break SeaMonkey
- bug 460953 Port jminta’s kill-rdf to SeaMonkey where applicable
- Two bugs filed to ensure it’s on the tracking-list:
Status Updates from developers – what are you working on, what’s the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status)
- Probably unable to attend this meeting again 🙁
- Worked on DLMGR more
- Actively reviewing patches to comm-central’s (and watching other build* bugs in that area)
- bug 456668 – Multiple forwarded (attached) messages give the same name – been digging into that one with help from bienvenu.
- Reviewing various help patches.
- Some build system cleanup and sync work
- bug 459413 Geolocation prompt – ran into problems with what seemed to be a simple patch
- Updated both my themes (EarlyBlue and LCARStrek) for 2.0a1
- As always, my blog has more detailed status about my work
- Continued working on bug 453797 (Port Bug 392303 (Simplify installer changes) to SeaMonkey installer), patch is almost ready for review, need to fix some small things
- The patch will probably be one big patch, will try to separate the patch into smaller patches
- bug 36810 (session restore)
- bug 459550 (Port Bug 448976 (turn the Session Restore prompt into an error page) to SeaMonkey)
- bug 425480 (non-ASCII characters should be decoded in the urlbar)
- bug 455877 (port Bug 254714 to SeaMonkey)
- Bug reporting and bug triage.
- just reviews – RL overflow 😉 ; probably better after Moz Camp Europe
- Gave gristmill a try on Thunderbird. Potentially good QA tool, give feedback to them and start using it.
- Thunderbird release driving work now almost zero, back to fixing bugs!
- Started to work on some Help bugs
Any other business?
- Someone will need to look into porting kill-rdf stuff to SeaMonkey, as the kill-rdf repository is now at the point where the main folder setup is now entirely divorced from RDF. I (jcranmer) would nominate such a bug to be blocking SM 2.0, but I am not a SM developer.
- If this repo landing breaks seamonkey, then it is *definately* blocking, and I’d suggest blocking the landing. (–Justin Wood (Callek))
- If not, I’d say “wanted SM2” but not “blocking” 😉 (–Justin Wood (Callek))
- Two bugs filed (bug 460952 and bug 460953, this topic is now in the Longer-Term SeaMonkey 2 Planning list.
- Need to get Venkman to work properly again on trunk.
- At least some parts depends on js fixes in mozilla-central.
- Who works on Venkman these days?
- We need to look into porting thundertab (tabbed mail interface) as Lightning currently relies on that Thunderbird feature.
- IanN, KaiRo and Mnyromyr will be in Barcelona this weekend.