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All-hands Status Meeting Agenda
Items in this section will be shared during the live all-hand status meeting.
Friends of the Tree
- The AMO Editors team for their great performance in the New Year’s Challenge, completing 3500 reviews in 2 months. Special thanks to Nils Maier, Teo, Andreas Wagner, Archaeopteryx, Diego Casorran and Ken Barbalace.
- Oleg Romashin (:romaxa) and his colleagues for putting Firefox for Nokia N9 on the Ovi store.
- Jono would like to thank Andrew Stiles, Margaret Hagan, Alexandra Ross, and Matt Brubek for their contributions to Collusion.
Upcoming Events
This Week
- If you are a Mozillian wishing to attend JSConf, please add your name to https://wiki.mozilla.org/Engagement/Developer_Engagement/Events/JSConf2012. Feel free to nominate others that you think would benefit from attending!
Monday, 05 March
Tuesday, 06 March
Wednesday, 07 March
Thursday, 08 March
Friday, 09 March
Next Week
Product Status Updates (voice updates)
Firefox Desktop
Speaker Location: Toronto (johnath)
- Trains run soon – go/no-go meeting this week for FF11
- Silent update service coming to beta on the next migration
Firefox on Android
Speaker Location: Toronto (johnath)
- Mobile burning down the new beta blocker list
- Lots of love for Firefox on Android at mobile world congress last week
Speaker Location: (no voice update)
Older Branch Work
Speaker Location:
Mozilla Open Badges
Speaker Location: Matt in Toronto
- Winners of the “Badges for Learning” competition announced last week. (Blog post here.)
- Competition co-sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation and Mozilla
- 30 winners received grants up to $175K to begin building badges systems using Mozilla’s Open Badges Infrastructure
- Winners included NASA, Girl Scouts of America, Intel, Disney-Pixar and many others.
- Also working with Mozilla IT team to issue badges to community contributors
- Check out the new Mozilla Open Badges web site and roadmap
Mozilla Popcorn
Speaker Location: Brett Gaylor via phone
- Popcorn.js 1.2 release this week
- Popcorn team now also shipping monthly releases of Popcorn Maker, a GUI for creating Popcorn experiences.
- Through 2012, mostly for classroom use in MoFo’s “maker” programs
- By end of year, shipping a 1.0 that will be consumer facing
- Had a party last Thursday in Toronto for our 0.2 release aka Ghostbusters. We watched the film. Our releases are named after 80s movies, the next is “Breakfast Club” and we’ll have a screening for that, too.
- Repo for Popcorn Maker:
- Repo for Popcorn.js
Speaker Location:
Speaker Location:
The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It’s like a lightning talk, but don’t feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.
Title | Presenter | Topic | Media | More Details |
Your Title Here | Your Name Here | What are you going to talk about? | Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen | Link to where audience can find out more information |
Firefox Flicks | Kristin Baird (San Francisco) | The Firefox Flicks contest has launch. Here’s how you can help! | Can we show a movie? https://firefoxflicks.mozilla.org/en-US/video/twilight/ | www.firefoxflicks.org, https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox_Flicks |
Firefox Clinic | Cheng Wang (MV) | Firefox Clinic | sign up here Give this link to everyone to sign up: [1] | |
Collusion | Jono Xia (MV) | Collusion was released last week – here’s an update on what we’re doing | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/collusion/ | |
JSConf 2012 | Aakash Desai (MV) (proxy for Stormy Peters) | Are you attending JSConf or want to? Help DevEngage help you. Fill out the wiki! | https://wiki.mozilla.org/Engagement/Developer_Engagement/Events/JSConf2012 |
Introducing New Hires
New Hire | Introduced by | Speaker location | Will be working on |
Who is the new hire? | Who will be introducing that person? | From which office will that introduction be transmitted? | What will the new person be working on? |
Michael Habicher | Faramarz Rashed | Mountain View, CA | Software Engineer |
Ryan Watson | Tim Fairfield | Mountain View, CA | Desktop Support |
Eric Ziegenhorn | Phong Tran | Mountain View, CA | Site Reliability Engineer |
Introducing New Interns
New Intern | Introduced by | Speaker location | Will be working on |
Who is the new intern? | Who will be introducing that person? | From which office will that introduction be transmitted? | What will the new person be working on? |
Notes and non-voice status updates that aren’t part of the live meeting go here.
Status Updates By Team (*non-voice* updates)
The Service team is invading PyCon.
Ryan Kelly’s talk: https://us.pycon.org/2012/schedule/presentation/393/
Ben Bangert and Tarek Ziade are doing summit talks: https://us.pycon.org/2012/community/WebDevSummit/
Release Engineering
Test Execution
- Affiliates
- Successful 2.22.12 release
- no release last week – Flux team is having a workweek
- We shipped marketplace.mozilla.org yesterday.
- AMO 6.4.4 is scheduled to go out tomorrow (03/01).
- We’ve got mobile tests
- Merged another contributor test
- Thanks to Automation Services for their help this week!
- Engagement Projects
- Likely shipping Firefox Flicks today
- DTPT phase II on hold for security review
- Betafarm is now in process
- Mozilla.com
- shipped 1.8 milestone
- Mozillians
- Feature testing is currently blocked by bug 731206
- We have 2 new contributors on the project. One WebDev and one QA.
- shipped 2.3 milestone
- Socorro
- 2.4.4 milestone successfully released today
- May do an out of band release to land ESR support
QA Community
Automation Services
- Blog post: Github Webapps MochiTest Repo
- Blog post: Testing Firefox Addons with Travis CI
- Blog post: MemChaser 0.2 released
Automation & Tools
- BMO AutoLand extension going to sec review March 15
- Proof-of-concept for an internal PyPI (usable within the buildbot network) is ready; see bug 701506 for details
- Marionette is going through code review
- Peptest failure stats are being collected and graphed; see blog post at http://cloquewerk.livejournal.com/23893.html
- More information available here
- No Security reviews this week due to CanSec West
- most of the team will be there, so if you are in Vancouver look us up.
- Firefox Add on Lets Users Watch the Watchers
- Mozilla’s Big Plans for Tracking Who Tracks You Online
- Mozilla Firefox launches Collusion, new add-on that enables users to see who is tracking them
- Your Digital Self Is On An Auctioning Block Every Single Day
- TED 2012: New Browser Add-On Visualizes Who Is Tracking You Online
- Mozilla’s Boot 2 Gecko and why it could change the world
- Telefónica Working With Mozilla to Build Open Web-Centric Smartphone
- Mozilla Shows Off Web-Based Phone
- Mozilla Tackles Walled Gardens, Demos ‘Boot to Gecko’ Mobile OS
- Mozilla backs Facebook’s mobile web standards push
- Facebook, Microsoft, Mozilla form W3C group to clean up the mobile web
Creative Team
Community Marketing
Developer Tools
People Team
- “Color Through the Eyes of a Developer and a Designer”: sound intriguing? We’re inviting Mozillians to join our WebFWD teams as they sit in on a friendly banter between a geek and a design person at Originate Labs this Monday 1pm PST as part of our weekly LearnFWD webinars. To participate;
- (1) Log into http://moz.bigbluebutton.org
- (2) Enter the “All Hands” room
- (3) Use password allhand
- (4) Be sure to click the headset icon on the top left of the screen so you can hear.
- We made all the WebFWD Summit 2011 sessions available as videos – they are great, check ’em out! https://beta.webfwd.org/resources/webinars/#presentations
- We’re going to speak at quite a few events in the next few weeks – here’s more information: http://blog.webfwd.org/post/18457713948/events-talks-spreading-the-webfwd-word