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Meeting Details
- 1:00pm Pacific time (21:00 UTC until March 8, 2009)
- Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
- +1 650 903 0800 x92 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
- +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
- +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
- sip:weeklystatus@mozilla.com from generic SIP clients
- http://air.mozilla.com/ to watch and listen
- join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for backchannel
note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself
WeeklyUpdate Live: You can watch the weekly meetings live at Air Mozilla You can also view previous meetings from the “on-demand” button on the Air Mozilla player. Meetings will be posted for on-demand consumption shortly after the meeting conclusion.
Friends of the Tree
- mrz writes in nominating Jeremy Orem and Stephen Donner. Jeremy for quick ramp up in learning new Zeus load balancer, he was able to move two production sites over before mid-week. And Stephend for QA testing support for websites behind Zeus, most notably AMO.
- Ted wrote in to nominate Arpad Borsos and Phil Ringnalda as friends of the tree. They have both filed and fixed a number of bugs for cleaning up old and unused parts of the build system. This kind of code janitor work may be a thankless task, but it helps keep our codebase from accumulating extra junk and makes it more accessible to everyone who has to work on it.
- Clint writes in to nominate Aaron Train (aaronMT) for his tireless work on audio/video tests last week. Aaron’s one of Dave Humphrey’s Seneca students who took on audio/video testing after completing his project on private browsing. He’s been doing a great job trying to figure out these components and invent ways to bend mochitests to test them.
Please send FotT nominations to asa@mozilla.org. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize those who go above and beyond, so please tell me when you see that happening. Thanks.
Development Updates
Branch work: Firefox / 3.0.5 / Major Update
- Major Update
- Shipped last week
- About 1.5m users so far have switched
- Expecting to see quite a few more since MU has only been released over a Friday and weekend.
- Firefox & 3.0.5
- Had to respin once.
- QA is in testing period
- Looking at a day slip for the beta period right now
- Thunderbird
- Schedule now available on the wiki.
- Comments?
- Going forward, plan to release Thunderbird 2 updates once every eight weeks
- Firefox 3.0.6
- Proposed schedule now on wiki
- Targeted release is early February
- Comments?
Gecko 1.9.1
- New Employees:
- Jonathan Watt, Layout Team reporting to Robert O’Callahan, SVG maintainer, based in Amsterdam.
- Jonathan Kew, Layout Team reporting to Robert O’Callahan, International fonts and text specialist, based in the UK.
- Focusing on Beta 3 now.
- Some progress made on re-triage and prioritization, but we have more work to do (i.e., still have a lot of noms to sort through, but we’ve reduced the queue by 50%).
- For weekly engineering meeting notes and other info see the Platform page.
- Interesting queries related to Gecko 1.9.1
- 171 1.9.1 blockers.
Firefox 3.1
- shipping today
- available in 54 languages – get your local version.
- Added a new Private Browsing Mode.
- Added functions to make it easy to clear recent history by time as well as remove all traces of a website.
- New support for web worker threads.
- The new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine is on by default for web content.
- Improvements to the Gecko layout engine, including speculative parsing for faster content rendering.
- Removed the new tab-switching behavior based on feedback from users
Firefox 3.1 Beta 3
- deciding on schedule this week at tomorrow’s development meeting
- Firefox 3.1 blockers
TB 3
- Mobile work week in Mtn. View
- Introduction of team members
- Derek Moore starts, will be handling all things Networking & more.
- Turned up Zeus ZXTM load balancers & moved some production sites
- versioncheck.addons.mozilla.org
- fxfeeds.mozilla.org
- Planning on performance testing addons.mozilla.org this week behind Zeus
Release Engineering
- Downtime tomorrow morning to enable l10n on mozilla-1.9.1
- Powered off Talos machines on Firefox 2 bug 463325
- auto-rebooting Talos
QA Work On-Site week this week!
Firefox 2.0.0.x and 3.0.x/Thunderbird 2.0.0.x
- Completed final testing and released major Update from t0 3.0.4 on Thursday [abillings, ss, stephend]
- Ran smoketests and BFTs along with bug fix verifications for and 3.0.4. Verified Debug Build needed Bugs for and 3.0.5. [abillings, tomcat, juanb]
- Verified Accessibility bug fixes for 3.0.5. [marcoz]
- Started triage for 3.0.6 [ss]
- Moved Thunderbird 2 to a 2 month release cycle [ss]
Firefox 3.1
- Testing Beta 2. B2Build2 builds were available starting Tues. Usual testing, including top extensions testing, verifying accessibility bugs fixes, and update channel testing. [tchung, tracy, jmaher, marcoz, mnandigama]
- Feature testing
- Run JS tests. Checked more tests into mozilla-central [bc]
- CSS – Got new patches ready for CSS Transforms [ctalbert]
- See full status.
- Continued top site Topsite and Leak testing. Found 10 new Memory Leak Bugs! [tomcat]
Mobile (See tracking table)
- Finished setting up Windows Mobile build [jmaher]
- Investigated mochitests that are failing on fennec
- Finished cleaning up documents to run tests on fennec/nokia
WebDev Testing [stephend]
- Tested Search fro SUMO 0.8
- Testing the Zeus load-balancer for AMO, which included running automated search and general-purpose Selenium scripts against it
- Mozilla.com – Verified 11 Mozilla.com bug fixes
- QAC – Checked in Reviewed Patches [ctalbert]
- Lots of discussions with Socorro team about UI and getting bugs fixed to get top crash reporting going again [ss]
- BBC News profiles Mitchell Baker in “Valley Girls”
- Dion and Ben on the cover of SD Times for their new role at Mozilla
- Mozilla Community Store announced. Coverage in Lifehacker and TechCrunch
- Firefox 3.1 beta 2 sneak peaks
- Add-on Con, Dec. 11, 2008, Mountain View:
- Hosting open house for local and visiting add-on developers on Dec. 10th at 6 p.m. at Mozilla HQ.
- Complete list of Mozilla’s activities & booth sign up.
Spread Firefox
- Final design has been decided — thanks for all the feedback everyone!
- Working with WebDev on implementation timeline — Q1 timeframe.
Mozilla Community Store
Impact Mozilla
- Friday was the deadline for our ten finalists. All submitted their plans on time; the last two arriving at 11:59pm.
- The public vote to determine the winner will start later today. More details to come…
NLID – No Laundry in December
- SUMO 0.7.3 was released last week giving us better forum performance metrics (blog post coming up shortly about the new features; in the meantime, take a look at the 0.7.2 features blog post written by Chris Ilias)
- Working on start page improvements to increase the number of people that find help for their problems (see blog post)
- Coming up soon: about:sumo newsletter! Community member myles7897 has accepted the task of pulling it together. Expect to read more about this soon…
Optimization Testing
- The first ever multivariate optimization test at mozilla.com wrapped up last week. Check out the full results and analysis.
- One key finding — there’s ample opportunity for us to substantially improve the website experience for millions of new Firefox users each year
- development builds of personas are periodically available; see the forum post for more details
Webdev, Add-ons, AMO
- Add-on Con is this Thursday!
- AMO 4.0.4 open bugs & fixed bugs – Freeze – Dec 8
- Neil wrote a post about Socorro design — we are looking for feedback, so check it out
- Community store launched
- SUMO 0.7.3 went out last Tuesday
- Launching a QA L10n testing survey this week
- Gandalf’s Mozilla Community Theme project should go live this week with a few locales using his tool for their community sites
- Mozilla’s language download page is going through a re-design to make it more intuitive for visitors to find the languages they want
- Working closely with Mozilla’s RelEng team to provide enhancements to the nightly build process for localizers to use
Foundation Updates
- We now have Albanian, Dutch, Greek and Korean versions of the Mozilla Manifesto.
- David posted meeting notes from the www.mozilla.org planning meeting on December 4.
- Silvia Pfeiffer completed two milestones in her Foundation-funded video accessibility project, including publication of a comprehensive list of open source software and other resources related to video accessibility and a new draft specification for using textual information with Ogg video and audio.
- We’re now in the public discussion period for the CA inclusion request from SECOM Trust.
- Mark created a wiki template outlining a possible format for MozCamp+ events.
- Mark and Dave Bottoms hosted a meeting on the ‘Mozilla Values’ brand in Mtn View next week. Expect interesting ideas to flow from this.
- Mobile team introductions
- QA team introductions