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Thunderbird Meeting Details :
- Tuesday, January 5th, 17:30 UTC (9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern)
- How to dial-in
- Who’s taking minutes? –> clarkbw
- Minute taking Schedule. Talk to davida for schedule changes/additions.
Action Items
- Planning for a dry-run security firedrill build
- Standard8: Set up draft checklist for firedrill actions
Friends of the Tree
- Wayne Mery for the astounding work he’s been doing in 2009 in triaging bugs, filling crashers.
Thunderbird 3.1 (Lanikai)
- 3.1 Blocker Chart
- Lanikai builds now set up (with new trunk builds).
- Blockers
- Proposed Blocking
- blocking-thunderbird3.1?: 63 (+5)
- Fixed Alpha 1
- TB 3.1a1 blocking: 4 (0)
Thunderbird 3.1a1
- comm-1.9.2 branch cut: ???
- String/code freeze date: 2010-01-12 (Tuesday)
- l10n-mozilla-1.9.2 freeze date: 2010-01-18 (Monday)
- Build/relbranch date: 2010-01-19 (Tuesday)
- Ship date: 2010-01-26 (Tuesday)
Thunderbird 3.0.x Developer Update
- 3.0.1
- Aiming to base off of Gecko
- Schedule Highlights:
- Code Freeze: January 8, 2010, 11:59pm
- Beta Period: January 13
- Estimated Release Date: January 20
- 3.0.x Release checklist now written.
- Blocking Nominations: 12 (-3)
- Blockers (needed): 17 (+6)
- Blocking 3.0.1: 20 (-2)
- Of which:
- waiting branch patch (or approval flag setting): 16 (-1)
- Fixed 3.0.1: 43 (+12)
- Of which need verification: 43 (+12)
QA Updates
- Xmas, new year period was slower with bug input.
- Having the first triage day of this year, this coming Thursday
- Working with Sun’s QA people to add litmus test to cover the new account manager.
- Planned for the coming weeks :
- Reorganize the QA wiki pages
- Tests for 3.0.1
- Planning for 3.1a1
- topcrashes mostly unchanged from Thunderbird/StatusMeetings/2009-12-22
- only 1 of our top 5 crashes received significant attention in last 30-40 days – outlook seems bleak for getting these into 3.0.1, perhaps even 3.0.2
- brief analysis of crashes by component, based on signature of top 100 = 53% of crashes
- 5% – extensions
- 6% – no stack in the report
- 14% – storage
- 19% – oom and the like, so cause is unclear
- 28% – core
- 27% – thunderbird
Marketing Updates
- PR Update: Mozilla Messaging building nest for Thunderbird 3.1, Mozilla Raindrop Aims to Solve Message Glut in 2010
- Mozilla Community Marketing meeting first of the year, happens bi-weekly
IT update
- holidays
- sumomo: Message Archiving
- TB 3.0 for Developers
TODO / In Progress
- sumomo: keyboard shortcuts
- support doc locations 521665 (port as relevant – talk to Roland about redirects)
- sumomo: bug 521665
- Draft Support Workflow Document <– Feedback please! Edit the page, etc.
- Thunderbird 3.0 Top Support Issues <- please add support issues to this page, or let me know! new this week:
- Bullguard Anti-Virus causes blank windows – GS topic, Bug 537769
- Add-Ons:
- Expanded Columns e.g. for IMAP size – missing from folder Pane – workaround: use extra folder columns add-on – GS topic, [bug]
- Functions for Address book aka MoreColsForAddressBook – need to uninstall TB 2 version and install TB 3 version (confusingly both TB2 and 3 versions have the same version number!) – GS topic, bug 533903
- SUMO for MoMo aka SuMoMo – SuMoMo project plan
- theming done but awaiting SSL widget code from GS & Gozer push of theming SVN updates
- since SuMoMo uses SSL, waiting for GS to give us GS search widget code that we can put on the sidebar that works with SSL, expected a fix before Christmas (not rocket science since since all the GS widgets except the Satisfaction Search widget that we are using allow SSL, followed up with GS developer January 4)
- content – hoping to get some more of JenZed’s time and other volunteers to finish in the next two weeks:
- Priority 1 – total 7 of which 3 need final editing, 1 in progress, 3 more to be written
- Priority 2 – total 4 of which: 1 done needs final editing, 3 more left to be written
- Key Support stats from the following graphic:
- approximately 66/ day (466/7 new topics down because of the holidays), # of visitors 21000 a bit lower for the holidays, down from peak of 35000)
- total new topics:466 total replies from employees and contributors: 97 down due to holidays thanks everybody who took time to help during the holidays! (Ruby Code)
- date:20091229 #new support topics:72 resolved:16
- date:20091230 #new support topics:55 resolved:11
- date:20091231 #new support topics:53 resolved:17
- date:20100101 #new support topics:60 resolved:15
- date:20100102 #new support topics:55 resolved:13
- date:20100103 #new support topics:36 resolved:11
- date:20100104 #new support topics:68 resolved:16
Lightning Updates
- QA period for Lightning 1.0b1rc1 ends soon
- No dramatic blocking bugs encountered, rc1 will most likely become release
- A few l10n strings were changed after rc1, sipaq told me these are probably minor changes though.
- Still waiting for Sunbird 1.0b1rc1
- Post 1.0b1 will concentrate on performance improvement.
Status Updates
Last week:
- vacation
This week:
- catch up with email
- 3.0.1 coding/review work
- 3.1a1 driving
- Starting to catch up on reviews
- Approval & Blocking triage on 3.0.1.
- Release Checklists
- Reviews and Driving
- Reset flag state when selecting new folder, fixes issues with condstore servers, bug 524902
- Fix archiving of messages in multiple years, and add mozmill test for archiving, bug 531829
- Worked on other 3.01 fixes
- filed 23 crashes
- took a spin through ldap bugs
- retriaged dataloss bugs
- triaging incoming crash bug reports
- Wanted to release Eudora 8 beta 8 today, but build symbols are not cooperating
- Will be out at CES rest of week
- E8b8 release likely early next week
Last week
- vacation
- setup GS triage meetings for Mondays at 10am PST
This week
- Get a handle on 3.0.1
- Contracts for PR, GS, web site.
- Party planning
This week :
- Catching up on bugmail
- Prepare 3.0.1 testing and 3.1a1 testing
- Regular event
This week:
- Lanakai branding bug 535209
- Shredder branding bug 433630
- Work on folder pane bug bug 535021
- Make sure my other 3.0.1 blocker fixes goes in.
Last week:
- Took vacation.
- Reviewed bug 534582, and bug 537649.
- Read the Employee Manual.
This week:
- Work on my 3.0.x blockers. (bug 534448 and bug 533680.)
- More NetBook work.
- Answer more GetSatisfaction questions.
- Fixed (or in-progress) MailNews Core bugs:
- bug 442730 composition security options for encrypt should only be one menu item (with checkbox) like signing
- bug 523820 Remove old MOZILLA_1_9_1_BRANCH ifdefs from comm-central code
- bug 536136 Port |Bug 515792 – build system runs identical ‘hg identify’ command too many times| to comm-central
- bug 456860 Improve msgCompSMIMEOverlay.js and msgReadSMIMEOverlay.js
- bug 536408 Update license blocks to use “Mozilla Foundation” instead of “Mozilla Corporation”, comm-central part
- Exams starting 25.01.2010, will last until 11.02.2010. No time for Calendar in this period, but lots of time afterwards to make up for it!