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Friends of the Tree
Joulie writes in, “I have a special friend of the tree request for tomorrow. It goes to Morgamic for his tremendous help with the interns website (www.interns.mozilla.com). He’s made himself available throughout the whole project and has been super helpful in providing guidance and advice along the way.”
Austin wrote in, “Chris Double has spent quite a bit of time developing a Facebook Connect integration for the Mozilla Service Week codebase, which will be shipping this week.”
Cheng writes, “Bo Bayles (Bo on IRC, bbayles@gmail.com) deserves props for singlehandedly going through all of the SUMO KB and updating it by removing unused old content as well as greatly simplifying a number of articles. ”
Development Updates
Firefox Front End Work
- review our list of active projects and this quarter’s goals
- last week’s team progress reports are available on Planet Firefox, which will get prettier in time
- next milestone: Firefox 3.6 Beta 1
- Cleared nomination backlog, 29 front end blockers remain.
- Some of the notable work this week includes:
- progress on getting Personas integrated into 3.6
- pushing to get the long-requested about:support troubleshooting page done, to make SUMO’s life better. bug 367596
- Hearing reports of Flash crashes on at least one top site. We’ll be digging into those to determine the exact causes, and if possible, complete fixes.
- We’re over 120 (about 123) blockers for 1.9.2. Need to start hitting that list hard, pruning if possible.
- Lots of blockers that need to be prioritized.
- Mr. David Anderson is now a full-time member of the Javascript team. In case anyone is wondering, David made a tremendous impact on TraceMonkey for Firefox 3.5. Welcome danderson!
Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Firefox 3.5.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x
Thunderbird 3
- 3.0b4 release builds start tomorrow, with the new and very cool faceted search feature
- now is a really helpful, high-leverage time for folks to use and give feedback on the nightly builds
- thoughtful feedback on current features and bugs very much desired!
- 3.0 RC 1 work is starting now; we hope to ship in early November
- Released 2.0 Beta 2 on Saturday, feature-complete for 2.0 (based on 1.9.1)
- Freeze for RCs in early October, final release later that month
Last Week
- The Amsterdam Reboot
- Already serving www.mozilla.org!
- addons.mozilla.org staged and waiting QA (bug 514994)
- Waiting on a ~80GB rsync to finish for download-mirror.nl.mozilla.com
- Disconnected GNi (transit provider)
This Week
- Building up infrastructure to support Personas feature in 3.6
Release Engineering
- Started max dirty profile testing on Talos
- Uses large places database, and then runs start up tests.
- Windows CE builds on Try Server now
- No unittests
Test Execution
Web Dev Testing
- Shipped SUMO 1.3, fixing 84 bugs
- Shipping/launching the final phase of Mozilla Service Week
- AMO 5.1 testing ongoing
- Tested AMO Amsterdam Zeus install
Accessibility, Localization, Community
- Community
- Already have a great testday schedule for September – December!!
- Pushed out QMO 1.1. New features: search users, all projects list, pagination highlighting on the qmo blog, cron (performs maintenance tasks for now), mollom (stopping spam). Total of 95 high priority bugs fixed! Big thanks to Paul, Aakash, Raymond and Tomcat for getting this done!!
- Next community meet-up is on Wednesday, Sept, 23. Topic is Feature Exploration/Live Testing.
- [Dev day] is Friday, October 2nd. Members of the QA team will be talking about testing projects and how to get involved.
- Next OpenSource meet-up in Munich is September 25th.
- Accessibility: Blogged about recent fixes to make tables more accessible.
Test Development
- Working with Catlee (who is a GodSend) to get Mozmill Integrated with Buildbot
- Investigating and fixing Python isues on WINMO and WINCE for Mochitest & XPCShell & Talos foundation work
- Adding capabilities to the test plugin to create more interesting behaviors for testing (by expanding it to use more of the NPAPI interfaces), extending mochitests for test capabilities at the same time.
- Completed SMIL animation tests
- Held the Test Dev Sprint Review, beginning to define our next set of goals for the next set of sprints. More information is here.
No updates this week.
- Jetpack 0.5 released
- Firefox security updates and Abobe Flash upgrade recommendation in CNET, Computer World, ZDNet, Heise, PC World, SC Magazine
Mozilla Service Week
- The week has kicked off!
- Up to 10 languages
- New partners include Google and All for Good
- Over 10K hours pledged & over 3500 opps have been registered.
- Here’s how you can help!
- Promote, promote
- Choose from a list of over 3,500 service opportunities on our partner sites Idealist.org & betterplace.org. Our partner OneWebDay also has a variety of service events taking place on and around Sept. 22nd.
- Join a challenge!
- Do it your way! Find an organization that needs help, create your own event or tag on Software Freedom day events. Check out what Ken Saunders is doing
- Join local event
- Promote, promote
- Benetech is joining us today at 12 to do an overview and volunteer orientation!
- Software Freedom Day NZ September 20, 2009, Wellington, NZ – Sponsoring this event
- Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre en Chile October 7 – 9, 2009, Santiago, Chile – Sponsoring event and bringing together the Mozilla Hispanic Community. + 2 day MozCamp Prior. Invitations have been sent out and we will have around 40 people attending including 6 MoCo representatives.
- WordCamp Philippines September 19, 2009 in Makati City, Philippines – We are sponsoring this event. Our mission is to help build up the Philippine community and build the Tagalog locale.
- Philippine Blog Awards October 9, 2009 in Luzon, Philippines – We are sponsoring this event. Our mission is to help build up the Philippine community and build the Tagalog locale.
- SUMO 1.3 was released last week
- See blog post: SUMO 1.3 – Productization and more
- Huge thanks to Paul Craciunoiu, James Socol, Eric Cooper, Stephen Donner, Vishal Kamdar, Krupa Raj, and SUMOdev lead Laura Thomson for an extraordinary amount of work. Not to mention IT for all their work with the release push.
- Firefox Help for Mobile website under construction
- Beta version up this week
- Final site with basic help articles ready by end of September
- More than 8,000,000 clicks on the flash update link!
- Eric Hergenrader, our analytics intern, finished on a high note:
- Recommended changes to how people report broken web sites in Firefox
- Recommended changes for improving a user’s experience with SUMO (by improving search results for certain keywords and improving a few articles)
- Snowl 0.3 this week!
- Test Pilot is now collecting real tabs data from users; beginning analysis this week.
- Would love to have your feedback on a couple of Test Pilot blog posts: The fine line between collecting usability data and spying on people and Test Pilot participants heavily skewed towards early adopters.
- Design Lunch with UX about Future Firefox UI this Thursday, 12:30pm
- 8 million Personas downloads this week, plus Personas adds cool new licensed content.
Developer Tools
- Shipped Bespin 0.4.3 “Chuck Finley” with new “deploy” command, SVN commands, named cursors, and more!
- Preparing for two more releases this month
- Aiming to ship an update to the memory tool experiment this week
- Miami meetup tomorrow, and Chicago meetup on Sept. 29. If you’re in the area, please RSVP and stop by!
- Extend Firefox submission deadline is Oct. 2. Please spread the word.
- Contributions graphs turned on last week
- AMO 5.1 work underway
- Interns site
- Mozilla Service week!
- shipped ko, pl, and sq
- shipping Chris Double’s Facebook Connect feature today
- Flash check on whatsnew page went live, happy with the results
- BYOB beta
- SUMO 1.3
- Working pretty hard on shipping a mobile Firefox
- Verbatim relaunch this week, invitation to localizers
- We’ve planned the l10n track for MozEU camp
- Trying to wrap up our Q4 Goals
- Sethb traveling with Gen to the Philippines to speak at Word Camp Philippines and do community building, trying hard to find some Tagalog localizers
Foundation Updates
- A first mockup of a new Getting Involved page has been posted. Let us know what you think by posting on blog or newsgroup.
- Dormant Accounts Policy now finalized; if you don’t checkin for N months, your SCM accounts may be disabled and Bugzilla security bug access turned off. (The value of N is still to be determined, by experimentation.) You can, of course, come back and ask for them to be turned back on.
- Gerv working on an experimental RESTful Bugzilla HTTP API to allow people to more easily innovate with clients and new task-specific UIs. Hope to have something testable in two weeks. API design comments and use cases are most welcome.
- Kathleen Wilson is now a peer for the CA certificate module.
- Notes and detailed proposal posted on Conga, the ground game component of Drumbeat. Looking for feedback.
- Community contributed One Web Day poster candidates on Mark’s blog. Voting today, with full ‘picture and poster’ campaign starting mid-week. Will need everyone’s help.
- A new version of the Internet Health Check will be available later today or early tomorrow. It is now even easier to do. Please have a look here and promote this during Mozilla Service Week and on OneWebDay.
- Mozilla Foundation September Update posted. Provides overview on progress towards Mozilla Foundation team goals for 2009.
- Discussion of the purpose of this meeting (following on from newsgroup discussions)
Intern Show & Tell
No more Show & Tell/brownbags. We are done for the summer. Please visit interns.mozilla.com to check out what our interns have worked on this summer. Videos will soon be available on the site.