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Thunderbird 3.2 | Thunderbird 3.1.5 | Thunderbird 3.0.9 |
To Be Announced |
Thunderbird Meeting Details :
- Tuesday, November 2, 2010 16:30 UTC (9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern)
- How to dial-in
Remember to press *1 to unmute yourself before talking!
- Who’s taking minutes? –> dmose
- Minute taking Schedule. Talk to davida for schedule changes/additions.
Action Items
Friends of the Tree
Thanks to our Friends of the Tree When adding someone to this section, please get their T-Shirt size and send it to so that he can send them a shirt!
Conversion Funnel (Priority 0 side project)
- Trending 79% on Funnel Cake 2 users, maybe due to upgrade to 3.1.6.
- Next Funnel Cake 3 to be on 3.1.6, not yet scheduled.
- ISPDB – top domain misses,,,,,,,,,
Thunderbird Development
Feature Work
Account Provisioner:
- Minor delays due to legal issues & sickness
Pluggable Mail Stores:
- Most tests pass, bienvenu’s been focussed on branch work this past week
- Up next: Thunderbird Conversations (formerly Gmail Conversation View). Currently ironing things out with clarkbw and andychung before cutting a 2.0 release. [protz]
- Updates for Mailing List Manager, Contacts on deck.
- Sync Add-on further out.
- On schedule to release an add-on a week for the next month or so
- Waiting for account provisioning discussions to progress and FF 4 status before making decision on if/when we’ll do a 3.2 branch release.
- If we do include account provisioning in a release before one from trunk, then 3.2 will likely be a branch from comm-1.9.2.
Trunk Development
- Starting 3.3 alpha cycle to get test trunk builds and major feature work
- Looking at building with omnijar (bug 601573) and places (bug 608981
- Working on migrating Mac builds from ppc/32 to 32/64 bit universal.
- Two more patches to go (one to land) before we can consider enabling.
- Help on fixing up trunk welcome, see this list of higher priority bugs.
Thunderbird Stability & Security Releases
- Firedrill releases of 3.1.6 and 3.0.10.
- 3.0.x End-of-Life announcement published.
- Starting flagging bugs to be included in the next release, please see the bug lists.
- Bug Lists: 3.1, 3.0
Major updates to 3.1
- Now have over 70% of ADUs on 3.1.x.
- Working on getting Thunderbird 2 updates fully unthrottled (they had been on a 1 in 4 pings would get an offer).
QA Updates
- chemspill release
- Lagging in preparing dupme workshop
Marketing Updates
- PR update: Windows 7 email: 5 best free clients, “stands out from the crowd right away”; several security update articles 1 “superfast fix”, nice Dennis O’Reilly tips article, Hotmail touting new features to add other email accounts to the interface
- TB ADUs: 6.3MM users, 600k users on Tb; averaging +100k downloads
- Working through new web site design options. Some early discussion on design direction via
Infrastructure Update
Returned from vacation, processing e-mail slowly.
Build / Release Update
- Investigating what it would take to do release builds across more than one branch in parallel
- Planning a release engineering meeting to talk about build signing automation and security, how to make build automation more testable, and how to improve build turnaround time and robustness.
Web Update
- fixed a couple minor website bugs(bug 607481)
- moving ispdb to wsgi so it can co-exist with the account provisioning middleware
- Added tests and did some more Account Provisioning work
- Thunderbird manual from the sprint (I believe the build link is temporary – check the project page for updates)
- lots of content generated, bigger than expected!
- 652 new support topics up 21% (540 last week; this week is normal)
- tb-support-crew mailing list for support contributors has been launched! If you support Thunderbird or write documentation to help support Thunderbird, please subscribe – Thanks to Eric Moore of MozillaZine and Wayne Mery for helping define this mailing list and its charter
- SuMoMo Localization Dashboard announced on l10n newsgroup
- 3.1 Support Issues
- See this week’s Support Appendix for full Get Satisfaction metrics and other support details
Lightning Updates
Status Updates
See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.
Roundtable Highlights
- Standard8 has done some TryServer tweaks so it’s now possible for pushing to work, see tb-planning for more info.