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Planning Meeting Details
- Wednesdays – 11:00am PDT, 18:00 UTC
- Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
- Toronto Offices: Fin du Monde Conference Room
- 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
- 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
- #planning for backchannel
- (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)
These notes are read by people who weren’t able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.
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Actions from Last Week
- Stuart/Thomas to report back next meeting with a more detailed summary of mobile’s plans for rapid release
- Johnath to send note to rel-drivers about 3.5/3.6/4.0 push to mirrors workflow tomorrow
Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases
Firefox 3.6.x/3.5.x/4.0.x
- Updates pushed last week
- Advertised update to 4.0.1 coming Thursday (5/5)
- minor worry about server-side issue bug 648146 which already affects Fx4 users
Fennec 4.0.x
- Shipped Fennec4.0.1 last week
Firefox 5 (Desktop)
- 2 weeks until FF5 aurora becomes beta
- Beta meetings have started on Mondays at 2pm, Sheila sending reminders to dev.planning
- Channel blog
Firefox 6 (Desktop)
- 3 weeks until mozilla-central merges to aurora for FF 6
Firefox 5 (Mobile)
- Following along with desktop. Will use same beta repo and will migrate at the same time.
- Will be creating a new beta channel with Firefox 5 beta, will want to make sure we have enough users and testing on it before we push it to final, but plan assuming everything goes well is to ship same time as desktop
Firefox 6 (Mobile)
Firefox Sync
Add-on Builder 0.9.2
Add-on SDK 1.0b5
- froze on time last Wednesday, April 27
- landed important changes after freeze along with some low-risk ride-alongs
- spun first candidate build two days late last Friday, April 29 (announcement)
- spun second candidate build yesterday, Tuesday, May 3 to take a few blocker fixes along with some more low-risk ride-alongs (announcement)
- release delayed one day to give second candidate build more bake time
- release now scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, May 5
- release remains remains on track to be last 1.0 beta
- 1.0rc1 remains on track for late May
- 1.0 final release remains on track for early June
Input 3.5
Input’s dashboard is showing data over all channels of Firefox now.
- Note:
- Apparently, updating Test Pilot to 1.1 wasn’t enough. Jono updated Test Pilot on AMO and its enabled on Aurora builds again.
Feedback Summary
Feedback Summary
Aurora Feedback
- Mouse scrolling issues (may be related to having a PDF open/open in background) [1]
- might be: bug 613756 or bug 642454
- Test pilot is disabled, no Feedback button. [2] or [3]
- Extension compatibility (on the plus side, people say it’s more responsive/faster startup)
- Youtube buffering issues. [4] or maybe laggy/slow [5]
- Netflix streaming doesn’t work [6]
- Flash game loading issues/slow. 15
We have pushed the page, getting us a lot of non-English Feedback.
4.0.1/4.0 Feedback
Press & Public Reactions
- Mozilla Patches Critical Firefox Security Flaws
- Coming Soon: A Faster Firefox for Linux Users
- Mozilla patches Firefox 4, fixes programming bungle
Questions and Concerns
- Q: How often with Features/Inbox be triaged?
- A: Working out exact frequency, intention is to keep the number waiting low, dealing with initial backlog
Actions this week
- Jay to come back next week with an update on the feature inbox triage process
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