Sep 09

Radio interview covering the Calendar Project (in German)

Two weeks ago, I was interviewed by the Bavarian broadcasting station here in Germany for their weekly computer radio show. The interview went pretty well and we covered a lot of areas, including:

  • Current project situation
  • History of the project
  • Major pain points of radio listeners with our applications (enterprise features vs. small business feature set, mobile phone synchronization)
  • Project roadmap
  • Contributing to an open source project

You can listen to the podcast of the show by downloading the mp3 file (the interview covers the last eight minutes). As this was a German radio station, the interview was conducted in German as well. Sorry to all our non-German-speaking folks about that.

Nevertheless, this gives us some much needed publicity, for which we are grateful. We are already discussing some followup actions with the radio folks. More about this, when things get more concrete.