In our status call on Wednesday, our resident skeptic, Simon, and our optimistic project lead, Daniel, got into a discussion about the 0.7 release date. The date is currently October 15, with an RC1 due on September 17. Simon said that there is no way we are going to make those dates. He cited lots of reasons for that and advocated cutting some features. Daniel remained optimistic, and agreed that some features should perhaps be cut, but we should look closer at it next week. Daniel feels confident that most of the issues will be addressed, and the dates can still be made.
They agreed to check in next week and make a decision, and the following wager was made.
- If Simon is right, Daniel must buy him a bottle of Single Malt Scotch
- If Daniel is right, Simon must buy him a case of his favorite German beer
The QA team has been watching the state of the project closely, keeping track of blockers and proposed blocking bugs as they are filed. This Tuesday, the QA team is doing intensive testing to gather data on the quality of Lightning and Sunbird. This information will enable the calendar team to make the crucial decision on Wednesday about the 0.7 release.
No one wants to slip the date. That said, we also want to release the highest quality product we can for 0.7, so if we have to take a week or two to ensure that, we will. We need your eyes to help us scrutinize Lightning and Sunbird on Tuesday, September 11. We need your help to ascertain the quality level of both products.
We’ll take all the data we generate — bugs, feelings, observations, etc — and post them here in a Test Day Findings post. That information will be used in the Wednesday Status call to figure out whether Simon will be drinking Scotch, or Daniel will be drinking beer.
So, join us in #calendar-qa on Tuesday. All the information on the test day is in our usual Test Day Wiki Page. Let’s figure out where we’re at, and when we’re going to release 0.7.
Happy Testing!