Meeting Notes Meetings notes from the Mozilla community


Mobile Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-20

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm



  • Wednesdays – 9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern, 16:30 UTC
  • Dial-in: conference# 8605
    • US/International: +1 650 903 0800 x92 Conf# 8605
    • US toll free: +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605
    • Canada: +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 8605
  • #mobile for backchannel


  • Fennec 8 (nightly)
    • This is the active development trunk
  • Fennec 7 (aurora)
    • Need to move only required fixes from trunk (as those fixes are made)
    • Fixed on Aurora this week:
      • bug 668633 – Elements with scrollable overflow are cut off
      • bug 672543 – Don’t set accessibility.browsewithcaret when selecting text
      • bug 659468 – Feedback add-on compatibility manually bumped
  • Fennec 6 (beta)
    • Live in the Android Market
    • Fixed on Beta this week:
      • bug 659412 – Remove warning dialog for Android devices with low MemTotal
      • bug 668950 – Disable websockets on mobile

Next merge date is 2011-08-16

Major Topics for This Week



  • Work for Fx8
    • Tablet UI
      • Need to check with UX on design status
    • Selecting text in web content followup bugs
      • Landed some fixes
      • What are the priority fixes needed for Fx7?
    • Language picker support for locales on AMO
      • Process of getting XPIs to AMO
      • Deal with nightly breakage
    • Basic webapp support – landed
      • Need to “appify” the tab?
      • Need to support manifest approach bug 609043
    • Master Password
      • Address review comments
      • File some follow up bugs
    • Mobile friendly error pages
      • Landed
  • Let’s make sure we are working on other bugs and minor features too
  • MFinkle needs to spin through the buglist and make sure bugs have owners

UX design

Platform Support


  • NDKr5
  • testing
    • there are make file targets for reftests and mochitests
    • if you have any issues running tests, file a bug
    • should be as simple as:
 MOZ_HOST_BIN="../objdir-x86/dist/bin/" make reftest-remote


 MOZ_HOST_BIN="../objdir-x86/dist/bin/" make mochitest-remote


  • Moving from Tier 1 -> Tier 3 post FF7. Discuss.




Remote today wiki only

Test Suites

Test Automation

  • make reftest-remote and make mochitest-remote are landed and working
    • please take a moment to try this out so we can ensure it works for more than a couple folks.
  • removed dependency on sharedID for sutagent in mozilla-central.

Release Engineering

Priorities page

  • dual desktop/mobile release: shipped.
  • bug 669189 – Still waiting for word from Google re: Android Market
  • ndk5 package rolled out to build slaves, testing on try


  • Lucas Rocha joins Front-end
  • Safe Browsing Update (Gian Carlo)
    • dcamp working to remove sqlite db
    • moving torward prefix tree
    • 2mb in memory
    • Concern about startup speed
  • OpenGL Update (chris lord)
  • MemShrink Update (Alon Zakai)

Firefox/Gecko Delivery Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-20

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm


« previous week | index | next week »

Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays – 11:00am PDT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Fin du Monde Conference Room
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

These notes are read by people who weren’t able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

<script>if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = “show”; var tocHideText = “hide”; showTocToggle(); } </script>

Actions from Last Week

  • Asa to write up a post-facto feature page on async plugin painting on mac

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop

Release (3.6, 5.0)

  • 3.6.20 code freeze is August 1st
    • Will ship at the same time as Firefox 6
  • Lion shipped today, we should be good with 5.0.1
    • Looking for more issues
    • We know that using Java on 3.6 on Lion causes a browser freeze
      • Will be fixed in 3.6.20
      • Living with it as the Lion early adopters not using Firefox 5+ and using Java is thought to be small

Beta (6)

  • Offered the update last week
  • Will send a (non-urgent) go to build today or tomorrow

Aurora (7)

  • Offered the update last week
  • Haven’t done the add-on compatibility bump on AMO yet
  • Builds only happen when there are changes during the day (yay RelEng!)
    • Christian is blogging on the channels blog about this today
  • Looks like Azure canvas will stick.

Nightly (8)

  • Migration is 4 weeks away.
  • Firefox starting up with multi-process landed to m-c: set pref “browser.tabs.remote” to true to try it out!

Firefox Mobile


in Android Market and Ovi Store: Total downloads: 2,847,002 (+3.95%) Android Market Active Installs: 1,185,896 (+3.72%) Market rating: 3.4 5/4/3/2/1: 10541/5961/5309/3989/5117

Add-Ons: Reviewed/Public: 167 (+1) Compatible: 31 (5.0-8.0a1) Featured: 20

  • Low compatible add-ons count


Beta 2 launched last week Total downloads: 126,036 (+16.81%) Android Market Active Installs: 51,934 (+15.73%) Market rating: 3.6 5/4/3/2/1: 533/343/241/145/211


in Aurora – last Release for Maemo, goal: publish Aurora on Android Market


in Nightly

Action Items from last meeting


Mobile Test Pilot – HELP TEST!

Maemo support: Fx7 will be final release


Release Engineering

  • Shutting off mozilla-2.0 automation?
  • Not generating aurora builds or updates if no code or localizations have changed
  • Mobile
    • Mobile priorities page
    • localized Marketplace promo text still an issue bug 663984
    • bug 669189 in Android marketplace lets Fennec be installed on incompatible devices – happening to other apps also
    • What’s New text (localized?) for every release? (500char max)


  • testplan for Firefox 6 features is complete
    • working on cleanup and organization of feature pages
    • Beta 2
      • Work has started on testing, target ship date?
    • Beta 3 target date?
  • started tracking Firefox 7 features and creating test plans for those features

Marketing & PR

  • Firefox Gone Mobile – SF & London – great success! Report from Wilson/Dan coming soon
  • Mobile Add-Ons campaign for Fall
  • Q3: no big campaigns, focusing on optimizing existing channels to drive usage
  • Android Market description update and optimization w/ Irina


UX and Design

  • UX workweek in Toronto this week
    • working/revising through Brian’s tablet draft specs
    • series of blog posts on this starting tomorrow
  • madhava to follow up on readability email sent out (you know who you are, brad and doug)
  • ongoing work on android widget, webapp creation (some detail in a feature page) — talking to apps team about resourcing


Got great feedback on Firefox Home.

Have your friends and family sign up up to do some user testing on upcoming mobile studies.

Next Wednesday – Users in da House – 2pm-4pm PST

Market Insights

Summary below, full update here and in your inbox.

  • Dolphin HD released v6.0, a new logo and announced $ 10 million in funding from Sequoia
  • Opera announced a 3-year extension to its global agreement to Vodafone and a partnership with Motorola to have Opera Mobile bundled on the Motokey XT device in Brazil
  • Android is now growing at a rate of 550,000 activations per day and has a v2.3 SDK with tablet optimization features
  • Qualcomm released a mobile browsing benchmark called Vellamo
  • Apple announced a strong last quarter, when it sold 33.4 million iOS devices and expanded its international reach

More Info

Firefox Sync

Add-on Builder

  • Freezing this Friday, release next Wednesday – hopefully this will be the last 2-week bug clean-up round
    • Finally tracked down the ghost-in-the-machine bug that was causing roughly 1/10 add-on test calls to hang in our add-on packaging queue for a looooong time. It was a third-party vendor lib that we use in AMO, we’ll be discussing possible fixes today.
  • Moving on to AMO API integrations next dev cycle
  • Need to figure out when we are going to make the push to transition the Builder to an open web app, will talk to Ragavan this week.
  • In case you didn’t see our new 12 month roadmap, you can check it out here: Add-on Builder Roadmap

Add-on SDK 1.1

  • progress continues apace on a variety of enhancements and bug fixes
  • last chance for feedback on proposed new Jetpack/Development Process!
  • initial drafts of feature pages for future development are almost done
  • dcm to start soliciting feedback on those soon (next week?)

Input 4.3

  • No ETA; working on IT blockers for getting metrics elasticsearch cluster up first
  • Will be in semi-maintenance mode for the quarter shoring up the app (WebDev resources divided with, while working more on getting insights from the current system as it is now with Metrics and other teams.

Other notes:

  • Getting close to a working extension for feedback on specific add-ons
  • Working with the BMO team on defining a set of requirements to allow folks to file bugs into Bugzilla via an option on Input

Feedback Summary


Feedback by version:

  1. 3.6/4.0 traffic (older)
  2. 5.0 or current release. — Cheng
  3. 6.0:
  4. Aurora (Features)
  5. Aurora (Issues/Bugs) – (969 Issues)


Clustered Insights Found

Release Channel

Bug Id
  • No Flash
  • Input: 50
  • SUMO: New 95 down

bug 630007
  • Clear History
  • Input: 3
  • SUMO: New 16 up

bug 656901
  • No Copy & Paste
  • Input: 4
  • SUMO: None down
Beta (not in Aurora or Nightly)

bug 582244
  • Hard to get to Bookmarks
  • Input: 7

  • Images look jagged
  • Input: 8

bug 669851

Press & Public Reactions

Questions, Comments and Highlights

  • For when do we plan the last beta build off of the beta repos? aka, what’s the target date for l10n of Firefox 6 desktop/mobile
    • Christian said August 3rd (tentative)
  • (bsmedberg) Status of Windows 64-bit prioritization? I still think this should be very low priority, but I wonder if there is a feature page or an explicit prioritization decision has been made. (asa) Feature page is here: and dev.planning post coming up with the Product Team’s views.
  • Johnath wrote a blog post about release timing
  • Christian asks if we’ve seen an impact on mobile (more bugs, more feedback, faster fixes) after the push for Mozilla employees to run Android
    • We are seeing a bit of growth on Nightly and Aurora. 222 ADU on Nightly, 91 ADU on Aurora (up from 172 and 55 one month ago, and still growing). Note: That’s not short for 91,000 users – it’s just ninety-one users, period.
    • Please run builds and file bugs. But we also need to reach beyond employees if we really want meaningful testing on Nightly and Aurora.
  • Christian wants to know if we should put something in 3.6.20 to deal with Google Toolbar and updates
    • We note that the EOL announcement was anemic at best
    • Google’s still offering it for download in places
    • Users trying to update from 3.6 to 5+ may think it will eventually become compatible and wait
    • If we are going to do something in product, we need it on 3.6 and 3.6.20 is the vehicle
    • If we are going to do something in product, we have very little time as 3.6.20 code freeze is soon (especially if localization is involved)
    • Christian will organize a meeting with product, support, and kev. Others interested can email Christian to get on the invite

Actions this week

  • Johnathan to re-template this meeting to extract out common elements, Thomas to review
  • Asa to post about the product team’s view of 64-bit support and update the group here


Thunderbird Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-19

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm


last meeting | index | next meeting »

(current release schedules returning soon)

Thunderbird Meeting Details :

Remember to press *1 to unmute yourself before talking!

Feel free to ask questions in the meeting either by speaking up or by asking them in #maildev on IRC.

Other ways to get in touch with us can be found on our communications page


  • Who’s taking minutes? –> Bienvenu
  • Minute taking Schedule. Talk to Standard8 for schedule changes/additions.
  • Note: this meeting is for interactive discussion. Feel free to ask questions!

Action Items

Friends of the Tree

  • No nominations this week.

Thanks to our Friend of the Tree. When adding someone to this section, please get their T-Shirt size and send it to so that he can send them a shirt!

Thunderbird Development

For more details, see also the driver meeting notes.

Feature Work

Account Provisioner
  • This feature now has a Draft Schedule:
    • Write Technical Documents. (2011-07-18)
    • Get Privacy Review. (2011-07-29)
    • Get Security Review. (2011-07-29)
    • Make changes as required by Privacy and Security Reviews. (2011-08-09)
    • Merge add-on code into core: (2011-08-15)
      • Remove unused parts of the code.
      • Refactor pieces to use the built-in functions.
      • Re-style to blend better with the rest of the UI.
    • Get core patch reviewed, and make required changes. (2011-09-12)
    • Get core patch committed. (2011-09-26 = Final Merge day – 1)
    • Release the hounds! (2011-12-20 = Release Day for TB 9)
  • No progress, as I’ve been concentrating on the Account Provisioner.
  • I should really release an update to the addon this week, though, to pick up Squib’s changes.


Thunderbird Conversations

Nice progression of the userbase, went from ~2000 users on the 2.0 series to ~32000 (nice!). Lots of press coverage (lifehacker, lifehacker japan) which certainly helped.

Main issues:

Redirected the feedback to getsatisfaction (see; any help is welcome. About to issue 2.0.7 to change the “would you like to leave some feedback” link to point to getsatisfaction.

Compose in a tab
Account Summary
  • About ready to release version 1.1; just waiting to get some additional testing before uploading to AMO (probably on Friday). See bug 489999 for the XPI.
Ubuntu Unity Integration
  • Spent most of last week tackling EDS address book authentication, which is now working.
  • The deadline to demonstrate add/write capability for the EDS add-on is August 4th. I seem to be on track.

Schedule and Progress

Thunderbird 5 (Miramar)
  • Currently doing throttled major updates as we keep an eye out for any stability issues. Should be opening it up later this week.
  • Miramar nightlies have been stopped, redirecting users to early bird – It’s a a two stage process you’ll need to update twice to get there.
Thunderbird 6
  • Thunderbird 6.0b1 is being build and tested – should be released by the end of the week, but we’re aiming for Wednesday morning.
Thunderbird 7
Thunderbird 8
Thunderbird 3.1.x
  • Firefox have scheduled the next 1.9.2 release for August 16th.
  • Bug Lists: 3.1

Extension of the week

  • Mailbox Alert allows you to specify, for each seperate mail folder, a message, sound and/or a system command that will be executed when new mail is found there.

QA Updates

  • Validating 6.0b1

Marketing Updates

  • 6.0b1 this week.
  • Scoping out Test Pilot studies.

Infrastructure Update

  • On-site all week in MV
  • Network rewiring completed
  • New build capacity should come online this week

Build / Release Update

  • Thunderbird 6.0b1 pushed to test channels. Preparing for release to beta channel.
  • Testing upstream buildbotcustom changes. Will need a buildbot master downtime window to deploy them.
  • Win32 build slaves are now using the NTFS filesystem (was: FAT32).

Web Update

  • Fixed a few bugs on the new site, and updated l10n merges.
  • Learned how to update the web l10n dashboard!
  • Started discussion on moving sumomo to



(If you support Thunderbird or write or translate documentation to help support Thunderbird, please subscribe to the tb-support-crew mailing list and briefly introduce yourself to the list)

  1. 2013 new support topics (1478 two weeks ago) – Media:11-17July2011-Community_stats_for_Mozilla_Messaging.png
  2. Thunderbird 5 Support Issues – thanks to cameleon and tanstaafl for helping keep the page current
  3. See this week’s Support Appendix for full Get Satisfaction metrics and other support details
  4. DRAFT Thunderbird 6 User Features Page for TB 6 docs, draft page for TB 7, draft page for TB8

Lightning Updates

  • Some urgent bugs showed up post 1.0b4 (Don’t you love that “beep” ? 😉
  • They all have fixes now, spinning 1.0b5
  • Update: Bugs fixed in this release are here
  • Builds temporarily available at:

All builds will of course move to when done.

Please take a moment to test these builds!

  • We want to get 1.0 out as fast as possible. The current blocking list is too long, I will go through those bugs and throw out as many as possible.
  • Blocking 1.0 list here
  • Lets talk about how reasonable my decisions are when I have the list

Status Updates

See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.

Roundtable Highlights


bienvenu bwinton jb ludo roland mconley reid fallen gozer jhopkins rebron sancus

Mozilla Platform Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-19

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm


« previous week | index | next week »

<script>if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = “show”; var tocHideText = “hide”; showTocToggle(); } </script>

Notices / Schedule

  • The Firefox 3.6.20 (used to be called 3.6.19, which was then used by the 10.7 out-of-band release) schedule is now posted
    • Shipping at the same time as Firefox 6 (August 16)
    • Code freeze for non-blockers: 2011-07-25
    • Code freeze for blockers: 2011-08-01
  • Check out Johnath’s post (also on the channels blog) detailing the release schedule if you are unclear

Firefox Development

  • Telemetry work for front end bug 671038
  • Drew’s dynamic e10s analysis work has r+, but there’s a crasher in mochitest that needs debugging before he lands it bug 666713


  • Cross-origin WebGL textures using CORS (bug 664299) landed last week (and a bug in the implementation, bug 671906, landed over the weekend).
    • WebGL Angry Birds works again!


  • IonMonkey ran its first program, a tiny program with a & operator.


  • New platform hires:
    • Scott Johnson — layout
    • Ralph Giles — video/RT
    • Randell Jesup (“new”) — RTC/general
    • Mats Palmgren (“”new””) — layout
    • Jean-Marc Valin — codecs






Electrolysis/Short-Term Goals

  • Firefox starting up landed to m-c: set pref “browser.tabs.remote” to true to try it out!
  • Windows accessibility experiment appears to be successful: we’re using a dummy window to provide the accessibility tree and NVDA appears to be able to navigate it
  • Discussion about responsiveness metric ongoing: are we going to measure UI interactions such as new-tab and new-window, or content effects on responsiveness, or both?

Tree Management

  • Starting Wednesday morning, we will only generate nightlies when something has changed
    • If no code change and no locale string change for any locale, then do not generate new nightlies.
    • If any code change, or *any* locale change, we’ll still generate new nightly builds for *all* locales.
    • details in bug 650258
    • This means no updates for aurora unless there are code/l10n changes. Need to advertise this on the channels blog?

Stability Report



Mozilla Project Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-18

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm


« previous week | index | next week »

<script>if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = “show”; var tocHideText = “hide”; showTocToggle(); } </script>

Video for today’s meeting

<video controls=”controls”><source src=”” type=”video/ogg; codecs=”theora, vorbis””/></video>

Friends of the Tree

Cameron McCormack for finding a simple way of drastically reducing the time required to run our debug tests. 479352

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 18 July

Tuesday, 19 July

Diary Studies from a Google Researcher, Andrea Knight

  • 10Forward – noon
  • Diary studies can be a great technique if you’re trying to understand a user’s behavior over the course of a week or two, but can’t observe them the whole time. Learn how to make sure your diary study is successful and helps you answer your hypothesis.

Wednesday, 20 July

Community Marketing Call:

  • 10 a.m. PDT/17:00 UTC/19:00 CET.
  • In-progress agenda and dial-in info here.

Mobile Ethnography study examples from AnswerLabs

  • 2CYA-Noon
  • A SF-based user research agency which worked with us before, AnswerLab, recently presented a case study of a mobile ethnography they conducted with Wells Fargo at the UPA Conference. They will share the presentation with us again with more details on Wednesday.
  • It would be a good way to spend you lunch time if you are interested to know more about early-stage user research, or just to hang out for mobile related user findings.

Thursday, 21 July

Bitcoin: A Technical Introduction

Brownbag, Thursday, 21 July, 12:00 noon, 10-Forward (also on Air Mozilla)

Brian Warner will explain the cryptographic protocols, economicincentives, and proof-of-work system in Bitcoin, a new decentralized digital currency that’s been in the news recently. Slides are available at <a href=”“>[n]</a> .

<p>Friday, 22 July


Next Week

Product Status Updates

Firefox Future (6, 7, 8)

  • Updates live again on all trains after the most recent migration
  • Seeing double digit aurora channel growth again
    • (And, anecdotally, lots of love for the memory improvements there)
  • Blog post coming on release timing in rapid release, since there’s still a lot of uncertainty

Firefox Current (3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0)

  • The <a href=”“>Firefox 3.6.20</a> (used to be called 3.6.19, which was then used by the 10.7 out-of-band release) schedule is now posted
    • Shipping at the same time as Firefox 6 (August 16)
    • Code freeze for non-blockers: 2011-07-25
    • Code freeze for blockers: 2011-08-01

Mobile Firefox


Thunderbird 6 is going to Beta this week.



The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It’s like a lightning talk, but don’t feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.





More Details
New uses of popcorn.js

Brett Gaylor

Popcorn.js – the butt kicking HTML5 media framework

<a href=”“></a>
Mozilla’s Local Communities

David Boswell

New pages that highlight Mozilla’s local communities around the world

<a href=”“>Africa and the Middle East</a>

<a href=”“>Asia and the South Pacific</a>

<a href=”“>Europe</a>

<a href=”“>Latin America</a>

Status Updates By Team






Release Engineering


Test Execution
  • Shipped Firefox 6 beta 2 for Mobile to Android Market
  • working through a qa sync and load environment within the team
  • Mobile QA and Services QA workweek this week (offsite on 7/19)
QA Community
Automation Services
  • Upcoming QA Automation Services work week in Cambridge, on July 25th – 29th

Automation & Tools





Creative Team

Community Marketing





  • BrowserID is launched! Follow for updates, come talk to us if you have ideas!

Developer Tools




People Team

Introducing New Hires

  • Carmen Collins is joining the User Engagement team as ‘Content Editor’ [Jane Finette]
  • Aakash Desai has officially joined the Contributor Engagement team as a product manager for the Mozillians platform. [Mary Colvig]
  • Irving Reid has joined the Thunderbird Team. [Blake Winton]
  • Allison Naaktgeboren: Joining the Services team, managed by Mike Connor, located in Mtn. View Office.
  • Randell Jesup: Joining the Layout team, managed by Rob O’Callahan, located in Pennsylvania.
  • Brad Fuellenbach: converting from seasonal employee to full-time on the Recruiting team, managed by Bret Reckard, located in Mtn. View Office.
  • Gregory Szorc: Joining the Services team, managed by Mike Connor, located in Mtn. View Office.
  • Erica Muxlow has joined Infra Ops as the ‘Infrastructure Project Manager’ [mrz]
  • Chenxia Liu: Joining the Services team, managed by Mike Connor, located in Massachusetts.
  • James Murdock: Joining the Legal team, managed by Harvey Anderson, located in Mtn. View Office.
  • Fabien Cazenave has joined as a contractor working on the editor component in Gecko. [ehsan]

Foundation Updates



Mobile Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-13

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm



  • Wednesdays – 9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern, 16:30 UTC
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
  • #mobile for backchannel


  • Fennec 8 (nightly)
    • This is the active development trunk
  • Fennec 7 (aurora)
    • Need to move only required fixes from trunk (as those fixes are made)
  • Fennec 6 (beta)
    • Live in the Android Market

Major Topics for This Week

  • Aurora – Should we add to Android Market?
    • The decision was made to give Marketing 30 days to increase the current Aurora ADUs. After 30 days, we’ll look at the numbers and decide if Android Market is still required.
  • Wiki Feature Page enhancements are live for Mobile too



  • Work for Fx8
    • Tablet UI
      • need to check with UX on design status
    • Selecting text in web content followup bugs
      • Patch up for some fixes
    • Language picker support for locales on AMO
      • Process of getting XPIs to AMO
      • Deal with nightly breakage
    • Basic webapp support – landed
      • Some followups landed too
      • Need to “appify” the tab
      • Need to support manifest approach… somehow
    • Master Password
      • Address review comments
      • File some follow up bugs
    • Mobile friendly error pages
      • Patches up for review/ux feedback
  • Let’s make sure we are working on other bugs and minor features too

UX design

Platform Support


  • Landed a patch to get better (/valid) crashreporter reports. Are we seeing that on Nightly?
  • NDKr5 should be deployed to build slaves now/soon
    • once its landed we’ll test a few builds with try to confirm functionality and perf
    • then we’ll land updated mozconfigs
  • NDKr6 was released this week
    • no major toolchain changes, no update required for build slaves
    • new tool to get stack traces from logcat output
  • Application install permissions
    • We added a way for the platform to see the network type
    • This adds a new permission request at installation
    • This will break automated updates
      • If a user selected “always update”, this change will break that. This change will require a manual update.





Test Suites

Test Automation

Release Engineering

priorities page

  • 6.0b2
    • QA is testing our 6.0b1 0.8-automation staging release.
    • We should be good to go with a dual desktop/mobile release for 6.0b2.
  • bug 669189 – Still waiting for word from Google re: Android Market
  • Android NDK6 or 5 ?
  • How long to support Maemo?
    • We have a number of bugs with varying levels of requests for support. Not a complete list:
    • bug 669485 – n900s not running on Try
    • bug 670077 – triggering maemo5-gtk and maemo5-qt builds via trychooser
    • bug 548551 – /builds/scratchbox/users/cltbld/home/cltbld/.ssh is continuously remounted on linux slaves
    • bug 548334 – puppet should be setting the ‘sbox’ service to on
    • bug 544713 – update binutils used for maemo builds
    • bug 551475 – debug builders for maemo
    • bug 630475 – maemo single locale deb / build doesn’t start


  • New SUMO Mobile coordinator – Michelle Luna
  • Test Pilot for Mobile is functional and in QA. (talk to Jono)

Firefox/Gecko Delivery Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-13

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm


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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays – 11:00am PDT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Fin du Monde Conference Room
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

These notes are read by people who weren’t able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

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Actions from Last Week


Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop

Release (3.6, 5.0)

  • Firefox 5.0.1 and 3.6.19 went out on Tuesday (background)
    • Shipped mac-only updates
    • Updated the website download buttons 5.0.1 for all platforms
    • For more details, see Christian’s blog post

Beta (6)

  • Going to ask for a (non-urgent) build today
    • This build will have js PGO turned off again (it’s currently on) as we don’t intend to ship with it (accidentally had it enabled through a comedy of errors, whoops)
    • Christian still needs to check with mobile before sending a go
    • Christian still needs to check on beta approvals before sending the go

Aurora (7)

  • Daily updates are being generated and offered

Nightly (8)

  • bug 663259 – [Mac] Async Plugin should default to true
  • bug 571454 – Back button does not work along edge of screen
  • bug 661910 – Windows XULRunner Aurora 6 SDK is missing
  • bug 592833 – Reduce thread usage of media elements
  • bug 557226 – [OOPP] plugin name should be reflected in Mac OS X plugin process names

Firefox Mobile


  • Didn’t create a 5.0.1 because the issues only affected desktop Mac


  • Will be built at the same time (from the same changeset) as desktop



Firefox Sync

Add-on Builder Beta!

Add-on SDK 1.0

Input 4.1

Feedback Summary

  • Youtube broke (all on-site videos were solid black) on 7/8, works over https. It was fixed the next day but users needed to clear cache. (Some users also had to disable zynga toolbar).
  • Beta (6) feedback: Extensions, extensions, extensions. And Firefox updates too often.

Press & Public Reactions

Questions, Comments and Highlights

Actions this week

  • Asa to write up a post-facto feature page on async plugin painting on mac


SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-12

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm


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SeaMonkey Meeting Details

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  • Who’s taking minutes? -> Ratty
  • Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank?
    • Ewong for helping to get todays meeting agenda up on the wiki.
    • IanN for all his patches and reviews during the last fortnight.
    • Neil for putting up with all of IanNs review requests 😉
    • Please note A person or entity can’t be nominated twice in a row.

Action Items

(who needs to do what that hasn’t been recorded in a bug) We should assign people to the open items.



  • IanN to triage the 2.2-tracking bugs, and move as needed to the appropriate target version.
  • More people need to help out with taking of the meeting notes. Ratty to send an email to SeaMonkey-members list summarizing what needs doing and asking for people to share duties.
  • We should find a better way of getting nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank.
    • We could put out a call for nominations the week before then, at the time of the meeting notice going out we could include any nominations (We need to come up with a quick FAQ as to what merits a nomination). IanN to put out an email to the members list and then try and compile the FAQ from the responses.


  • IanN to triage the 2.1-wanted and 2.1-nominated bugs, and move any that are appropriate to 2.2 [Done].


  • Get permission from Google to use their geolocation JSON service [KaiRo]. We can still only wait on the Google front right now. Didn’t hear anything about open Geolocation service yet. No easy solution in sight.

Release Train

  • SeaMonkey will directly go to the permanent repositories, i.e. -aurora, -beta in addition to -central. Miramar is a Thunderbird-only release branch (as is comm-2.0 for SeaMonkey).
  • For comm-aurora, we also should regard strings there as much frozen as possible. In the future, string freeze is the uplift from central to aurora, which matches Firefox.
  • If we have any actual fixes that don’t need L10n changes (not enhancements) on central but not beta, they should go there if possible.
  • SeaMonkey comm-aurora and comm-beta are buildable and tinderbox has run tests against them.
  • Callek is working on getting comm-aurora and comm-beta on MXR (bug 653424).
  • The correct version numbers are now on the release train.
  • We have released 2.2!
  • 5th July : Merged for both mozilla and comm repositories.
  • 2.3 should go into beta then and then we’ll have 5 weeks to release. Target release date is 16th August.
  • Bug authors have been doing a fairly good job of requesting relevant approvals for the comm-aurora/beta.

Extensions Compatibility Tracking

  • Addon Compatibility Listings created and maintained by InvisibleSmiley.
    • InvisibleSmiley moved Dictionary Switcher to “AMO”, removed “under review” from MailNews Status Icons; moved FireFTP and Copy URL + to “External Sources”, added IE Tab + and Scriptish to “AMO”
    • DERoss added Signature Switch to “Needs Addition to install.rdf”
    • The FAQ should be version-agnostic and have version updates mentioned in it so Jens or whoever won’t need to keep changing the version numbers.
  • Fallen has just set Lightning 1.0b4 on AMO to be 2.2.* compatible.
  • AMO has a compatible version of Engimail now, and an experimental one for Lightning. Unfortunately these two Calendar extensions must be sought under Thunderbird and “All versions”.
  • Besides Lightning, we should also take a look at other add-ons that are important for our users when they switch to 2.1.
  • InvisibleSmiley created a 2.1 FAQ Wiki page. Everybody please help update it.
  • KaiRo created a SeaMonkey Features page and sub-pages for all those that are in development.

SeaMonkey 2.2

open tracking (5)
tracking requests (2)
targeted (0)
fixed (35)

  • SeaMonkey 2.2 was released on 8th July 2011, based on Gecko/Mozilla 5.0 and Available in 21 languages, for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
  • The New 2.2 Features page has a comprehensive list of features.
  • AUS updates from (2.0 -> 2.2 and 2.1 -> 2.2):
    • 2.1->2.2 is a minor update and should be online as automatic already.
    • 2.0->2.2 is a major update (MU), and IIRC Callek said it’s online on beta.
  • 2.2 had ~9300 ADU yesterday, 25405 downloads so far.

SeaMonkey 2.3

open tracking (7)
tracking requests (5)
targeted (1)
fixed (6)

Further 2.x scheduling

  • Current release notes are for 2.2. Once we have 2.3 or later, relnotes need to be updated.
  • Please help updating the New 2.3 Features page as we go.

Feature List, Planning

Bug statistics for last two (full) weeks: 70 new, 22 fixed, 36 triaged.

  • New bugs seem to be outstripping fixed/triaged but still a good amount of triaging going on.
  • Good further triage targets could come out of looking at the component bug counts, pick yours!

Open reviews/flags:
40 review
13 super-review
0 ui-review
7 feedback

Major wanted/needed features:


  • bug 606683 Allow customization of toolbar in Composer and MailNews Composition [IanN].
    • A lot of untangling needs to go on between the 3 editors that we have. We can expect a bit of code cleanup for 2.1 but full customization has to go to as it needs work on TB too which is taking a while to get reviews on, plus feedback from kaze.
  • We need to finish de-RDF bug 654864 (with useless-UI for address book) soon, but none of Neil’s comments on Tb bug 422845 triggered any response, so InvisibleSmiley feels reluctant to continue. Still he uploaded yet another version.
    • IanN filed and fixed a Thunderbird bug (bug 663631 Simplify getParentIndex in folderPane.js and jsTreeView.js) to help move things forward.

Needing help, Unowned, Stalled

  • Kill-RDF:
    • bug 657607 Port jminta’s kill-rdf to SeaMonkey where applicable Part 2 [meta].
    • bug 657604 Remove the RDF global object.
  • bug 436794 Enable Mac OS X system address book per default and add UI.
    • SM UI needed, unowned, helpwanted.
  • bug 449728 Drag tabs between windows.
  • bug 477845 Build a standalone (Gecko 2.0) Composer. [kaze]
    • kaze is currently busy with his new job so doesn’t have any to spend on this.
    • bug 477840 Backport KompoZer to Composer (Depends on bug 477845).
    • kaze has done a ton of work there. We still need to work out some organizational issues. At the moment there is no active interest from MoMo for bringing standalone composer into comm-central. That’s something we (KaiRo and kaze) will have to negotiate with the Thunderbird team (Standard8).
  • bug 507841 Port Bug 422814 – Make account configuration quick, easy, and more secure (autoconfig, Quick Account Setup).
  • bug 533908 SeaMonkey Mail: tabs not restored [misak].
  • bug 523274 Complete new default theme icon set.
  • bug 526210 Update the icon set for the SeaMonkey Modern Theme.
    • bug 548778 New communicator icons (based on Strata theme) for SeaMonkey. Some proposed icons got posted, we should take a look how to get that contribution into the product.
    • The rest is unowned so far.
  • bug 87098 [SeaMonkey] Delete key should delete location bar history list entry.
    • Note: Our location bar history doesn’t and can’t use autocomplete at all.

Roundtable – Personal Status Updates

Status Updates from developers – what are you working on, what’s the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).





  • SeaMonkey 2.2.


  • bug 633397 Automatic partial update from 2.1b1 to 2.1b2 build 2 misses extensions.
  • bug 668726 Port bug 449607: change dated dirs on ftp.m.o to use new longer BuildID – Nightly updates currently broken.

Working on:

  • bug 647107 snippet details URL is not secure, can spoof major updates.
  • bug 668461 Port faster priority sorting from bug 649734 to SeaMonkey.
  • bug 668744 Update from 2.0 leaves behind some files in some locales.
  • bug 653424 need to add comm-2.0 and releases/comm-{aurora,beta} to MXR.


  • bug 660745 [SeaMonkey] Install “June 2010 or newer” DirectX SDK.


  • Fixed:
  • Checkin-needed:
    • bug 512378 – Port |Bug 506985 – remove java-specific preferences from Firefox UI, hidden prefs| to SeaMonkey 2.1
    • bug 513895 – Audit preference panes for duplicate stylesheets
    • bug 599731 – Move “Recently Closed” menus to Go menu
    • bug 621042 – Advanced Account Settings should mention account name
    • bug 633935 – Port |Bug 237376 – Put ‘reply to newsgroup’ on top| to SeaMonkey
    • bug 667829 – No accesskey (keyboard shortcut) for Folder in Add Bookmark dialog
  • Needs Review:
    • bug 78357 – Account wizard doesn’t have place to enter port info
    • bug 668723 – Update for bug 643816
    • bug 670652 – Audit preference stylesheets for duplicate stylesheets
  • Working On:
    • bug 670513 – Recently Closed Windows/tabs have been moved to the Go menu. Document this.
  • Investigating:
    • bug 13818 – Ability to change the “quoteline”
    • bug 16717 – Disable source folder in Move/Copy/File menus
    • bug 39113 – Show current profile name in preferences (backed out)
    • bug 513900 – executable permissions for data files (port bug 461322 to SeaMonkey)
    • bug 527173 – Spellchecker settings are in the Mail section but the SP is used by all components
    • bug 620324 – Selected multiple mail folders to move, but only one folder gets moved
  • BackBurner:
    • bug 649952 – Port |Bug 609824 – Re-add Bloglines to the feed reader options| to SeaMonkey


  • Usual testing, reviewing and commenting.
  • Fixed:
    • bug 670691 Sync can’t deactivate device – bundle_prefutilities is not defined
    • bug 669291 Fold permissionsNavigatorOverlay.xul into navigator code
    • bug 670010 Remove unused overrideHandler.js file
    • bug 665290 Switch suite/mailnews to use Services.urlFormatter
    • bug 667643 Switch suite to use Services.wm
    • bug 667952 Fold imageContextOverlay.xul into context menu code
    • bug 667662 Switch suite to use
    • bug 665569 Add GetFileFromString helper for getting File from native path or Url
    • bug 665603 Centralise sound preferences
    • bug 662203 Enhance openLocation so that it can be used by message compose
  • Waiting for review on:
    • bug 638643 Remove obsolete EditorToggleParagraphMarks from editor.js
  • Waiting for additional review on:
    • bug 657161 Make use of contentAreaContext in Composer
  • Working on:
    • bug 670749 Have individual methods for cookie/image/popup menus in navigatorOverlay
    • bug 670750 Move appropriate entites from navigator.dtd to navigatorOverlay.dtd which are only used in navigatorOverlay.xul
    • bug 550484 Hardcoded widths for pref-proxies-advanced and pref-languages.add dialogs
    • bug 606683 Allow customization of toolbar in Composer and MailNews Composition
    • bug 639690 [META] Re-arrange code between editor and editorOverlay
    • bug 657234 Move pasteQuote and pasteNoFormatting into contentAreaContextOverlay
    • File/Folder selection in windows.
  • To Do:
    • bug 639395 Get cmd_fontSize to reflect current state of selected content / content at caret.
    • Prefs-in-a-tab.


  • Fixed:
    • bug 668993 Sync account wizard does not close after clicking on “Finish”
    • bug 668738 Update SeaMonkey website for 2.2 Beta 3 release
    • bug 667604 Update SeaMonkey website for 2.2 Beta 2 release
    • bug 667966 Fix relnotes link on releases page and add variable for beta relnotes link
    • bug 667333 Add htaccess rules for redirecting nightly relnotes to dev/get-involved [seamonkey2.4a1 404]


  • Helped Callek some more to get SeaMonkey 2.2 Betas moving forward and final coming near, and then get the final 2.2 release out the door, including website updates (bug 668739) as Jens was on vacation.
  • Got Linux64 updates going for SeaMonkey 2.0.*->2.0.14 and 2.1*->2.2, major update will follow once it goes public for the other systems as well (bug 666573).
  • I also helped to get the major update billboards up (bug 668427) on a https website (, in this case).
  • More work on L10n sign-offs for SeaMonkey 2.2 Beta, the amount of locales in 2.2 seem to get to match 2.1 almost or even completely.
  • Went through the first round of sign-offs for aurora 2.4 and beta 2.3 for SeaMonkey.
  • Cared to get all the 2.2 Betas up on the German SeaMonkey website, and the Release Notes updated.
  • Updated the German website for SeaMonkey 2.2, and synched DOMi, SeaMonkey and toolkit localizations for all of -central, -aurora, and -beta.
  • As usual, my blog has more detailed status about my work, and Mozilla Status Board Posts also tell about my next planned steps.



Fixed bug 669077 Cleanup sessionstore tests suite. Ports bug 667202 and syncs head.js with FF.





  • bug 22112 Thread pane icons should show state of mail (replied, forwarded).
  • bug 541313 Changing image size using Custom Size changes the image but does not display the new height and width correctly — H and W always equal the Actual Size.
  • bug 663919 Search machine icon missing in address field.

Working on:

  • bug 669582 support using the VC++ compiler shipped with the Windows 7.1 SDK.


In progress:

  • bug 663343 The “List all Tabs” menu should visually identify which tabs are on-screen (rather than scrolled off).
  • bug 667201 Front end changes for bug 545070: plugin-problem UI shouldn’t say “click here”.


  • xSidebar ports project:
    • Did updated ports of several extensions for SeaMonkey 2.1 and above including Infolister 0.10.4a, FireFTP 1.99.5, Greasemonkey 0.9.6, Download Statusbar and FavLoc 1.2.1.
    • Also added several version bumped extensions contributed by therube (Copy URL Plus 1.3.2) and Marcelo Bastos (Display Mail User Agent 1.6.5, Mail Redirect, Quote Colors 0.3)
  • Tried to organize SeaMonkey users to write to various extension authors encouraging them to update their SeaMonkey extensions for SeaMonkey 2.1 and above. This is now more important with the rapid release train.
  • Bug triage and Bug discussions.
  • End user support and PR in newsgroups and Mozillazine.



  • Fixed SeaMonkey (related) bugs:
    • bug 642420 XPFE autocomplete.xml: investigate removing explicit <children includes=”menupopup”/>



  • bug 667299 Turn off ‘ui.click_hold_context_menus’ on Mac.

Working on:

  • bug 553992 No focus rings for buttons in download manager, places window and the update dialog (Toolkit).
  • bug 650642 [Pinstripe] Make the filterdialog and the advanced search dialogs look better (Thunderbird).
  • bug 670532 [Mac] When a download starts, default to open download manager (like other OS).

Any other business?

Mozilla Platform Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-12

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm


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Notices / Schedule

  • Firefox team is at an offsite today
  • Source migration happened last Tuesday, all the resulting updates are on the wire
  • Next mozilla-central → mozilla-aurora source migration is August 16th
  • Goals should be getting locked down

Firefox Development

As mentioned above, Firefox team is offsite this week. Some of the things discussed include:

We’ll try to vidyo in, but are likely to stay muted



  • We’re trying an experiment of just using mozilla-inbound for landings (the benefits: daily regression resolution, rather than weekly; no need for someone to spend time merging). So for the next two weeks, everything JS is landing in mozilla-inbound, and the TraceMonkey repository is temporarily abandoned. When the two weeks are up we’ll decide whether to return to TM or just use mozilla-inbound.







Tree Management

  • Production pool of Windows 64-bit; 5 machines now live this week
    • tracking bug — bug support-win64
    • current bugs that require devs’ attention:
      • (TODO file bug) – make buildsymbols takes 45 mins rather than 5 mins
      • bug 669384 – make buildsymbols fails for leak test builds
      • bug 670915 – make package fails for leak test builds
      • bug 670697 – sporadic make check failures
  • More tegras coming; 40 in boxes here; 160 still being created
    • any help fixing tests would be great list here
  • downtime tonight: faster connection between colos == faster builds
  • The Build Faster meetings will be happening every other week
    • We had a great turnaround and went over a lot of bugs to prioritize
    • Join us at the next meeting and feel free to contribute!
    • Tonight’s downtime will improve downloading binaries to the test machines

Stability Report

  • Bill McCloskey trying to tackle a set of GC related crashes. Instrumentation patch landed on the trunk last week.
  • Meeting with Adobe at the end of July. Working with Josh to compile a list of top crashes, issues, Flash versions – Flash related hangs seem to be the most problematic.



Mozilla Project Meeting Minutes: 2011-07-11

Filed under: Posts — Tags: — Jesper Kristensen @ 11:00 pm


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Video for today’s meeting

<video controls=”controls”><source src=”” type=”video/ogg; codecs=”theora, vorbis””/></video>

Friends of the Tree

Upcoming Events

This Month

The July Dev Derby allows anyone to show the world what they can do with HTML5 video and compete for prizes in the process. Please spread the word and encourage others to participate.

The Dev Derby team is very proud of a successful June Derby and is preparing to announce winners in a couple of weeks.

This Week

Monday, 11 July

Tuesday, 12 July

Wednesday, 13 July

Thursday, 14 July

Friday, 15 July

Next Week

Product Status Updates

Firefox Future (6, 7, 8)

  • The source code migrations took place on Tuesday, 2011-07-05 (on schedule)
    • Thanks to everyone who helped in the war room!
  • We offered Firefox 7 (desktop) to the Aurora channel on Thursday, 2011-07-07
    • There are currently discussions about mobile creating an Aurora channel
  • We offered Firefox 6 (desktop and mobile) to the Beta channel on Friday, 2011-07-08

Firefox Current (3.6, 4.0, 5.0)

  • We created Firefox 5.0.1 and 3.6.19 to work around Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) issues (see the blog post for details)
    • We had to create an out-of-band update because Lion is coming before 6 but after 5
    • Apple hasn’t announced a date more exact than “July”
  • We pushed Firefox 3.6.19 to the 3.6 beta audience on Friday, 2011-07-08
    • Thanks to QA and RelEng for the quick turnaround and working late on a Friday!
  • We did not push 5.0.1 to anyone (as the beta channel is running 6)
    • Some users appear to have downloaded it from ftp already though
  • We hope to release both today (Monday, 2011-07-11) and hope to only offer updates for Mac users
    • No sense having all users download / install updates for a Mac-specific bug, but there are some mechanical issues to work out still
  • Note that there is no need for a Firefox mobile 5.0.1
  • We’ve seen some questions about 3.6 EOL. Short answer: still thinking/discussing, canceled a previously scheduled meeting
    • We have committed to releasing Firefox 3.6.20 (previously it was 3.6.19, but the update above took that version number), shipping at the same time as Firefox 6
    • More 3.6 details/planning later in August

Mobile Firefox


  • Thunderbird 6 went to Beta channel and Thunderbird 7 went to Aurora channel last week



The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It’s like a lightning talk, but don’t feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.





More Details
Infrastructure Security Training Brownbags

Michael Coates

Regularly scheduled security brownbags for hands-on security hacking & learning
Bugzilla Security Keywords

Curtis Koenig (phone)

Using the new security keywords

Automated Speed Tests Results

Mark Côté

Quick discussion of results from the automated speed tests framework

Gary on NBC Press: Here

Melissa Shapiro

Gary Kovacs interviewed for NBC Press: Here

Video time: What do you want the web to be?

Mike Morgan
William Reynolds

Just a feel-good video to start the week
Upcoming campaign:

Status Updates By Team





  • mobile UX work week in Toronto this week


Release Engineering


QA Automation Services
  • The new QA Automation Services team was announced last week. They will provide a signal point of reference for all QA Automation needs, working closely with QA, the A*Team and potential vendors that we may need.
Browser Technologies
  • Shipped Firefox 6 Beta for Mobile to Android Market
  • Team workweek – Week of July 18th
QA Community
  • Firefox 6 Testday this Friday, July 15th
  • If you have out-of-control bug queries or features which need testing, please get in touch with Anthony Hughes (irc: ashughes) to get an event planned.
Desktop Firefox QA
  • We have been qualifying 5 branches, for their respective train departures: Fx6(beta), Fx7(aurora), 3.6.19/5.0.1, Fx6(beta) Mobile
    • Fx6 (desktop and mobile) and Fx7 are done.
    • Branches to follow this week.

Automation & Tools

  • Started working with the releng folks on building faster
    • Building dashboards for the effort to keep
  • Speed tests are completed, been running for most of a quarter
  • Special Powers is available in mochi-plain, mochi-chrome, and mochi-browser-chrome
  • More notes are here





Creative Team

Community Marketing


  • We are adding private messaging features to our Support platform this week. Help us by getting involved and providing feedback.
  • Michelle Luna joined the SUMO team last week. She will be coordinating our mobile support efforts.




Developer Tools




Introducing New Hires

  • David Clarke – QA Automation Services
  • Michelle Luna – Mobile Support Coordinator
  • Havi Hoffman – Content Wrangler, Labs (Developer Engagement)
  • Natalie Tan – Product PR Coordinator
  • Joe Stevensen – Infrastructure Security
  • Marty Rosenberg – JavaScript
  • Jeff Gilbert – Gfx
  • Tim Abraldes – Platform Integration
  • William LaChance – Automation & Tools

Introducing New Interns

  • Annika Heinle, Engagement (started 7/5)
  • Brian Burg, Research (started 7/5)
  • Hannes Verschore, Platform (started 7/5)

Foundation Updates


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