- Firefox 30 has shipped
- Next merge: 2014-07-21
Topics for This Week
- Fx32 Post-Merge
- We decided to disable two uses of ButtonToast in Fx32 on Aurora: Disable undo close tab toast (bug 1023406) and Disable switch-to-new-tab button toast (bug 1023407)
- Video Casting and Roku
- We made a quiet push for Nightly testing of the video casting feature. We are working toward adding more device support in Fx33 and will prepare a louder push for that timeframe.
- Firefox Search
- We are moving forward on multiple fronts: UX is focusing on an MVP on which we can build. Dev is iterating with UX on the designs. Dev is working to get the code in mozilla-central. We added a bugzilla category and bugs are being filed. Project page is here.
Friends of the Mobile Team
Give a shoutout/thanks to people for helping fix and test bugs. Make sure friends also get awarded a badge. New contributors are highlighted in bold.
- Shout-out to all our awesome localizers! Maybe we should make a new badge for them 🙂
- Special thanks to Pascal Chevrel for organizing localization efforts for our and Home Feeds add-ons!
Stand ups
Suggested format:
- What did you do last week?
- What are working on this week?
- Anything blocking you?
Please keep your update to under 2 minutes!
James W. (snorp)
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- 1013326 – Add a way to distinguish chrome hangs from content ones in BHR
- 1017651 – Caret disappears after typing out autocomplete text
- 1019050 – GCC 4.8 unused-local-typedefs warning/error in dom/media after WebRTC 3.50 update
- 1021277 – JIT pseudostack frames do not have copy flag set
Working on
- 1023307 – Request for OS X 10.6 test machine for jchen
- 1011059 – crash in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid selection notification range: 0 to #, length: # at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoEditable.onSelectionChange(
- 1016923 – crash in JS_NewStringCopyZ(JSContext*, char const*)
- 1021774 – Add test for background hang monitor / thread hang stats
- 1022769 – NativeJSObject does not root objects correctly
- 1023461 – Record chrome script file name in BHR
- 1023469 – Replace generic observer in browser.js when the observer is first used
- PTO Friday
Randall Barker
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Attending pre-school graduation.
- Last Week: Got Linux WebRTC standalone compiling and functioning. Started developing standalone player and browser tab streaming add-on.
- This Week: Continue work on player and add-on
Eugen Sawin
Last week
- Gonzales (
- Landed caching (in-memory and Redis) (on develop branch)
- Evaluated logging solutions (no decision yet)
- Async request handling
Next week
- Gonzales
- More caching work (standard-conformance, better Redis integration)
- Look into Flash -> Shumway preprocessing
- Look into using promises instead of callbacks + synchronize
Sylvain Cleymans
Last week:
- Merged image compression into Gonzales
- Tracked a bug (still in progress)
Next week:
- Add a test framework to Gonzales
- Find the bug
Martin (mmcdonough)
Continuing work on native Java MediaCodec and MediaExtractor use for video playback on Android.
Brian Nicholson
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- Landed bug 1020440 (rAc interfaces and stubs)
- WIP bug 1011712 – Reader mode contextual hint
- Filed/working on rAc bugs: bug 1020618, bug 1020616, bug 1020607, bug 1020602
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- Bug 1018468 – Provide fullscreen button for video. r+. landing today
- Bug 1018160 – [Tablet] Some entries are missing from the Context Menu when performing an image search on google.
- Bug 1004495 – Tapping on a download notification doesn’t do anything (if Firefox is in the background). Revamp of Notification.jsm API (but holding backwards compat to the old api for now. Waiting for reviews
- Bug 1001309 – Provide a way to clear history when Fennec’s put into the background. Waiting fore reviews.
- Bug 1006158 – Build against Android v7 support library and Google Play Services. r+. hopefully landing (disabled) today.
Last week
- 938141 – Thumbnail flickering when Home is loaded
- 997765 – Define initial list of suggested sites to ship with Fennec
Next week
- 864958 – Refine private browsing chrome colour
- 964861 – crash in java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.toolbar.ToolbarDisplayLayout.updateFromTab(
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- Finishing “Remove Suggested Sites” (bug 1010266)
- Fallout from Reading list cleanup (bug 1022238)
- More various telemetry (bug 1018433)
- reviews
- Next: contextual hints, first run?
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- Working on button toast follow-ups – bug 1019318, bug 1019735
- Ready to land patch for close all tabs – bug 817716
- Dusting off patch for recent tabs panel – bug 1004850
- More search activity discussion
- Going to be in Toronto next Tue-Thur (for fun, but working in the office)
- 1017912 – Restore tab in correct position when undoing close tab
- 1018661 – Closing zombified tab results in “closed about:blank” toast
- 1020730 – URL of closed tab is cut off and shows only “http:/…”
- 1021123 – Improve colors in remote tabs pull-to-refresh
- 1021163 – Animate tab close upwards in horizontal tabs tray
- 1002567 – Support weighted snippets
- 1017045 – Wrong tabs are restored via the undo ability after closing multiple tabs at once; the last tab closed is used as the undo for all closed tabs
- 1017047 – Undo’ing a private tab restores it as a regular tab
- 1018337 – page title for neterror pages is used for the undo close tab super toast
Working on
- 817716 – Add ability to close all tabs
- 878173 – Create alternate about:feedback that sends positive feedback to input
- 1004850 – List recently closed tabs in the UI
- 1010986 – Dynamic panel list view drawn only after scrolling
- 1019318 – Polish button toast appearance
- 1019735 – Undo close tab super toast blocks access to the address bar
- 1023270 – Three-dot menu and + button are redundant in tabs tray
- 1023331 – Telemetry for three-dot menu in tabs tray
- 1023406 – Disable undo close tab toast for Fx32
- 1023544 – No way to remove dynamic panel added by home feeds add-on
- 1023551 – Add hooks to let add-on know when a panel is enabled/disabled
- 1023914 – Empty state image cut off
Starting to add Firefox Search to MC.
- Some (many?) things will get rewritten
- Review help from mleibovich
- Build help from nalexander
- Final prototype
- DDG disambiguation
- Flickr search
- APK:
- Screenshot: link
Working on Robocop related Android 2.3 test failures (via bug 979921).
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- bug 1019595 – Lack of contrast on editing mode’s ‘X’ button when using a lightweight theme
- bug 932208 – BrowserToolbar and HomeFragment context menu ‘Share’ option should be disabled for these protocols: about:// chrome:// file://
- bug 1002303 – Provide a description on private tabs page if there are no private tabs
- bug 998000 – Create BrowserApp.cancelEditingMode for consistency with BrowserApp.enter/commitEditingMode
- bug 1022668 – crash in java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.toolbar.BrowserToolbar.startEditing(
- bug 1007442 – Tune visual for not-signed-in remote tabs tray
- [meta] bug 979921 – Android 2.3 test failures
- bug 948591 – Intermittent testClearPrivateData | Exception caught – junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Text string: ‘^Settings$’ is not found!
- bug 918494 – Intermittent testLinkContextMenu | Checking if the link has been added as a bookmark – The link has been bookmarked
- Too busy with other things:
- Herding bug 941155 (fix talos on mobile to have pageloader tests working in regular mode and nochrome mode) along
- bug 939350 – Create Python linter wrapper
- bug 983437 – Delay FHR pruning until the screen is off
- bug 989441 – Centralized documentation for writing tests
- bug 1021751 – Homepage contextual hint
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- Reviewing the megaupgrade hotfix.
- Working on peripheral locale bugs.
- BrowserDB stuff now leaves telemetry traces.
- Ripped out non-synthetic webapp code.
- Annoyance with fonts in locale picker: bug 1023451
- Working through distro-distro dependencies — don’t load distros for webapps, etc.
- Miscellaneous reviews et al
- Past:
- Custom server support for FxA and Sync (bug 1003877, waiting on r?rnewman)
- Waiting to land bug 1021055, part of improving Remote Tabs (bug 899643)
- Future:
- Removing beautiful switch-to-new-tab ButtonToast on Aurora bug 1023407
- Integrating Search Activity into m-c bug 1021864
- Possibly helping integrate MozStumbler into m-c (bug needed!)
- Not thrilled with the plan outlined in I propose that we integrate MozStumbler in a manner similar to Search Activity, as (essentially) it’s own sub-project.
- landed
- bug 1016747 – add android protocol handler to proxy input streams to Gecko
- bug 1019836 – Support narrow char strings in android bridge
- worked on
- bug 1014712 – use msapplication-TileImage and msapplication-TileColor to create home page tiles
- bug 1013588 – Gecko-based Android launcher
- Q3 goal planning with other Android team leads
- Looking into UI Telemetry and FHR data
- Small patches
- Made some short videos showing off some Firefox features.
Ian Barlow
- Q3 Planning
- Interviewing designers
- Defining MVP for Firefox Search, also we’ll be doing an in-person hack week in about a month
- Contemplating Whimsy
Yuan Wang
- Followed up with Deb on prioritizing tablet work
- Synced up tab design with desktop UX:
- Interviewed mobile design candidates
- Sync up tablet design with Anthony
- Onboarding design strategy. Would like to share initial ideas with UX, Product, and Chenxia
Anthony Lam
- UI/UX touch-ups around “toolbar”/browser chrome with Lucasr
- keeping Tablets in mind
- (on going) Search UX work
- (in progress) Visual polishes on lots of bugs (snippets, empty trays, video controls, etc)
- (in progress) bug 1014848 – Improve interactions for “toolbar” (activating/deactivating awesome bar)
- (in progress) bug 1019318 – Polish button toast appearance
- (in progress) bug 1014335 – Make “Pull to Refresh” in Synced Tabs and Home Panels feel excellent.
Garvan Keeley
MozStumbler github, splitting code for a reusable Fennec component. Hope to have first iteration of this done this week, and have something I can test reliably in my Fennec build.
Summary of Fennec work:
Always looking for input on the integration project, particularly the ‘outstanding items’.
None of those items are blockers ATM.
Blocked on quickie integration of Stumbler code into Fennec, I want to be building Fennec+Stumbler and MozStumbler simultaneously
- rnewman removed old runtime implementation in bug 1021342 – MOZ_ANDROID_SYNTHAPKS is extinct
- platform bug 1008126 regressed XHR in workers and thus APK downloads; fix landed in bug 1022607 and needs uplift to Aurora
- puzzled by app perf problem bug 1023571
Notable Bugs
- bug 995803 – crash in java.lang.IllegalStateException – uplifted
- bug 1019054 – Uninstalling webapps doesn’t seem to work properly – inbound; candidate for uplift?
- bug 957067 – Pass back error when incorrect data passed through in install APK – fixed
- bug 1013428 – mozilla-apk-cli App Updates side-loaded don’t appear – fixed
- bug 1013433 – uninstalling, resideloading, and relaunching app causes it to stall at white screen – fixed
- bug 960584 – notify user of download progress indication when fetching APK – needs feedback ibarlow
- bug 1003962 – Line Runner hangs on launch with white screen – under investigation
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Feature Focus
Firefox 30 (Released!)- Release: Jun 10, 2014
- [ON TRACK] Quickshare on the context menu, Epic/Meta bug 1014021
- [ON TRACK] Evaluate pngquant for PNG size reduction bug 959833
- [ON TRACK] Firefox Hub v1 (RSS feed support + 2 add-ons), Epic/Meta bug 1014025
- [ON TRACK] Added locale: Argentine Spanish (es-AR), bug 979250
- [ON TRACK] Added locale: Mexican Spanish (es-MX), 979251 bug 979251
- [ON TRACK] Added locale: Malay (ms), bug 979257
- [ON TRACK] Added locale: Latvian (lv), bug 958021
- [ON TRACK] Added locale: Indonesian (id), bug 960060
- [ON TRACK] Added locale: Belarusian (be), bug 521981
Firefox 31 (Beta) – Release: Jul 22, 2014
- [ON TRACK] Ability to re-order existing panels in about:home, not via drag and drop (see My List: Manage current lists in settings), bug 959917
- [ON TRACK] Firefox Hub v2 (currently planned feature complete), Epic/Meta bug 1014030
- [ON TRACK] Quickshare Contexts, Epic/Meta bug 1014035
- [ON TRACK] Quickshare: Settable default service for quickshare buttons, Epic/Meta bug 1014037
- [ON TRACK] Quickshare: Collect aggregate usage data, Epic/Meta bug 1014038
- [ON TRACK] UX Telemetry, Epic/Meta bug 1014044
- [ON TRACK] Added locale(s): Hindi(hi), Gujarati (gu), Bengali (bn), Punjabi (pn), Maithili (mai), Marathi (mr), Malayalam (ml), Assamese (as), Oriya (or), Tamil (ta), Telugu (te), Kannada (kn)
- [ON TRACK] EOL official Android 2.2 Support bug 1017242
Firefox 32 (Aurora) – Release: Sep 2, 2014
- [PROPOSED] Videocasting (Roku), Epic/Meta bug 921924
- [PROPOSED] Firefox Hub v3 (bugfixes & polish + more add-ons), Epic/Meta bug 1014032
- [PROPOSED] Suggested sites v1, Epic/Meta bug 988366
- [PROPOSED] Contextual tips for users
- [ON TRACK] UI lang switching
- [PROPOSED] Synced tabs page as entry point into Firefox Accounts & Sync (bug 958889)
- [PROPOSED] API: Push notifications
- [PROPOSED] Add a Clear History control to the history panel bug 998009
- [ON TRACK] Android Gamepad backend bug 852935
- [ON TRACK] Support weighed snippets bug 1002567
Firefox 33 (Nightly) – Release: Oct 14, 2014
- [PROPOSED] Form auto-fill improvements
- [PROPOSED] Tab mirroring (Roku)
- [PROPOSED] Firefox Hub: Add new My Panel from Promotional Banner
Round Table
- Forgot to add “bug 1001309 – Provide a way to clear history when Fennec’s put into the background” to the list of potential things to hold from Aurora. The feature works fine, but the alternative favicon/thumbnails don’t look good. There is work underway to fix this (where possible) on 33. Do we want to pull this? Is the security benefit worth the uglyness?
- What, if anything can be done re: bug 1022569 for this user who’s browser blew 1.4GB of cell data overnight? (Aaron)
- Network Analytics? bug 1022679 Roadmap item?
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