String Freeze and 1.0b4 Schedule

Hello Folks,

Following the Thunderbird Schedule, the Mozilla Calendar Project is
now officially string frozen. I have already announced preliminary
string freeze, but since then a lot has happened on the branching
landscape which caused some trouble in calendar land.

The following information is mainly for localizers, but also gives some details on the upcoming release.

Note that the tree has changed, to match for Thunderbird. Instead of
l10n-central, for your locale to be part of Lightning 1.0b4 you must
push to the new l10n-miramar repository. Thanks to Mark for his hard
work on getting things set up.


The final deadline for calendar l10n matches the Thunderbird deadline
of June 7th. Since for Lightning there is not much difference
between the nightly and release builds, we will not be providing extra
beta builds. Translated extensions are available on a nightly basis
(sorry, no build-on-push yet!).


The dashboard is at 25 locales are already green, congrats!

en-US repository

The en-US repositories are at:

Nightly builds:

l10n repositories

The l10n repositories are at:

You want to clone yours via
hg clone ssh://

Localized Nightly builds:

Update: Signoffs are now open until June 7th. They are available here.


  1. How do new (to Calendar) localisations get on the release train?

  2. Philipp Kewisch

    Hi Mark,
    so all you need to do is translate the strings, push them to the calendar/ subdirectory of your locale and then file a bug (in Calendar/Build Config) to get added to all-locales. See bug 635739 for an example. When its added our builders will produce nightly l10n builds you can use to make sure everything runs as expected. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!