…but of course there is is a release for Thunderbird 38! Since the release date for Thunderbird has been postponed and in the meanwhile Firefox has released 38.0.1, Thunderbird will also be released as Thunderbird 38.0.1. Since the Lightning version is automatically generated at build time, we have just released Lightning If you are still using Thunderbird 31 and Lightning 3.3.3, you will be getting an update in the next days.
The exciting thing about this release is that Lightning has been integrated into Thunderbird. I expect there will be next to no issues during upgrade this time, because Thunderbird includes the Lightning addon already.
If you can’t wait, you can get Thunderbird in your language directly from mozilla.org. If you do happen to have issues with upgrading, you can also get Lightning from addons.mozilla.org. The latest Seamonkey version is 2.33.1 at the time of writing, you need to use Lightning 3.8b2 in this case. For more information on compatibility, check out the calendar versions page.
As mentioned in a previous blog post, most fixed issues are backend fixes that won’t be very visible. We do however have a great new feature to save copies of invitations to your calendar. This helps in case you don’t care about replying to the invitation but would still like to see it in your calendar. We also have more general improvements in invitation compatibility, performance and stability and some slight visual enhancements. The full list of changes can be found on bugzilla.
If you are upgrading manually, you might want to make a backup. Although I don’t anticipate any major issues, you never know.
If you have questions, would like support, or have found a bug, feel free to leave a comment here and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Is Lightning the same as 4.0b6?
Yes, mostly. There was an error with the Linux version of Lightning 4.0b6 that didn’t allow it to be installed on 64 bit machines. The “b” in Lightning 4.0b6 denotes its a beta build, Lightning on the other hand is an official release like Lightning 3.3.3.
I’m anxious that an update will break my sync services, especially tzpush, as there is no newer stable version available.
Hi Wolfgang. Of course I can’t promise compatibility, but I’m sure the author of tzpush will be responsive if things fail. I’d suggest making a backup of your profile, then you can upgrade and see if everything goes well.
Updated to Thunderbird 38.0.1. No issues so far, thanks. All six extensions survived. Installation of Lightning Plugin 3.3.3 -> 4.0.1 took longer than usual (about three minutes, that’s long on SSD), but went finally through.
After upgrading to TB 38.0.1 and Lightning 4.0.1 I can’t use Exchange calendar any more.
I am using ExQuilla 38.0.1159 and EWS provider 3.3.0.
If I try to add new calendar of MS Exchange type, I receive an error:
[Exception… “Component returned failure code: 0x80570015 (NS_ERROR_XPC_CI_RETURNED_FAILURE) [nsIJSCID.createInstance]” nsresult: “0x80570015 (NS_ERROR_XPC_CI_RETURNED_FAILURE)” location: “JS frame :: resource://calendar/modules/calUtils.jsm -> file:///C:/Users/q3v8q0h5/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/wu6sfgui.default/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calCalendarManager.js :: cmgr_createCalendar :: line 440” data: no]
Can you help me with this?
This message happens when there are binary components that are still made for an older version. Can you make sure you are running the latest version of ExQuilla and the EWS Provider? I believe only ExQuilla has binary components, if you can’t find the latest version of that the author is very nice :-)
For the EWS Provider, which one are you using? I believe the one from Ericsson is the most actively maintained: https://github.com/Ericsson/exchangecalendar
I’ve heard from the Ericsson developers, please wait for version 3.4 of the EWS Provider, or try 3.4-beta2.
Hi, Philipp!
Thank you very much!!!!
I started to doublecheck versions and found problem with EWS provider. Main problem is: in TB there is no link to homepage or support for this addon. So, addonds check for new versions shows that all of them are in current state (3.3.0 for EWS in my case). But after following your link, I managed to found that there is one stable version 3.3.2 at least and betta versions for 3.4. So I installed 3.4. beta 2 and calendar start working.
Thanks a lot again!
Regards, Alexey
oops. While I wrote my post you found this issue )
Thanks- I was updated to 38.2 and my Exchange stopped working. I grabbed the newest EWS Provider from Ericsson and now works a champ.
Big relief.
My Exchange calendar was working yesterday.
This morning when I started Thunderbird it upgraded my Lightning from (3.x ?) to This broke EWS Provider 3.2B7, so I upgraded that to 3.4.0RC2. Now I can’t get into my calendar. In the left pane, the connectors are stuck together, there are no error messages, but I have no events. Further (1), in the properties, Read Only is checked and it ignores when I uncheck it and save. When I try to create an event, my Exchange calendar isn’t available in the drop down. Further (2), when I try to re-create this calendar, during autodiscovery I get a 401 error “Unauthorized” as if the Exchange server will not play with EWS 3.4.
Is it possible to roll this back, and make Thunderbird 38.2.0 work with the previous versions of Lightning and EWS Provider? I can’t roll back Thunderbird itself, company managed.
Just updated to Thunderbird 38.0.1 under Win 7 Pro and re-added Lightning, (I had stopped using it due to problems).
I connected it to my google calendar with no problem, but I cannot get it to move off the current month. In the month view if I hit the left or right arrows the name of the month will change, but nothing will update.
Sorry for repeating myself in all these comments, but this again sounds like the “Calendar Tweaks” addon.
Wish I could say there are no bugs, but the only calendar showing after my upgrade this morning (18Jun2015) is June. Can’t go forward, can’t go backwards. In fact, all months other than June are completely blank. Lightning was perfectly linked using gmail calendar as the hub for my iPhone until this upgrade. I have reset all passwords and links, but no joy. Clues where to start? Thanks.
Can you try disabling the “Calendar Tweaks” addon, if you are using it?
Updated to Thunderbird 38.0.1, Lightning got lost. Installing manually, I get:
Timestamp: 22/6/2015 10:30:26
Warning: This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it’s recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.
Source File: https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addons/_attachments/2313/lightning-
Line: 0
Any ideas, please?
The SHA warning is ok, this should affect anything. Are you still having this issue?
Upgrading to TB 38.01 and Lightning has broken synching with Oracle Beehive over CalDAV. This worked flawlessly previously.
I’ve added a bit from the error console:
Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: My Calendar. However, this error is believed to be minor, so the program will attempt to continue. Error code: DAV_NOT_DAV. Description: The resource at https://calendar.example.com/caldav/enterprise/home/user%40example.com/calendars/MyCalendar/ is either not a DAV collection or not available
Source File: file:///Users//Library/Thunderbird/Profiles/.default/extensions//calendar-js/calCalendarManager.js
Line: 951
I’m surprised this is happening. The error you are getting is usually when you are using the wrong URL. Can you re-create your caldav calendar and double check the URL? The usual format for beehive is:
Found 2 issues.
1. The list of upcomming events (next 5 days) doesn’t show any event even if there are some appointments.
2. When using the “monthly view” of the calendar, then switch to the next month, the main view is not getting updated. Everything’s working fine when using “daily”, Weekly” or “multiple Weeks” tabs. Only the “monthly” tab is affected.
Issue 1 is fixed in Lightning 4.0.1. Issue 2 may be the “Calendar Tweaks” addon, if you are using that.
I have Thunderbird 38.0.1 and Lightning except that Lightning has disappeared. I had tabs for calendar and tasks. Both have gone. There is no trace in the menus. There are no available buttons I could add to a menu bar.
Lightning is listed in the Addons as installed and active. If I click the Preferences button, I get the standard Thunderbird preferences. Nothing anywhere about Lightning.
I also have Provider for Google Calendar 1.0.4 and Google Tasks Sync 0.5.2 installed. These too are shown as installed and active but (obviously) there is no trace of these either.
Additional installed and active addons: British English Dictionary 1.19.1, Dictionary Switcher, Enigmail 1.8.2, Geiriadur Cymraeg 1.08, SelectionSK, SmoothWheel, StartupMaster 1.6.1-signed.
I think Lightning disappeared with the update to Thunderbird 38 but I don’t remember exactly – I was too busy at the time to get to the bottom of it.
I’m running on GNU/Linux x86_64.
Any advice would be appreciated as I have no idea what I’m meant to be doing when!
In the end, I disabled all caldendar related addons, restarted, reenabled lightning, restarted, reenabled the wrong addon, restarted, disabled the wrong one and reenabled the right ones, restarted and now everything seems to be back to normal ;).
I’m working on Linux (up to date ArchLinux – x86_64), with Thunderbird (38.0.1) and Lightning (was 3.3.X, then I now have a warning: “The binary component required for Lightning could not be loaded, likely because the wrong version combination is being used. You currently have Lightning installed, but should be using a version from the 4.0 series.” Then I cannot create new calendars and manage them (menu items greyed). So I deleted Lightning and Thunderbird, removing directories such as ~/.thunderbird, and re-installed them. But I’m still in the same situation.
Maybe I have some other directories to delete… Do you have any idea?
I’ve just found the problem: I was using the gr-security kernel that blocked some file access. It works fine now.
I still can’t get Lightning to work in TB 38.01. When I did add the Google calendar private link according to instructions, even switching from Mail to Lightning would not work in a timely fashion, unless I minimized & then maximized TB. Strange.
I don’t think I have Lightning set to look at past appointments, and I don’t have that many current ones. Would recurring birthdays and anniversaries slow down the propagation?
Thank you.
The proviate link is no longer needed in later versions of the Provider for Google Calendar. If the new calendar dialog still looks as before, can you try disabling other provider extensions, like the Exchange EWS provider, for the short time of creating the Google Calendar?
Note also, initial synchronization takes a while to complete. Once this is done, you should have all appointments, and further synchronizations should be fast. That aside, we do have a bug currently with the “Birthdays” calendar, I will be looking at this for the next Provider version.
Seems it’s not working with ownCloud 7.0.6 .
Just upgraded thunderbird, and so lightning, all remote calendar can’t sync anymore, getting for all of them the following errors (translated back in english) :
Error : [Exception… “Component does not have requested interface [calIOperation.isPending]” nsresult: “0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE)” location: “JS frame :: chrome://calendar/content/calendar-base-view.xml :: addItemsFromCalendar/refreshJob.cancel :: line 489” data: no]
STACK: addItemsFromCalendar/refreshJob.cancel@chrome://calendar/content/calendar-base-view.xml:489:0
error : DAV_NOT_DAV. Description : ressource is not a collection DAV or is not available
Fichier Source : …/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calCalendarManager.js
Line : 951
Error : [calCachedCalendar] replay action failed: null, uri=https://server/remote.php/caldav/calendars/… result=2147500037, op=[xpconnect wrapped calIOperation]
Fichier Source : …/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calCachedCalendar.js
Line : 322
Tested with all other addon disabled, no change. Had to fallback to TB v31 and cal 3.3.3 to get it working.
IOS and android clients didn’t report any problem meanwhile, so it’s really coming from lightning.
This issue should be fixed in 4.0.1. Although there seems to be a second error with DAV_NOT_DAV, which usually only happens when you have entered the wrong URL in the new calendar wizard. If you are still experiencing errors, please double check that you are using the url of the calendar in owncloud.
I already triple checked them :
– using the same settings, as I don’t change or redo the profiles, so it’s the same since
– copy pasted the links in the thunderbird about:config panel
– delete and create a new calendar with the link from owncloud itself
Also keeping the whole profile, and doing a downgrade to Tb 31.7 and lightning 3.3 it sync automatically and flawlessly when Tb is started
But with 4.x, it always fail with the same errors for each remote calendar on owncloud (currently v8.1.0)
Apache even see each try from lightning and anwser properly, with a 200 or 207 http code. Lightning is just choking on the result
Horodatage : 06/08/2015 20:36:40
Avertissement : Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture de données de l’agenda : R-Commun. Cependant, l’erreur est certainement mineure ; le programme va donc essayer de poursuivre. Code d’erreur : DAV_NOT_DAV. Description : La ressource sur « http://owncloud.domain/remote.php/caldav/calendars/user@domain/commun » n’est pas une collection DAV ou n’est pas disponible
Fichier Source : file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/rce0h4d3.default/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calCalendarManager.js
Ligne : 958
Horodatage : 06/08/2015 20:36:40
Avertissement : Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture de données de l’agenda : R-Commun. Cependant, l’erreur est certainement mineure ; le programme va donc essayer de poursuivre. Code d’erreur : READ_FAILED. Description :
Fichier Source : file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/rce0h4d3.default/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calCalendarManager.js
Ligne : 958
Horodatage : 06/08/2015 20:36:40
Erreur : [calCachedCalendar] replay action failed: null, uri=https://owncloud.domain/remote.php/caldav/calendars/user@domain/commun, result=2147500037, op=[xpconnect wrapped calIOperation]
Fichier Source : file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/rce0h4d3.default/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calCachedCalendar.js
Ligne : 322
be it with @ or %40, it’s the same.
My new version of Lighning keeps reverting back to a weekly vioew after I set it for a monthly view. Very annoying. I see no options to change that unless I am missing something. I never had to reset it every time I reboot my computer and open Thuinderbird (v. 38.0.1). Is this a bug or is something wrong with my computer?
Are you using the “Calendar Tweaks” addon? Can you try disabling it?
Hi: a clarification. I thought T’bird and Lightning release numbers were to be in sync. I notice T’bird is at 38.1 and Lightning at 4.0.1.
Is this as intended? I’m not sure how the release number system is working right now. Could you explain for me. Thanks very much.
upgraded to thunderbird 38.1.0 and lighting to and get “Lighting will be installed after you restart thunderbird”. when click restart the same messages comes back in the add-on manager.
error from error console
Timestamp: 7/24/2015 12:46:11 PM
Error: 1437756371415 addons.xpi ERROR Failed to remove directory C:\Users\jeff\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\6wxehepw.default\extensions\staged\{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}\chrome\lightning-zh-TW\locale: [Exception… “Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIFile.remove]” nsresult: “0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)” location: “JS frame :: resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm :: SIO_installDirectory :: line 356” data: no] Stack trace: SIO_installDirectory()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:356 < SIO_installDirEntry()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:388 < SIO_installDirectory/<()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:339 < forEach()@self-hosted:206 < SIO_installDirectory()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:337 < SIO_installDirEntry()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:388 < SIO_installDirectory/<()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:339 < forEach()@self-hosted:206 < SIO_installDirectory()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:337 < SIO_installDirEntry()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:388 < SIO_installDirectory/<()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:339 < forEach()@self-hosted:206 < SIO_installDirectory()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:337 < SIO_installDirEntry()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:388 < SIO_move()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:411 < DirInstallLocation_installAddon()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:7434 < XPI_processPendingFileChanges/<()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:2663 < forEach()@self-hosted:206 < XPI_processPendingFileChanges()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:2421 < XPI_checkForChanges()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:3531 < XPI_startup()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:2097 < callProvider()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:208 < _startProvider()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:669 < AMI_startup()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:840 < AMP_startup()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:2471 < AMC_observe()@resource://gre/components/addonManager.js:55 <
Source File: resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm
Line: 749
This sometimes happens when permissions get borked in your profile. Can you try quiting Thunderbird and manually removing the following directory:
On power up after a significant delay now I see this message:
A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.
Script chrome://calendar/content/calendar-base-view.xml:32
□ Don’t ask me again
What do you suggest I should do ?
Are you using the Provider for Google Calendar and are subscribed to the Birthday calendar? If so, please unsubscribe from it until I release the next version.
I am on Lightning 4.0.2. Since some upgrade many of my calendars are routinely (daily?) changed to read only and made inactive. What is the fix?
This is a known issue and will be fixed as soon as possible ( or 4.0.3).
We upgraded our mail server from Exchange 2010 to 2013. Now I can only connect to one calendar at a time. When setting up an additional calendar a message is displayed that the user will only be able to see status and all you can see is busy or free. If I delete the first calendar the second calendar will start working. Of course, it all worked before the upgrade. Any idea as to what is causing this.
This is a known issue and will be fixed as soon as possible ( or 4.0.3).
Was recently upgraded automatically to lighting 4.0.2, using TB 38.2 (stbeehive provider). The issue I am seeing since upgrade (on Aug 25, 2015) w/ no config changes I am aware of at least, is that during scheduling an event, I can’t see my calendar or anyone else’s calendar. The calendar pane shows fine, but not the scheduling aspect.
Any ideas or pointers would be appreciated.
This is a known issue and will be fixed as soon as possible ( or 4.0.3). Sorry for the inconvenience!
I upgraded to the latest version of the lightning plugin for MacOS, and the issue still exists. Calendar will still not sync with BeeHive (stbeehive provider).
I have exactly the same problem as reported by Jean-Michel, June 30, 2015.
It is a fresh installation of ubuntu 14.04.03. Did nothing special on it, except by accident changing permissions of /usr/local. Could it be that?
Tried several versions of Lightning compatible with Thunderbird 38.2.0…
As it is reported above that the problem may be one of file permissions I tried, without success
$ sudo thunderbird
(process:10685): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion ‘sys_page_size == 0’ failed
[calBackendLoader] Using libical backend at /media/Dados/ThunderbirdPortable/Data/profile/extensions/{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}/components/libical-manifest
Please help. I really need Lighting for everyday work.
Just out of curiosity, why are you running thunderbird with sudo? That aside, if you’ve changed permissions maybe you can try removing and re-installing Thunderbird. The second thing to check, if the partition your home directory is on is mounted with noexec. Do you get any other error console messages?
> Just out of curiosity, why are you running thunderbird with sudo?
Trying to give it the widest access to files.
> That aside, if you’ve changed permissions maybe you can try removing and re-installing Thunderbird.
Did it 3 times already, trying different versions.
> The second thing to check, if the partition your home directory is on is mounted with noexec.
No. Seems normal.
> Do you get any other error console messages?
A lot at exit. Is it important?
I think I’ll next reinstall a fresh ubuntu in another partition and try to install lightning in first place. Will report.
> > Do you get any other error console messages?
> A lot at exit. Is it important?
Ah I rather meant the in-product error console from the Tools Menu. The very first messages after startup are most interesting.
Solved it.
It was indeed a problem of exec permission on the partition containing the profile, which is not the same as my home.
I was unaware that extensions are kept in the profile.
Thanks a lot.
I access my main Google calendar, about 8 shared Google calendars (all set to Read Only as these are co-worker calendars), 1 MS Exchange calendar and Exchange tasks (both through the Exchange EWS Provider add-on).
Every X minutes (haven’t figured out the timing yet) all of my events disappear from my calendar and then reappear. It seems like it’s a re-sync event … but it seems odd that it removes everything only to put them all back. This “flickering” is annoying and seems to slow everything down.
I’m not using the Calendar tweak add-on. I’m running TB 38.2.0 and Lightning 4.0.2.
Any help and/or an explanation would be appreciated.
The flickering is truely annoying, I second that. It is a long standing bug due to the way the views were written almost 15 years ago. I’ve tried to do quick fixes on this, but it wasn’t easily possible without ugly hacks. I’d like to rewrite the views code to fix this, but obviously this isn’t simple.
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=466742 tracks the issue.
Dear Madam, dear Sir,
Two things make me mad and make me loose a lot of time each time I create a new event in Lightning Thunderbird calendar.
– how to set all new event as “All day event” by default ? (Activate the check box All day event by default, above the dates and hours of the event)
– how to set the “Reminder” choice list/field to” No reminder” by default instead of “Default reminder” by default ???
Many thanks, it would really be the best news of the summer for me if you could tell me how to change that.
Thank you for your great work, best regards
Unfortunately there is no way to make “all day” the default at the moment. Regarding the “Default Reminder”, this is a setting for the Provider for Google Calendar. If you’ve set your Google Calendar to have no default reminders in the web settings, then even though “default reminder” is selected, no reminders will be added.
Thank you for your quick answer.
Very sad for the no way to make “all day” the default… I think the developpers should really think to creat this option.
Thank you for the reminder advice, will try :-) … at leat you solved 50% of my big problems !
Thunderbird 38.2.0, Lightning, Windows 10 64 bit.
After update – lightning won’t start. Continiously get “Lightning will be installed after you restart Thunderbird” but restarting does not help. So currently, I have no calendar :-(
Looked at possible solutions and the error console. Tried deleting the directory in the staging area. Then re-installed Lightning (twice) but that did not take care of the problem.
Not sure what else to do. Any help is appreciated!
Here’s some from the error console:
Timestamp: 9/18/2015 9:20:21 AM
Error: 1442582421171 addons.xpi ERROR Failure moving C:\Users\Dan\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\mc2dm7f4.default\extensions\{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103} to C:\Users\Dan\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\mc2dm7f4.default\extensions\trash
Source File: resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm
Line: 749
Timestamp: 9/18/2015 9:20:21 AM
Error: 1442582421176 addons.xpi ERROR Failed to process extension changes at startup: [Exception… “Component returned failure code: 0x80520008 (NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) [nsIFile.create]” nsresult: “0x80520008 (NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS)” location: “JS frame :: resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm :: SIO_rollback :: line 474” data: no] Stack trace: SIO_rollback()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:474 < SIO_move()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:414 < DirInstallLocation_uninstallAddon()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:7507 < addMetadata()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:3188 < XPI_processFileChanges()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:3452 < XPI_checkForChanges()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:3613 < XPI_startup()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:2097 < callProvider()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:208 < _startProvider()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:669 < AMI_startup()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:840 < AMP_startup()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:2471 < AMC_observe()@resource://gre/components/addonManager.js:55 <
Source File: resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm
Line: 749
Timestamp: 9/18/2015 9:20:21 AM
Error: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIXPCComponents_Utils.import]
Source File: resource://gdata-provider/modules/shim/Loader.jsm
Line: 5
Timestamp: 9/18/2015 9:20:23 AM
Error: Please do not load stuff in the multimessage browser directly, use the SummaryFrameManager instead.
Source File: resource://gre/modules/summaryFrameManager.js
Line: 84
Hi there !
I am using TB 38.2.0 with Lightning to sync with my Google calendar.
Lightning shows all events from given calendar but for some reasons it is ticked as “read only”. It remains so in spite of unticking the box. Calendar is marked with small yellow exclamation mark and says that is temporarily anavailable.
It is not possible to add/edit an event – an error code “MODIFICATION_FAILED” is being displayed.
Interesting thing is that the same calendar is fully accesible from my mobile phone.
Can you shed some light how to overcome this issue?
Best regards
Lightning 4.0.2 disappeared in the last couple of days from my TB 38.2.0. Updated TB in August and calendar function was working. Today reinstalled Lightning from the Add-Ons Manager but stuck in a “Restart Now” to install loop …. I restart TB and no Lightning, Add-Ons Manager says “Restart Now” to install ….
Not terrible tech savvy so … this is probably more an FYI for as not sure I’ll figure out how to fix it or look for the error codes.
When I upgraded to TB 38.2 on my Mac, the calendar tab disappeared and the calendar option in drop-down menue is now greyed out. I tried all the tricks suggested on various forums: 1) upgraded Lightning to, 2) made sure Google Provider was up to date (1.0.4), 3) disabled Lightning and Provider, closed, relaunched, enabled Lightning and Provider, closed, relaunched, and 4) same as 3 but left Provider disabled. BUT still no calendar!
Please advise.
Hi, I am on TB 38.2.0 and Lightning I have noticed that when adding event, if I want to set a custom reminder (I generally need 15 days) all options are greyed out and un-clickable, and even if pressing on “Add” nothing happens. Is this a known bug? Can you help please?
Many thanks. never loads after restart. Just keeps giving me the option to restart.
Thunderbird auto-updated to 38.3.0 and immediately broke. I could not open any folders (e.g., Inbox). Just the top level account page showed (with selections for “Read Messages” and “Write a new message”, neither worked). I restarted Thunderbird in –safe-mode: okay. I disabled my 4 addons and reenabled them one by one. Problem addon is Lightning 4.0.3. (When Lightning is enabled I can’t even bring up the Add-ons Manager tab).
Hi, I am running 32 bit linux in a crouton chroot on a 64bit chromebook. It ran perfectly when it was 64bit on 64bit. I was wondering if there are separate 32bit and 64bit versions on Lightning?
I love the new TB/Lightning combo. An interesting bug/problem however. I am using TB 38.3.0 and Lightning 4.03.1 and Davmail 4.6.2 in order to access Exchange 2013. Works great except for recurring events. The old recurring events have disappeared from Lightning but continue to appear in Outlook 2013 (and on my BB10 phone). One-of (non-recurring) tasks in the past are still present. This characteristic shows up in both Linux and Windows 7 OS environments. Ideas?
I love the new TB and Lightning. But I have encountered a bug/issue that is puzzling. Currently I use TB 38.3.0, Lightning and Davmail 4.6.2 to access Exchange 2013. Recurring events in the past disappear from Lightning even though they are present in Outlook 2013 and on my phone (BB 10.3). Future recurring events are visible as well as one-of events in the past. Ideas?
TB38.3 with Lightning4.0.3.1: all my calendar are GONE since the upgrade. I have this problem on both Mac OS X and Linux with the such version of TB and Lightning.
I started TB in console and found some strange error message during the start of Lighting:
[calBackendLoader] Using libical backend at /home/maolin/.thunderbird/285t26me.default/extensions/{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}/components/libical-manifest
Error: Couldn’t find Asia/Chongqing
Error: Couldn’t find Asia/Chongqing
Error: Couldn’t find Asia/Chongqing
Error: Couldn’t find Asia/Chongqing
Error: Couldn’t find Asia/Chongqing
Error: Couldn’t find Asia/Chongqing
Error: Couldn’t find Asia/Chongqing
Error: Couldn’t find GMT +0200 (Standard) / GMT +0300 (Daylight)
Error: Couldn’t find GMT +0200 (Standard) / GMT +0300 (Daylight)
Error: Couldn’t find GMT +0200 (Standard) / GMT +0300 (Daylight)
Error: Couldn’t find GMT +0200 (Standard) / GMT +0300 (Daylight)
Error: Couldn’t find GMT +0200 (Standard) / GMT +0300 (Daylight)
I guess those errors causes the Lightning start up failure which causes the empty of the calendar.
Could you hlep to give any hint for fixing this problem. I am in trouble because of this problem now.
I recently convinced my boss to switch from outlook to thunderbird with lightning, sogo connector and synchronized online contacts and calendar (yay!). Things are mostly fine but it’s impossible to print individual events with all their details (the boss puts the meeting’s agenda in the event description and prints it out), see bug 581817 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=581817).
Is there any possibility this will get fixed? Stuff like that seems inconsequential but makes daily office life more complicated than it should be (as in: the boss is not happy)..
Hello, late to the show. No time to work on it. My Centos Thunderbird is at 38.4 and my lightning broke sometime with upgrade-was using for tasks. Switching to tasks kills the video somehow and I have to restart vncserver. Msg at TB startup is “binary component required not loaded. Running Lightning and I should be using 4.0 series.” OK. uninstalled, installed Uninstalled this, reinstalled – seems OK now except for flicker.
Would REALLY like to get my task list back. Is there any way I can do this? Backup of course is rsync of bad stuff….. plus other probs :-(
Thanks! John
invite attendees is not working with Lightning 4.0. Attendees are in the list but Lightning does not send mail for them? In version 3.3.3 this worked without problem. Any help for this?
I love the integration of Lighting with TB. There is something I am missing, though. It would be nice to have the functionality of autodetecting the time and date from the email’s text in order to create an event. Is there any plan to include it at some point? Where should I ask for it?
Hi, there is actually already a feature like this. Have you tried converting the email to an event?
is there a german localization ? Checking the Moz Calendar FAQ, there is a different directory structure explained as I see today in my TB. And I can’t find any localization. Where did it go ? And if there is none, may I help to provide one and how ?
Thanks for this nice plugin.
All the best … Michael
As long as you have the German version of Thunderbird installed you should be getting a German Lightning. If that doesn’t work try installing the version of Lightning from addons.mozilla.org and also checking the general.useragent.locale setting in the advanced config editor.
Calendar doesn’t show recurring events when filtering all future events.
When selecting all future events, recurring events are not showing.
Windows 7, Tbird 45.3. Lightning new events don’t recognize what today’s date is and default to the date Thunderbird was last restarted. As a result, I’ve created lots of events that ‘disappear’ in history because Tbird had not been restarted for a while. Restarting Tbird resets the date in Lightning to ‘now’.