The project website at has been a little bit neglected for some time. For example we never had a section for Lightning, the Calendar extension was still advertised as our flagship product and there was also some outdated content there.
As of the last weekend this has changed. Here’s a list of the changes made:
- All the shared content (about page, call for help, bug triaging guide, developers guide) has been consolidated into one section
- All our three products (Sunbird, Lightning, Calendar extension) have their own section now with information about the project, download locations, build guides, etc.)
- Outdated content has either been redirected (developer guide) or removed (calendar extension roadmap requirements document, calendar extension translations overview)
- The status of the Calendar extension has been clarified
It would be great, if you guys could test the new project site for broken links, further outdated content, etc. and/or give feedback about the reorganization and the website content in general.
Simon – Calendar Project webmaster
Great! :)
I hope I can post here my suggestions about sunbird:
– What I’d like to see in sunrbird is drag&drop for events so that one can move them around without having to change any number.
– Another thing that would be nice is a minimize to tray option (there is an extension for firefox and thunderbird, but it doesn’t work on sunbird) in order to keep sunbird alway opened but still small.
Anyway this is promising to become a wonderful software. if you need any testing or suggestions, feel free to contact me.
bye and thanks
Re: emanuele
The MinimizeToTray extension will do what you want. I’m using version with Sunbird.
in the sunbird vs calendar vs lightning section.
Please, could you add the explicit information about Seamonkey support? I have not found anything on the new site, although it looks like calendar functions not being supported any more in Seamonkey (as it requires Calendar extension).
The Lightening nightly builds link on your weblog takes me to a blank page with no builds at all on it (hence blank). Just thought I’d let you know in case you didn’t.
The lighting 0.1 Download link for windows fails on the new web page.
The new website is fine: clear, easy to navigate and informative. I haven’t found any broken links or outdated content.
BTW, I’ve been using Sunbird now for months as my main calendar for both work (XP) and home (FC4), accessing the ics file from an ftp server at work (I know I shouldn’t be relying on it as it’s still alpha but, hey, life’s a gamble). Known bugs excepted, it’s been behaving perfectly. Keep up the good work!
Some improvement I would like to suggest in Lightning. I open Thunderbird all the time and once the PC had switched to the next day, the Lightning calendar still keep on the previous day. If it can change automatically, it will be great.
buo, Belathor, Phil
I fixed the errors you mentioned.
Seamonkey user,
the Calendar extension download page now contains explicit information about Seamonkey support (or lack thereof).
I am tryinng Lightning with TB (updated too and I am trying the remote calendar function by creating a new calendar found on (F1 or ATP …) and nothing appears in the calendar.
I have been using the 0.1 Lightning and the build of the 20/04/2006.
BTW when I am clicking on the ical calendar of the icalshare website, Firefox tells me that webcal is not a recognized protocol so I am creating manually the calendar in TB/Lightning by copy baste of the url webcal://…
So if soemone could help me
@The Fox
The better place for this support question is the official support forum at
Thanks ssitter but I found the issue. I am replacing webdav by http and it is working
Why doesn’t sunbird support importing of vCalendar invites?
The main feature I miss from Sunbird is the coloring of the background of the events as MS Outlook and Lotus Organizer can do. At the moment it is only possible to color the border of the events, but they are thin and not well visible. Do you have plans to implement this feature?
Keep up with the good work. If you continue like this your calendar software will soon become n.1!
You can assign a custom color for each of your calendars. This color is used as a background color for events. To do this go to the Calendars tab in the side panel and double click the calendar or select ‘Edit calendar’ from the context menu.
Hi Simon,
The lightning doesn’t tell where I can find the 0.3 alpha1 build. The only builds it shows me is the FF, Bon Echo builds of 0.1. Even the trunk build is not functioning.
for looking at the offending blank page. Hope u get some content there even if it’s couple of days old. Something should’ve been there like for Bon Echo.