Thanks to everyone that helped out with the test writing day! Many
thanks to our moderators jminta, lilmatt, and dmose. Thanks to marcia for
the prizes, and to lisaH for our publicity. Special thanks to QA lead ctalbert
for all of the organizational work behind this day.
And most of all, a huge thank you to all the people that came through
the #calendar-qa channel and helped out. We never could have done it
without you.
And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for….we have 91 new
testcases for the calendar project! Tbodner takes first place with 23
test cases. xFallenAngel takes second right behind him with 19.
We would also like to thank all our other top testers: LonelyBob,
Excessory, Darkhack, Celina63, Sishgupta, TorusTurtle, Pcpgomes, Ehwaz,
and Taliesin.
All results and full stats will be available at the wiki page
Thanks again to everyone involved for making this event an incredible
success. I hope to see you all back for our upcoming Calendar Community
Test Day on the 22nd. Watch this blog for more details about that.
Awesome! Many thanks to all people that participated.
Hope to help on the 22nd. Congratulations to everyone involved.