Yes, you read the title correctly. The Provider for Google Calendar extension has landed! Additionally, our nightly builds are back to normal! So we can now resume testing the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH Sunbird builds. For 0.5, we will be releasing from the same branch codebase that is used for Firefox and Thunderbird 2.0, and we want to be sure that there are no unexpected surprises in those Sunbird builds.
This is going to be a fast release, and the date that we release 0.5 will depend on how fast Calendar-QA can churn through our testing. To keep us organized with the upcoming test days and the release schedule, we have created the first project calendar for Sunbird/Lightning..
The March 6 Test Day marks the beginning of an exciting drive to release. Even more cool features will be landing in the next few days. We will need everyone’s help to ensure that these features land intact, and that they work the way we all want them to. If you’ve got a day or an hour free, stop by the test day, stop by #calendar-qa. Come help us make the most exciting release for Sunbird and Lightning into something truly spectacular. We’ll see you on Tuesday, March 6 at the Test Day.
Happy Testing!
Tags: testday
great news! where can we find the gcal extension?
Hi folks,
We are going to perform some preliminary QA on the Google Calendar Extension prior to posting a link for it.
If our testing goes well (and I think it will), the Extension will be available during the test day, so please drop by the test day if you want to try it out.
This functionality is also going to be integrated into Lightning (and not just Sunbird), I hope?
This is very exciting news – well done and thank you to everyone! Looking forward to test day…
Rod: It will be available for both.
So Gcal will be provided as an extension? Great news.
Hope i can join during the test day!
If i can help on other days, just let me know. That fits me better…
Koenh: If the test day doesn’t fall on a good day for you, you’re always welcome to jump on at #calendar-qa or We are doing testing and test development all the time, and your help is always appreciated.
And, as we get closer to releasing 0.5, we will be even busier. Any time you have to contribute will be helpful.
I hope to see you soon.
Best birthday present everrr!
great news! google cal integrations is the one thing I’ve been waiting for!
I guess this first step of google cal support might be basic, but will it offer offline support? So that it is possible to view my google calendar, even if I’m not online?
Wonderful. I think this is an addition a *lot* of people waited for! Now if only the remote calendar could reload itself every x period in Lightning, it would be the best calendar extension around.
Thanks developers for all your work!
The autoreload functionality will be available with next release.
There is the google-support? Is it in the trunk or in the branch. The 0.5pre-build 20070305 doesn�t contain the button that was mentioned in bug355117.
The google provider isn’t built into any builds, it’s an extension to lightning/sunbird. If you look at the test day page (linked in the article) there is a link there to the extension and details on using/installing it.