As Simon noted, our esteemed Estonian localizer, Merike Sell, is working on automating testing for the Calendar Project. Specifically, she is writing Mozmill tests for Lightning.
Mozmill is a new UI automation tool for the Mozilla Platform. Mozmill can run either as an extension or as a command-line tool. So, once Merike finishes her tests, we will begin running these via command line, and having them automatically report their results either to the Calendar Tinderbox or some place else (It’s up to the team).
The first step is to automate the basic smoke tests that we would normally run on a lightning build to be sure that everything is functioning properly. After that, she will move on to writing tests for more complicated scenarios such as recurring events, meeting appointments, and timezones so that we can be certain those critical areas are free from regressions.
We hope that Merike’s valiant attempts to tame the uncharted jungle of calendar test automation will help others to follow in her path. Her tests are stellar examples of Mozmill tests, and they create a perfect starting point for anyone who would like to learn how to write these types of tests. We are looking forward to a great summer of automation.
Umm, from a simple old man who couldn’t write code to save himself.
Thanks to all the great people in Mozilla Land like Merike for all your hard work, I have no idea what this post was about technically, but if it means Thunderbird 3 and Lightning 1 are close than all the hard work is very much appreciated.
Col Richardson (Australia)
Sunbird nightlies 07-25 & 07-26 broken, “new event”, “find events” and some more greyed and not working, 07-24 works fine. OS: WinXP
Is the “Monthly” calendar able to print withOUT removing information (that may not have fit in the field). Yahoo uses a shrink and wrap technique (where everything shows)while google and MS Outlook, if the field is too large, it cuts off what ever does not fit.
SO if you print a calendar, you need all of your information.
I am a Iranian and use Persian calendar (jalaly calendar).
I like support Thunderbird 3 and calendar from jalaly calendar.
next calendar support jalaly calendar ?
please excuse me for bad English